von BK-Bob | 09.09.2024 | eingestellt unter: Patreon

Last Sword Miniatures: Strigoi Court & Viking Huscarls

Ab diesen Monat erweitern Last Sword Miniatures ihr Angebot bei Patreon.

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September: Strigoi Court and Viking Huscarls

Greetings to everyone,

September is here, and it’s time to go back to school. For us, it’s going to be a very busy month as we are in the final stretch preparing for the Freak Wars this week. If any of you are visiting Madrid and want to meet us, you’ll find us there.

On another note, we’ve set up a new Patreon tier called „The Adventurer.“ While it starts modestly compared to the current „Bannerman“ tier, our goal is for both to eventually reach the same level as they become more sustainable. Of course, those of you who support it from the beginning will be able to maintain your subscriptions at the initial rate, even if prices go up, just like with our fantasy tier. We feel very fortunate that many of you have stayed with us since the first month. Thank you for that.

The Adventurer tier will start generating its own welcome pack from now on. We’ll add a new miniature for every 100 subscribers. Similarly, next year, it will have its own loyalty rewards.

The Hoarder (All In) includes both subscriptions, and upgrading to it will automatically maintain the loyalty you’ve earned with the Bannermen tier. This process is automatic, so your accumulated benefits and rewards will carry over seamlessly.

And now, let’s dive into the new releases, most of which you have already seen.

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First up, we have the Strigoi Court.

The highlight is the Strigoi Lord on Zombie Dragon. We believe it’s one of the best we’ve crafted so far, and we’re nearing a dozen of these creations. The concept behind the Strigoi is to depict elegantly dressed vampires, following the fashion of the High Kingdom, but with deformed bodies.

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You’ll also have his rider available on foot.

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Additionally, we have a Vampire dramatically transforming into a Winged Abomination, captured mid-transformation.

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To conclude our lineup of characters, we present a Fallen Maiden of the Lady, tragically transformed into a Banshee.

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One of the major gaps in our army has been the Corpse Carts. As we envision them, one of the primary functions of these contraptions is to sow the battlefield with „raw materials,“ making it easier for the necromancer to raise more undead. And that’s exactly what our model represents. While the necromancer chants his spells, his minions toss corpses onto the battlefield.

The model includes both artifacts—the bell and the censer—although you may only see one in the image.

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And finally, the second major highlight of the tier: the Ghoul Unit.

As always, creating these irregular units involves an enormous amount of work. The anatomies are crucial, but at the same time, they require an extensive collection of elements to achieve that chaotic, irregular look—something that’s not easy to accomplish. Do you think we’ve succeeded?

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But this isn’t the end… Now it’s time to focus on The Adventurer.

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A few months ago, you voted on the direction you wanted us to take with this new tier. One of the most popular options was this one…

This is just the beginning, and we hope to find the right path with your support and guidance.

For creating these Vikings, we didn’t follow the most standardized representations. Instead, we drew inspiration from the eastern regions, particularly the Rus area, and even incorporated Byzantine elements.

I can’t promise they’re 100% historically accurate, but as I like to say, they are 100% plausible. All the elements they carry were present in the right time and places, making it possible they could have used them.

We aimed for a more complex and interesting Viking figure in terms of painting than what is usually depicted in miniatures, but we tried not to include purely fantastical elements. It was a challenging selection of details, but we hope you like the result.

To begin, we’ve created a Young Prince. Personally, I’m a big fan of child miniatures, and I believe they’re underrepresented in miniature gaming. So, as a hallmark of our brand, the first Jarl simply had to be a child.

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To protect him, we’ve crafted a group of battle-hardened veterans, equipped with the finest armor a Viking could afford. We’ve created 8 Huscarl miniatures, armed with spears and Danish axes.

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Leading this formidable unit is our Hersir, distinguished by his striking Viking Undercut. The sides of his head are shaved, leaving a longer, carefully styled top that reflects both his status and the practicality needed for battle. This hairstyle was not just for intimidation—it was a symbol of leadership and readiness, allowing the Hersir to stand out on the battlefield while keeping his vision clear and his head cool under a helmet.

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And although they aren’t strictly Viking, we’ve been eager to include domestic animals in our collection—whether as scenery, difficult terrain markers, objectives, or whatever creative use you might have for them.

So, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to sculpt a small flock of sheep.

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And to complete the welcome pack for this tier, we’re introducing a small diorama called „The Lesson.“ It features a veteran teacher imparting wisdom to a young boy. In the scene, the teacher has already surpassed the young apprentice in skill, capturing a moment of instruction and learning.

Additionally, these miniatures will be able to seamlessly integrate into the shield wall we are preparing for next month.

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And that wraps up the most ambitious release from Last Sword to date. From the entire team, we hope you enjoy it, and we sincerely hope it receives the same incredible support you’ve given us so far.

Thank you all so much! 😊

Quelle: Last Sword Miniatures bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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