von BK-Rafael | 25.11.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Fantasy

Metal King Studio: Sylvie de la Oubliette

Sean Sutter von Metal King Studio, der Macher von Relicblade, hat ein digitales Modell seines RPG Charakters veröffentlicht: Sylvie de la Oubliette.

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Sylvie de la Oubliette – Digital Model Kit- $7.99


Sylvie is one of my Dungeons and Dragons characters. She is a Tiefling Fathomless Warlock for 5e. Since I can sculpt my own minis, I sculpted my own mini. I made her available here for folks who are interested in owning a copy of this fun figurine.

Sylvie is not part of the Relicblade universe. Though I am sure you could field her as a Clan Seer, using the eel as the eyes, or as a Wild Elf Witch.

This Digital Model Kit Includes

  • 28mm Sylvie de la Oubliette
  • 28mm Eel
  • 28mm Eel with 3mm hole for a stand
  • 25mm “Deck” round base topper
  • All parts are supplied in STL format both Supported and Unsupported


„I got to play Dungeons and Dragons last night. In preparation I sculpted my character. Sylvie de la Oubliette is a Tiefling Fathomless Warlock. She was a party girl who attracted the attention of a being from the depths. She deigned to accept the ocean god as her submissive. But soon her parties soured and she found herself drawn to the sea. You can get the STL here if you want.“


Quelle: Metal King Studio Shop, MKS on Facebook


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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