von BK-Pascal | 24.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Last Sword Miniatures: Knights and Peasants

Last Sword Miniatures haben im Oktober wieder ein STL-Paket für Patreons zusammengestellt.

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Knights on Winged Hippogriff
The highlight of the month is without a doubt the Knights on Winged Hippogriff. With three different models, these majestic winged creatures bring a spectacular element to any army. Additionally, these hippogriffs can also serve as a perfect option for characters mounted on Royal Pegasi, adding even more versatility to the unit.Archers
Archers are the backbone of any army, and this month we’ve designed 11 different models to break up the uniformity. The variety in poses and details ensures that your basic infantry unit looks dynamic and lively on the battlefield.

The Trebuchet is another significant addition. With a detailed design and accompanied by its five crew members, this siege engine is ready to smash through enemy defenses. It has been designed to fit any version of the game, giving it added value in your battles

.Duke Jaume, The Dragon Slayer
Inspired by the statue of Jaume the Conqueror in Valencia, Duke Jaume is a leader worthy of any army. His impressive dragon-adorned cloak and imposing presence make him the perfect hero to lead your troops into battle.

This month also features the Sergeant-at-Arms, a robust and authoritative figure. He’s the perfect character to lead your infantry units into battle, ensuring order and discipline are maintained in the chaos of combat.

Adventurer Tier: Vikings, Shieldwall, and Cows

In the Adventurer Tier, the spotlight is on the Vikings. This month, we present a selection of figures focused on skirmish tactics and defensive formations.

Viking Shieldwall
The Viking Shieldwall is designed to be used both in tight formations and as individual figures. The miniatures truly shine when placed together, creating a shield wall that’s difficult to breach. The design allows for both tactical gameplay and a visually striking presence on the battlefield.

Shieldwall Bondis Command Group
The command group for the Shieldwall features figures with varying heights, a detail that adds realism to the unit and creates a more natural, varied composition on the battlefield.

As part of the Viking setting, the cows not only add a thematic touch but also serve as objective markers, providing an additional tactical dimension to your games.Veteran Jarl
Leading the Shieldwall is the Veteran Jarl, a battle-hardened hero who brings leadership and a powerful presence to your troops. He’s the perfect figure to guide your Vikings into the fray.

Welcome Pack: Shieldbreaker

The October Welcome Pack includes Shieldbreaker, a fierce warrior designed to break through enemy lines. This exclusive miniatures is part of the Adventurer tier and is ideal for those joining for the first time and looking for a character full of personality.

Quelle: Last Sword Miniatures auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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  • Und wieder eine Reihe mit Pseudo-Bretonen.

    Die Bogenschützen finde ich richtig gut und das Trebuchet passt ins Warhammer Fantasy-Universum. Einzig die Pegasus-Reiter gefallen mir auf Grund der sehr kleinen Reittiere nicht.

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