von BK-Nils | 19.01.2024 | eingestellt unter: Horus Heresy

Horus Heresy: Blood Angels Upgrades

Die Blood Angels bekommen eine Reihe von Upgrades, damit die neunte Legion in der Horus Heresy auf den Schlachtfeldern besteht.

Heresy Thursday – Look Beautiful on the Battlefield With Blood Angels Upgrades

As the Great Crusade wore on, the Legions fine-tuned their wargear as their weaponsmiths modified them to align with their personal style and philosophy.

Because of this, during the crusade, and the succeeding civil war, few armouries looked as fine as those of the Blood Angels.* Now, you can replicate that unique style on the tabletop.

Games Workshop Horus Heresy Blood Angels Upgrades 1

This resin upgrade pack contains a selection of weapons for customising the Legiones Astartes of the IX Legion. It contains three bolters customised with the winged motif so favoured by the Blood Angels, two inferno pistols, and an Iliastus assault cannon – a compact, portable prototype based on the larger Kheres pattern.

Games Workshop Horus Heresy Blood Angels Upgrades 2

Also included are four ‘Perdition’ weapons, master-crafted weapons with built-in flame projectors. This brutal innovation was pioneered during the wars fought during the long darkness of Old Earth and honed to a fine art by the Blood Angels Legion.

Blood Angels techmarines would often fit Iliastus assault cannons to their tanks, both as pintle weapons and in twin-linked configuration for the turret, which in time became known as Baal Predators.

Games Workshop Horus Heresy Blood Angels Upgrades 3

With the resin Blood Angels Predator upgrade pack, you can upgrade your own tanks with these armaments and blast your foes away in a hail of withering fire.

These are both expert kits made of Forge World resin, and they will be released later this year.

* Apart from that of the IIIrd, of course… 

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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    • Rein für Horus Heresy bin ich sehr glücklich. Plastik Solar Auxilia ist super, um Abwechslung ins Spiel zu bringen und erzählerisch besser spielen zu können.
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  • Sorry
    Aber das ist doch echt Schrott was die da abliefern 🙄
    Bin echt total enttäuscht 👎👎

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