von BK-Bob | 24.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Patreon

Medbury Miniatures: Oktober Patreon

Diesen Monat gibt es bei Medbury Miniatures unter anderem Elfen.

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October Historical Release!

hey everyone, that time of the month again for the next previews! theres a flurry of posts coming in the next few days to do with the october Releases, an update on the 10mm WW2, and MOAB and Hard plastics? this weekend, but for now im just concerned with the Historical models for October, these models as per usual will be available to download after a few days into the month, the metal figures are ready to go awaiting photography!

so the last 4 months covered the early 100YW period in mainland europe, english and the french for crecy and poitiers, (and there is still more to come on those!) but at the same time that was happening, the scottish led by King David II son of robert the bruce, took the oppertunity to attempt to invade england, this did not go well, one of the notable battles was Neville’s Cross, a big scottish defeat, and one we will be covering both english and scottish for*

so to begin this month we have some more foot knights, this time with 2 handed swords, these knights work for all of the nations in this period, they are an extension of the existing Footknight/mounted knight kits, done in the same armour style, as is standard there are 2 with basinets 2 with great helmets

the next kit is Scottish Pikemen, these models are dipicted in a broad range of gear, while ive done with them with pikemen in mind, you could easily swap these into spears or halberds to use in another force, these pikes are all horizontal, next month we will do pikes at a angle to serve as the 3rd rank

the 3rd and final kit for this month, is Scottish infantry with axe and shield, this might sound very specific and odd, but the intent is you put these models at the front of your shiltron, these guys are all done in crouching poses to duck under the pikes,

Next month the intention is to do more scottish troops, and then King david II and william douglas, who is also related to james douglas, another figure we did a few years back

* its also worth noting edward III who we have already covered also had some run ins with the scottish prior to the 100YW Really kicking off, but what i was reffering to here was doing the specific english figures for the battle

ill be back tomorrow with the Fantasy Release post!

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October Fantasy Release!

and now heres the preveiw post for this months fantasy models!

This month we start a new collection of elves, the idea is each months worth of figures will be there own theme or regiments worth, for this first month we went with unarmoured elves, these are all more casual poses more inline for RPG settings or Scenarios, but still naturally usable in wargaming for variety in your poses

the first kit are 4 NPC figures, these elves are all unarmoured and modestly dressed, 2 are carrying lamps which is an oppertunity to paint some OSL, they will look great to flesh out display board or fill a scene or be used as a character model,

the next 3 kits are unarmoured elven warriors, 1 command set and 2 warrior packs 1 set with spears, another with bows. these models are all fairly uniquely dressed but done in the same coheisive style, (side note there are multiple sets of spears included in the packs, some specific elvish ones, for the renders we forgot and used the standard ones) the banner bearers Flag like usual is seperate from the bearer, and is in here both as a seperate componant for a wire spear, or a fully printed flag,

for next months elves, i was planning to do Woodelf rangers with spears to compliment the rangers with bows we have done already last year, but if there is interest it would also be good to do these style of elves once more in combative poses

as per usual these figures will be available to download around the 5th of this month! and ill be back tomorrow with a post for MOAB coming up this weekend with some previews of some of the new kits were bringing there

Quelle: Medbury Miniatures bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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