von BK-Bob | 14.03.2024 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Kromlech: Imperial Planetary Outpost

Von Kromlech kommt ein Außenposten aus der fernen Zukunft.

Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Shrine Post 1 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Shrine Post 2 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Shrine Post 3 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Shrine Post 4 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Shrine Post 5 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Shrine Post 6 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Shrine Post 7 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Shrine Post 8 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Shrine Post 9 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Shrine Post 10

Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Shrine Post – 19,99€

This set contains one Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Shrine Post (optional antennas included).

In general, the forces of mankind are built collectively from the individuals who praise the faith above all. That’s why rising Shrine Posts among the other constructions within the Imperial Planetary Outposts is not only a common practice but a duty.

This product is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. Instructions are available as a digital PDF in the Attachments tab. Miniatures seen in the pictures are not part of this set and are available separately.

Approximate dimensions: Height: 11.8” / 30 cm, Width: 4.3” / 11 cm, Length: 9.8” / 25 cm

Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Tactica Post 1 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Tactica Post 2 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Tactica Post 3 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Tactica Post 4 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Tactica Post 5 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Tactica Post 6 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Tactica Post 7 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Tactica Post 8 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Tactica Post 9

Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Tactica Post – 19,99€

This set contains one Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Tactica Post (optional antennas included).

Tactica Posts are built to mark significant positions on the surfaces of the planets or even within the Imperial Planetary Outposts themselves. Most commonly, they serve as roadsigns for the vehicles providing supplies or as transmitting poles to reach the fleet patrolling the orbit of the planet.

This product is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. Instructions are available as a digital PDF in the Attachments tab. Miniatures seen in the pictures are not part of this set and are available separately.

Approximate dimensions: Height: 10.2” / 26 cm, Width: 4.7” / 12 cm, Length: 11” / 28 cm

Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Fence 1 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Fence 2 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Fence 3 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Fence 4 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Fence 5 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Fence 6 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Fence 7 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Fence 8 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Fence 9 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Fence 10

Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Fence – 39,99€

This set contains parts needed to assemble an Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Fence, including four 57×93 mm plates of Barbed Wire.

Barbed Wire Fence is an economic way of surrounding a claimed terrain. It’s usually the first step for the forces of the Imperium before they start to build more sophisticated constructions and defensive positions.

This product is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. Instructions are available as a digital PDF in the Attachments tab. Miniatures seen in the pictures are not part of this set and are available separately.

Approximate dimensions: Height: 3.1” / 8 cm, Length (total): 37.8” / 96 cm

Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Hedgehogs 1 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Hedgehogs 2 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Hedgehogs 3 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Hedgehogs 4 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Hedgehogs 5 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Hedgehogs 6 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Hedgehogs 7

Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Hedgehogs – 29,99€

This set contains ten Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Hedgehogs – three large and seven small. Two 57×93 mm plates of Barbed Wire included.

To protect significant locations, the soldiers of the Imperium may be instructed to place some Barbed Wire Hedgehogs in front of other fortifications (if any). Although in the grim dark future universe, those constructs don’t assure any real protection before 99% of possible threats, they – at least – grant the Guardsmen an illusion of safety.

This product is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. Instructions are available as a digital PDF in the Attachments tab. Miniatures seen in the pictures are not part of this set and are available separately.

Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Power Grid Tower 1 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Power Grid Tower 2 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Power Grid Tower 3 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Power Grid Tower 4 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Power Grid Tower 5 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Power Grid Tower 6 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Power Grid Tower 7 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Power Grid Tower 8 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Power Grid Tower 9 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Power Grid Tower 10 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Power Grid Tower 11 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Power Grid Tower 12

Imperial Planetary Outpost Power Grid Tower – 22,99€

This set contains one Imperial Planetary Outpost Power Grid Tower.

Power Grid Towers are raised to provide a sustainable energy flow between the outposts spread across the planet conquered in the name of the Emperor. Thanks to their imposing height, they are also good observation points, providing perfect sniper positions. In the end, when the outposts (or even whole planets) are abandoned, the only purpose of those Power Grid Towers left is to mark the borders of the galaxy reached by the forces of Imperium.

This product is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. Instructions are available as a digital PDF in the Attachments tab. Miniatures seen in the pictures are not part of this set and are available separately.

Approximate dimensions: Height: 15.7” / 40 cm, Width: 5.1” / 13 cm, Length: 10.6” / 27 cm

Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Stronghold Fence 1 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Stronghold Fence 2 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Stronghold Fence 3 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Stronghold Fence 4 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Stronghold Fence 5 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Stronghold Fence 6 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Stronghold Fence 7 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Stronghold Fence 8 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Stronghold Fence 9 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Stronghold Fence 10 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Stronghold Fence 11 Kromlech Imperial Planetary Outpost Stronghold Fence 12

Imperial Planetary Outpost Stronghold Fence – 34,99€

This set contains parts needed to assemble an Imperial Planetary Outpost Stronghold Fence, including optional doors, fence plates, and two 57×93 mm plates of Barbed Wire.

An Imperial Planetary Outpost that is surrounded by a Stronghold Fence is usually located at a very important position – such resources aren’t wasted to protect every location. Another possibility is that the mentioned outpost is very old – possibly forgotten by the command – and soldiers that station there simply upgraded the fence for their safety.

This product is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. Instructions are available as a digital PDF in the Attachments tab. Miniatures seen in the pictures are not part of this set and are available separately.

Approximate dimensions: Height: 3.1” / 8 cm, Length (total): 26.4” / 67 cm

Quelle: Kromlech


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Erinnert an die Artworks für Trench Crusade (das übrigens mittlerweile Playtest-Regeln hat).

    • Dachte ich mir auch. Das eine Bild mit den riesigen Artilleriestellungen im Hintergrund und in den vorderen Bereich erstrecken sich die Gräben, dazwischen paar Schreine und so… Ja, ich freue mich da schon riesig auf den Plattenbau und das Kitbashing.
      Dank Playtestregeln habe ich mir schon paar Bausätze für Umbauten geholt. Römische Helme werden dabei ne Rolle und auch alte Chaos Minis von 40K, die umgestaltet werden.
      Trench Crusade hat mich so arg infiziert wie schon lange kein Spiel mehr.

      • Zumal es das Bild mit den gigantische Betonkreuzen, bei denen die Stützstruktur aus den Einschusslöchern guckt, mit Antennen drauf gibt – aber ist ja auch eine gute Inspirationsquelle 😅

        Bin auch schon stark am Überlegen, was alles in den Kitbashmixer wandern wird 🤤

  • Hmm…gibts den Miniatur-S-Draht auch einzeln zu kaufen? Ich hatte bis dato immer Plombendraht als Stacheldrahd-Immitation verwendet. Aber das sieht echt nice aus mit dem S-Draht.

  • Sieht echt stimmig aus, bekommt man richtig lust auf Belagerungs Schlachten. Kommt auf jedenfall auf die Einkaufsliste.

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