von BK-Bob | 12.07.2024 | eingestellt unter: Patreon

Medbury Miniatures: Juli Patreon

Diesen Monat gibt es Kamelreiter und Engländer bei Medbury Miniatures.

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July Historical Release!

Hey guys, ive got the first Preview for the July Releases ready, this one is the Historicals preview. This is the 2nd Month of content for the 100YW, this release combined with June’s models both Cover the English forces from Early 100YW

The first 4 Models to talk about this month are the 2 Characters, Edward the III, the current king of england, whom is depicted at Rest here likely watching his son “earn his spurs”, and his Son edward of Woodstock “the black Prince” is modelled here leading a charge, he is modelled with his iconic Helmet decorations, both of these figures come in Matching Foot and mounted with 2 Different Horses, they are single piece figures bar the Shield, and the riders are detached from there horses,

The next kit is another 14thC billmen, they models all have empty hands for the wire Spears, or printed Bills like usual, these models are designed to fit with the last set of billmen from june to create a cohesive unit of 8 all with Different kit, Naturally while ive labled them as English, they are certainly useful for other Factions from the same period, following Men at arms kits will start to include Spear and Pavise/shield, and other Equipment

The last kit for this month is 4 more archers, these archers are depicted with no armour bar the helmet, they are all Single piece models, being less armoured there arent really any visual identifiers that would have them out of place earlier in history aswell,

In the next 2 months, the August and September releases we will cover the French forces from the Early 100YW period in a similar manner, but with mounted Knights and Crossbows in place off foot and archers, from there we will go back and forth to add extra variety and equipment options to flesh out both sides and the Different Characters worth Making from the Different battles, , the June&July and August&September Releases also work as 2 Starter 3-Point Saga forces for age of chivalry with 2 Warlord options for both sides

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July Fantasy Release!

Hey guys, the Fantasy Models for this month are pretty much Ready to show off! These models will be available to download from the 5th Onwards as usual! This is the 4th month of the Southron Releases! All 4 kits are southrons this time

The first 2 Kits to preview are the first more Elite Troops, these Palace Guard are in a more Standardized Kit embossed with Serpent Motifs, and will be Easy to distinguish on the table because of there Cloaks, the cloaks were modelled to look like a Lighter Fabric which would be ideally painted maybe a deep Red/Purple Perhaps almost silk like, which will stand out next to the thicker heavy fabrics of the conscripts, there are 4 Models foot and mounted, Each with hollow hands for wire Spears or printed Spears,

The next 2 kits work as Mounts Dismounts but less Directly the Above 2, the 3rd Kit this month is the first set of Camel Riders, These 4 models are the same Southrons we have been doing Foot and mounted so far but on camels, the Mounted bodies are designed to sit onto the camels and dont work on the horses, the Riders can be Equipped with or without Shields, which leads us to the 4th kit, which is 4 more Spearman this time designed to take Shields in the left hand,

ill quickly note at the time the renders were taken only 2 camels were ready, there are now more poses and ill point those out next time they are used, you’ll see them in the downloads once the files are published on the 5th,

The August Fantasy release will cover more Camel Riders, I have done some Fantasy Camel Cataphracts! They will of course be cross compatible with the standard camels this month, additionally will start looking at some character/leader models,

Quelle: Medbury Miniatures bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Sehr schöne Minis.

    Ich habe größten Respekt was Andrew da alleine auf die Beine gestellt hat.

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