von BK-Christian | 14.05.2024 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Micro Art: Kids of Larp and Magic High Kickstarter

Micro Art Studios sind mit einem neuen Kicksarter aktiv.

Kids Of Larp And Magic High Quality Hand Sculpted Miniatures 1

Kids of Larp and Magic High Quality hand sculpted Miniatures

A brand new collection of High Quality miniatures, available in physical formats. Each figure comes in two designs: 150mm and 32mm


Welcome to the Micro Art Studio’s collectible figures Kickstarter campaign. After a long and hard work we are happy to present „Kids of Larp and Magic” to you, our first line of collectible figures. The figures in this project are brand new designs of 150mm hand sculpted models, available as resin casts.

This project is for physical models only. Only physical delivery!


Some of us are parents and every day observe the untamed and wild creativeness of our kids. What wonderful fantastic play can be created with a spoon, a bathrobe and an old shoebox! In their world there are no useless items, and casting spells, slaying monsters and magical artefacts made of everyday objects are as real as a bag of chips is a true reward for bravery!

Watching them play and amazed by their rampant imagination we wanted to encapsulate it for you to enjoy in our first line of collectible figures in 150mm scale.

They are all sculpted by hand by our favourite sculptor Piotr Kupper (@CoraxArtifex).

One of our models – the Druid Girl – earned Silver Medal at Kontrast Festival 2023 in Warsaw!

Kids Of Larp And Magic High Quality Hand Sculpted Miniatures 2

There are plans to release a total of 12 models in the Kids of Larp and Magic line.

Today we invite you to our first Kickstarter for this line, with the first 3 models.

You might be wondering: Why offer only 3 models from the whole series of 12? The answer is that we want to offer you a fast delivery, and based on our experience we didn’t want to create a massive campaign where a few models are ready and the rest are just sketches awaiting being sculpted. We know such campaign would require 4 to 6 months to complete! We value your time and we want you to have your own plushie-dragon slayers and soup-ladle wizards on your shelf as soon as possible!

We prepared this campaign with the goal of receiving the models just as it finishes. We limited it to the initial 3 models so that we can produce and send them to you just as we close the pledge manager.

During the campaign we would like to offer you the same characters in 32mm scale if you are keen.

As hand sculpted models cannot be just scaled down, we 3d-scanned them and used digital means to have them resculpted to better fit the smaller size – but the models will only be available as physical objects and NOT as STLs.

Once the Kickstarter ends there will be just the basic Pledge Manager available for a short time, then they will be cast and sent to you!


The three figures are 150 mm scale and they are multi part kits casted in high detailed resin. All the figures require to be assembled and painted.

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Provided our little campaign is successfull, our next step (after sending you the models!) in another campaign with 3 models only. We have chosen to feature the Wizard, Rogue and Ranger next.

You can see the sketches of them here:

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Strech goals

Kids Of Larp And Magic High Quality Hand Sculpted Miniatures 10 Kids Of Larp And Magic High Quality Hand Sculpted Miniatures 11 Kids Of Larp And Magic High Quality Hand Sculpted Miniatures 12

Why Kickstarter

We need funds to keep the project going – to pay the artist to sculpt 9 more characters for the Kids of Larp and Magic line, which will be available as a separate KS campaign later.


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Die Kampagne läuft noch 17 Tage.

Quelle: Kids of Larp and Magic High Quality hand sculpted Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Es gibt irgendwie echt alles. Mein erster Gedanke war, dass das niemand braucht. Dann freue ich mich aber, dass ein Designer einfach seine Ideen verwirklichen kann und die Hobbyisten selbst bestimmen, ob sie es wollen oder nicht. Im Grunde sehr demokratisch und damit toll.

  • Die Konzeptzeichnungen für das was kommt finde ich interessanter als die Figuren die jetzt im KS sind

    Aber ansicht bin ich bei Kuras, jedem das was ihm gefällt

  • Der Kickstarter wurde übrigens abgebrochen und soll neu gestartet werden…

    Ich find die Idee super und die Sculpts sehr schön, bei mir scheitert es lediglich an der Größe des pile of shame.

Die Kommentarfunktion ist geschlossen.