von BK-Jonah | 24.07.2024 | eingestellt unter: Allgemeines

Hobday & Hicks: „Orcs Vs Elves“-Kickstarter Preview

Der Debütrelease von Spieledesigner Andy Hobday und Skulpteur Paul Hicks steht kurz bevor. Hier findet ihr vorab nochmal einen ersten Eindruck von den Minis.

Hobday and Hicks The Baron’s War Kickstarter Banner „Orcs Vs Elves“

Paul Hicks (sculptor) and Andy Hobday (game writer) are excited to announce their upcoming new range of 28mm fantasy miniatures created for collectors and hobbyists of traditionally sculpted, white metal miniatures.

We will start things off with a new range of Orcs and Elves, intending to release 50 miniatures each. We also will include some Humans.

Mountain Orc Champions

Hailing from the tallest peaks, these Orcs are the largest and strongest of their kind. Years of battling the elements and harsh environments have sculpted them into hulking brutes, with muscles rippling under their thick, leathery skin.

They are larger than their kin, even the Orc leaders. This immense size, a mark of their status in Orcish society, translates to incredible physical strength, allowing them to wield huge weapons of war with terrifying ease. With a single blow, they smash through enemy formations, break shields, and send lesser warriors flying.

Hobday and Hicks The Baron’s War Mountain Orc Champions 3D-Sculpts

Mountain Trolls

Mountain trolls are a fearsome type of troll that lurks in the highest and most remote regions. They are known for their immense size and brute strength, making them formidable opponents for any adversary who dares to cross their path.

Hobday and Hicks The Baron’s War Mountain Trolls Miniatur (bemalt) 1 Hobday and Hicks The Baron’s War Mountain Trolls Miniatur (bemalt) 2 Hobday and Hicks The Baron’s War Mountain Trolls Miniatur (bemalt) 3 Hobday and Hicks The Baron’s War Mountain Trolls Miniatur (bemalt) 4

Elf Mage

Mhanadir spoke in a voice that resonated with the storm’s power, the words binding the elemental to his will. With a gesture, he directed the creature towards the ship’s massive main sail. The elemental flowed, coursing through the fabric, infusing it with power. This was the High Mage’s unique ability to command and channel the raw forces of nature.

Hobday and Hicks The Baron’s War Elfen Magier Miniatur (bemalt) 1 Hobday and Hicks The Baron’s War Elfen Magier Miniatur (bemalt) 2 Hobday and Hicks The Baron’s War Elfen Magier Miniatur (bemalt) 3

Elven Heroes

Raised amidst the ancient splendour of elven architecture, they are schooled in swordsmanship and strategy alongside etiquette and the arcane arts. Their lineage is as old as the trees, and they carry the weight of this legacy on their slender shoulders. Yet, they are not simply gilded ornaments. When darkness threatens their kin, they don gleaming armour, their laughter turning to war cries as the elven nobility go to war.

Hobday and Hicks The Baron’s War Elfen Held Miniatur (bemalt) 2Hobday and Hicks The Baron’s War Elfen Held Miniatur (bemalt) 1

Elven Archers

With deadly accuracy, their bows, imbued with the power of moonlight, grant them unmatched precision. Their arrows sing silently through the air, finding their mark and thinning enemy ranks before close combat begins.

Hobday and Hicks The Baron’s War Elfen Bogenschützen Miniatur (bemalt) 4 Hobday and Hicks The Baron’s War Elfen Bogenschützen Miniatur (bemalt) 3 Hobday and Hicks The Baron’s War Elfen Bogenschützen Miniatur (bemalt) 2 Hobday and Hicks The Baron’s War Elfen Bogenschützen Miniatur (bemalt) 1

Quellen: Kickstarter, Facebook


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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