von BK-Jonah | 08.11.2024 | eingestellt unter: Malifaux

Malifaux: Neue Preview

Wyrd Miniatures stellen den Boilermaker vor, einen neuen Golem für Malifaux.

Waldo’s Weekly – Boiling Over

Hey Wyrdos!

This week, Waldo decided to grace the office with a few pots of extra-caffeinated coffee to help get the pep back in his step after a major post-Halloween sugar crash. While our imp jitters around trying to chug down his twelfth cup, let’s take a look at a newly-released model who’s just as hot and metallic as Waldo’s pot of joe.

Wyrd Miniatures Malifaux Boilermaker Preview 2


The Boilermaker is a great alternative to a Golem in either Wildfire or Foundry. At 9 Health with Armor +1, the Boilermaker can take a beating and serve it back thanks to Chain-Wrapped Fists with the Shove Aside Trigger.

What really separates the Boilermaker is its passive threat. Opponents cannot leave the Boilermaker alone on the battlefield thanks to its Searing Heat Ability. Searing Heat causes enemy models to suffer +1 damage from the Burning Condition during the End Phase. This means that Burning damage ramps up very quickly, and the Aura 8 range means it’s very difficult to hide from.

For players who do not build their entire Crew around maximizing Burning output, there’s still a role for the Boilermaker. As it has many ways to give Burning to enemy models, it can be surprisingly self-sufficient. The Boilermaker can create Pyre Markers with the Path of Iron Ability, and give Burning with the Corrupted Chains Action, or the Ember and Feed the Flames Triggers.

Wyrd Miniatures Malifaux Boilermaker Preview 1

In Wildfire

In Wildfire the Boilermaker is a fast defensive piece that can keep up with Kaeris. Rise from the Ashes allows the Boilermaker to teleport between Pyre Markers. This both provides value for out of the way Pyre Markers and means that movement tricks like Deacon Hillcrest’s Translocation Ritual can be saved for other targets.

Boilermaker is also a fun tech piece in Wildfire as it changes the math on Burning removal. The Boilermaker does not rely on Burning for defense the way the Fire Golem does, which means he can weather Dispel Magic in a way the Golem cannot. Additionally, the ramp up on damage from Burning puts an opponent in a lose-lose position. If they spend AP to remove Burning, they’re forced to choose between keeping their models alive or weakening models like Elijah, Kaeris, or the Fire Golem.

In Foundry

In Foundry, the Boilermaker expands Crew building opportunities leaving the opponent guessing. As stated above, the extra damage from Searing Heat turns Actions that put out a small amount of Burning, like Mei Feng’s Breath of Fire, into serious threats. It also allows for interesting roles for Versatile models that play with Burning in Ten Thunders like the Obsidian Statue, Wanyudo or Dawn Serpent. Including these models in a Ten Thunders Foundry list provides the opportunity to build a Burning focused Crew in a Faction not known for Burning.

Beyond Burning play, the Boilermaker is an amazing all-arounder model. With Armor +1, a solid damage track, and the self-heal from Call to the Burning Man, it is a very difficult piece to remove, especially if it Drops a Pyre Marker or two around itself. This, plus his damage output means that a Foundry Crew can field many strong, mobile models to pummel an opponent into submission.

That’s all for this week, Wyrdos. You can pick up your very own Boilermaker from your FLGS or the Wyrd webstore right now! If you’ve already gotten your hands on one, show us how you’ve painted it in the comments. If you haven’t, let’s hear about how you plan to bring this clanking, fiery golem into your Malifaux games instead!
Tagged: Waldo’s Weekly, Arcanists, Ashes of Malifaux

Quelle: Wyrd Miniatures


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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