von BK-Rafael | 08.11.2024 | eingestellt unter: Infinity

Infinity: Neuheiten

Corvus Belli präsentieren ihre Neuheiten für Infinity im Store.

Infinity: Neuheiten

Raveneye Officer (Submachine Gun, E/Marat) – 14,95€

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As a law enforcement agency, SWORDFOR knows that vigilance is the key to maintaining order and ensuring the protection of citizens and innocents. Since Concilium Prima is a target of high strategic value and the headquarters of Bureau Aegis, SWORDFOR is strongly committed to its security. To this end, it developed an “Eye in the Sky”-type secret monitoring program and its primary platform was the Raveneye Orbital Complex.

This blister includes one miniature of a Raveneye Officer with a Submachine Gun. The regular version of the exclusive miniature of the Infinity Raveneye book pre-order, and a great addition to your O-12 force from your O-12 Action Pack.

Hussein Al-Djabel – 17,95€

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Hussein Al-Djabel is a veteran Fiday, a professional killer, and one of the best Hassassins in history. The scores obtained by Al-Djabel at the sects’ training centers in the Alamut territories have never been beaten. His reputation is legendary, and his professionalism is impeccable. He has never left a mission incomplete or a target alive.

This box includes one miniature of Hussein Al-Djabel from the Haqqislam Army. There is no more lethal impersonator than him, and you will want to include him in your Haqqislam force.

Reinf. Domaru Takeshi „Neko“ Oyama – 20,95€

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Takeshi „Neko“ Oyama is an old-school samurai warrior with integrity and honor, the paradigm of the perfect bushi. His lean and serious face always shows a determined and solemn expression. He has rough, taciturn manners, and the creeds of the Bushido code always guide his attitude toward life. Oyama carries his scars with pride as a sign of his experience; however, like a good bushi, he never brags about them.

This box includes one miniature of the Domaru Takeshi “Neko” Oyama. Provide your JSA Force Reinforcements with powerful heavy infantry.

Yu Jing White Banner Expansion Pack Alpha – 39,95€

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It’s often said that PanOceania is number one, the Hyperpower. Is it? Are you sure? If that’s so, if they truly are the strongest power in the entire Human Sphere, then how did they have half of Svalarheima taken away from them? How is it possible that after so much time,after so much overt and covert fighting, they still haven’t recovered it yet? Both questions have the same answer: the White Banner Army.

This box includes three miniatures for the White Banner Army of Yu Jing: one Ye Mao Hacker, one Hùndùn with Heavy Rocket Launcher, and one Hac Tao Hacker. With this box, you can expand your options when creating an Army List and continue the Yu Jing collection you started with the Yu Jing Action Pack.

Combined Army Expansion Pack Beta – 39,95€

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The Shasvastii are the Combined Army’s hounds, explorers and trackers. The Shasvastii army works to a criterion of lightness and mobility, disdaining super-heavy combat units. The specialty of this treacherous race is to cause panic, distrust, and paranoia, winning wars thanks to fear and stealth.

This box includes three miniatures for the Shasvastii Army: one Malignos Hacker, one Shrouded with Boarding Shotgun, and one Seed-Soldier with Combi Rifle. With this box, you can expand your options when creating an Army List and continue the Shasvastii collection you started with the Shasvastii Action Pack

Triphammers, Repurposed Industrial TAGs – 46,95€

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It’s obvious that if you get into a fight, an industrial TAG is not on a par with a military TAG; it lacks armor and weapons software, and its haptic systems aren’t as good, for the sole reason that it doesn’t need any of those things. But you know what? Even if it’s civilian tech, it’s still a damn TAG: a fast, powerful, and sturdy juggernaut. And when you’re in a frontier territory, if you have one of these machines handy and you sense an impending brawl brewing, an industrial TAG can be the toughest guy in the fight.

This box includes a Plastic Resin TAG miniature of a Triphammer. A militarized industrial TAG that will give you access to a powerful mobile arsenal for just a few points. If they can shatter any rock, imagine what they can do to the enemy.


Infinity ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasy-In erhältlich.

Quelle: Corvus Belli Store


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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