von BK-Bob | 15.11.2024 | eingestellt unter: Patreon

Medbury Miniatures: November Patreon

Bei Medbury Miniatures bekommen Schotten und Elfen weitere Miniaturen diesen Monat.

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November Releases Pt 1

hey guys, heres the First preview for the November Release! primarily looking at the Historicals in this post, this is the 2nd month of the scottish release for HYW period, these models are intended to compliment the prior months release, with more infantry and some characters to lead them! These kits will be available in metal when were back from our Reorganising Break around mid november

so first 2 kits to talk about are the figures we have labeled, King David II and John Randolph III. before i go to much further its worth mentioning, there is little no infomation about what these guys looked like, with other characters, we get lucky with tombes, effigies, statues, contempory art, or even some bits of kit surviving to base the figures on, but with these 2 that was not the case, so even though we have labeled them with names, it is equally valid to just treat these guys as standard command type figures in both a english or french army,

so starting with King David II, a quick history of king david II is he’s the is the son of robert the bruce from the first war of scottish independence, who died when david was 5, not long after he fled to scotland to france because of Edward the III stirring up trouble in scotland, when he was 17 he returned to scotland (year was 1341) and 5 years later with Edward III now fighting in france, at the request of King Phillip david Invaded england, the campaign lasted only a few months before they were thoroughly defeated at Nevilles cross, and david was captured, and thats the battle we chose to make up the scottish army from! One of the other scottish commanders was John Randolph who had been fighting the english for a good while by this point, unfortunately was killed at nevilles cross,

Both these command Figures are single piece figures with separate Shields, unlike the prior characters there is no specific horse for these 2, instead what you see pictured are 2 of 4 new horses for you to pick from, and of course these horses will be good extra variety for the mounted Knights

Next up are the 2nd kit of Scottish pikemen, these guys pikes are slightly raised compared to last months and are intended to be the rank behind, once again they are all in unique kit, some well armoured and some poorly equipped, as is standard they are provided with empty hands for wire spears or printed pikes,

And lastly are some unarmoured Archers, a bit like the command figures, we have them here labelled as scotts but thats really more out of the month they were sculpted in, nothing to say these couldn’t be used in other forces or periods, these are intended to be the small contingent of Scottish bowmen at Nevilles cross (who were quite outgunned by the english longbowmen) that Skirmishes in front of the Schiltrons at the start of the battle

The main missing component from the French, English and Scots, is light/medium Cavalry! These are likely coming in the January Release provided the plastic horses have arrived, the December Historicals are going to be the guns from Crecy brought by the english!

The full Fantasy Preview will be out next!

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November Fantasy Release

I’ve got the preview ready for the November fantasy release! The 2nd month in the series of elves were doing at the moment, this month is a set of wood elf spearmen! About a year ago, in fact it may have been 2023 november, we did a set of woodelf Rangers, and ever since then people have asked for those designs but with spears. So here they are!

So this month there are 3 kits, 1 command kit with a Leader, Standard bearer and Musician, the next 2 kits are sets of 6 warriors with spears, 1 with arms fit for shields, and 1 with the spears in 2 hands,

all of the models with spears unlike usual, have sculpted on spears attached to the model, these spear shafts arent straight and wont slide into the hands, however there is a duplicate of each model with the standard empty hand so you can use plane spears, or the 1mm Wire spears like our usual models,

next month is the december release! the last set of models for 2024, i have a few ideas bouncing around we could do, but open to some specific suggestions for the month of christmas, reindeer cavalry could be a fun one

as per usual the models will be ready to download in a few days on the 5th of november!

Quelle: Medbury Miniatures bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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