von BK-Rafael | 28.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Science-Fiction

Mantic: Hobby Adventskalender 2024

Mantic Games präsentieren zwei Hobby Adventskalender für 2024.

Mantic Advent 01

Advent Calendars for Gamers!

We’ve not had Halloween, we’ve not had Bonfire Night, and yet somehow it’s never too early to talk about…(Ed: *please don’t say it*)…that’s right…Christmas. But before you hit that back button – this time, it’s got a Mantic twist. So get comfy, and allow us to elaborate about our advent calendars for gamers!

2024 Hobby Advent Calendars

The holiday season is a great time for (1) games, and (2) advent calendars. So like the tabletop mad scientists that we are, last year we cooked them up together into something new…it’s aliiive! Ahem.

These were a monster hit and we had loads of great feedback from all you lovely people. So, we’re back at it again with a new and improved pair of calendars.

Perfect for you, or for the other gamers in your life – it’s time to share the festive fun!


Love Sci-Fi? This One’s For You!

Last year we had fantasy well covered, but let’s face it: the truth is that nothing says ‚happy holidays‘ quite like a heavily-armed turtle merc in space! Obviously.

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And you’ll be up against a fan favourite – the dirty rats of the Veer-Myn, trying to fight off waves of them and seal their tunnels. Can you hold them all off while your friends and allies from the colony escape? Let’s find out: it’s time to splat the rat!

There’s a couple of other cool new treats in this one as well – (1) a large and awesome sci-fi playmat (below), and (2) a single-player mode where the game rules control the Veer-Myn for you.

Now you can get some practise sessions in before your next ‚friendly‘ game…not that we get a bit competitive here at Mantic HQ. Oh no, not at all…

Otherwise expect the same great experience as last year’s Bar Room Brawl, now with a whole new game to discover – dice, tokens, plastic minis and scenery behind every door – all building towards a great galactic showdown on the final day.


Fantasy Fans: The Brawl Continues

Every great adventure starts in a tavern, so this year ‚the Brawl‘ is pack – with updated sculpts and cast in plastic.

Feast your eyes – or at least you could do if we wouldn’t be spoiling the surprise…tell you what, we’ll reveal a couple of them!

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It’s returned, and it’s better than ever. If you didn’t grab a copy last time, here’s your chance to have a brawl in a fantasy tavern, with a game board cunningly designed into the box lid…

Those of you who were lucky enough to get the original version last year will have the festive-themed collector’s resins (a little piece of gaming history). In this box of joy, you’ll be ferrying food from the bar back to your party – while dodging rowdy adventurers and the goblin bouncer! It’s a festive feast of fabulous fantasy family fun at your fingertips.

This is a great game at Christmas, but we’ve made the minis less season-specific this time (wave goodbye to the Santa hats, presents and candy canes), so now they’ll also make fantastic additions to your Kings of War hobby projects – or for playing RPG’s and other games – throughout the year!

You can pick up these special advent calendars for gamers by clicking on any of the images above – or you’ll find them at the bottom of this page. Can’t decide? Why not both!

We’ll even give you a extra-special price if you add both to your basket, perfect for you and a friend – AND we’ve just reduced our free shipping thresholds for the next few weeks. Win-win.

Get your order in nice and early, and we’ll ensure we have it with you by the 1st December so the fun can begin. Enjoy!


Mantic Advent 08

Deep Space Pest Control Sci-Fi Advent Calendar – £30.00 (€35.00)

The Deep Space Pest Control sci-fi advent calendar is the game of thrilling sci-fi heroics for 1-2 players, complete with miniatures and scenery!

Evacuate an outpost infested with space rats by sealing their tunnels and holding them back while the colonists escape…

As a holiday gift sci-fi advent calendar, you’ll get part of the game every day until Christmas – ready to play either solo, or against a friend!

Have fun painting the pre-assembled plastic miniatures and scenery, or use them straight out of the box. The choice is yours!

Mantic Advent 09

The BarRoom Brawl fantasy Advent Calendar £30.00 (€35.00)

The BarRoom Brawl fantasy advent calendar is the game of fantasy tavern mayhem for 3-4 players, complete with miniatures and scenery!

Get festive food and drinks back to your party’s table, compete with other rowdy adventurers, and watch out for the goblin bouncer…

As a holiday gift fantasy advent calendar, you’ll get part of the game every day until Christmas – ready to play with your family.

Have fun painting the pre-assembled plastic miniatures and scenery, or use them straight out of the box. The choice is yours!

Buy Both Calendars and save!

When both advent calendars are added to your cart, each is reduced to just £25!


Quelle: Mantic Games


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: SW Shatterpoint, SW Legion, SW Imperial Assault, Warhammer Underworlds, Aristeia, OPR und Bloodfields.

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  • BarRoom Brawl hatte ich letztes Jahr als Adventskalender, wirklich eine gelungene Sache 😊 Das wird dieses Jahr in der Weihnachtszeit bestimmt mal wieder auf den Tisch kommen!

    Der SciFi Kalender spricht mich mit Schildkröte gegen Space Ratten leider nicht so an.

  • Wann kommt mal jemand auf die Idee zwei TT-Kalender zu machen – einen für Sci-Fi und einen für Fantasy – und da hinein kommen dann kleine Geländestücke, Deko, Streumaterial, ab und an mal eine Figur…
    Diese beiden sind leider viel zu speziell. Ich warte schon seit Jahren auf sowas (hab mir auch schon selbst einen mit Freebooters Fate Figuren gestaltet, aber da fehlt dann halt die Überraschung!)!

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