von BK-Bob | 24.04.2024 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Zubehör

Heraldic Waterslide Decals: Part 4 Kickstarter

Carthage Must Be Destroyed dreht aktuell seine schon vierte Runde mit Heraldik Decals.

Heraldic Waterslide Decals for Wargaming Part 4

A series of heraldic images for miniature wargaming. For models that are historical, medieval, fantasy, sci-fi, Warhammer, and more.

Hello everyone. Carthage Must Be Destroyed!

Heraldic Waterslide Decals For Wargaming Part 4 1

This is the fourth series of heraldic waterslide decals that we are raising funds for. In previous projects we were able to successfully raise funds to produce a variety of different waterslide decal sheets containing heraldic animals, humans, weapons, objects, and mythical creatures. For this next project we have sourced another great work from the same author and artists who wrote, compiled, and created art for A COMPLETE GUIDE TO HERALDRY. Our goal is to raise funds to continue making new heraldic images for our wargaming needs.

Heraldic Waterslide Decals For Wargaming Part 4 2

We make use of Arthur Charles Fox-Davies‘ The Art of Heraldry: An Encyclopædia of Armory and Hugo Gerard Ströhl’s Heraldischer Atlas for all of the artwork found in this campaign. These books were translated, written, and published at the turn of the 19th to 20th century and contain numerous examples of different heraldic images and coats of arms. These books and the artwork is currently available online in pdf format and can be purchased from various publishers. The books along with the imagery inside has widespread distribution and is now designated as use in the public domain. There are many amazing and wonderful examples of the various animals, creatures, and objects that Nobles, Lords, Knights, Kings and various entities and establishments have used throughout the ages.

Heraldic Waterslide Decals For Wargaming Part 4 3

Arthur Charles Fox-Davies‘ The Art of heraldry : An Encyclopædia of Armory – one of our sources.

We are making use of the same methods we have been using for all our Kickstarter campaigns involving heraldry from public domain sources. With careful pixel editing and vector tracing we eventually compiled many images from these books that we felt would be the most accurate and best suited to modify for use on the decal sheets. The final vector traced images gives a smooth, non pixilated design for the decal sheets. Here are some examples of some of the designs:

Heraldic Waterslide Decals For Wargaming Part 4 4

Left: Original Scan. Middle: Edited Version. Right: Coloured Result.

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Left: Original Scan. Middle: Edited Version. Right: Coloured Result.

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Left: Original Scan. Middle: Edited Version. Right: Coloured Result.

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Left: Original Scan. Middle: Edited Version. Right: Coloured Result.

Heraldic Waterslide Decals For Wargaming Part 4 11

For the decal colours we researched historical imagery used on other flags and heraldry (such as how castles were put on different shields and coats of arms). Sometimes we chose natural colours where they seemed appropriate. We kept the colour scheme to 8 colours for simplicity and all outlines are done in black.

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Each decal is vector traced prior to being lined up on the sheet. The sheets themselves will be printed in a print shop that has had many years of experience printing model car and miniature decals. Instead of working out of home and printing everything ourselves we wanted to find and use professionals in the industry so we can print out the best and most durable decals possible. This helps increase the capacity, quality and speed that these decals can be printed out and will allow for a much faster fulfillment time.

Here is a demonstration on how to apply the waterslide decals.

These decals can be used on shields, banners, giant shoulder pads, on battle tanks, painted metals, resin, plastic, or anything model related! From our testing we’ve found the waterslide decals to be strong and resistant to handling (with any waterslide decal application, however, please remember to be gentle so that you do not tear the decal!).

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Each decal sheet is approx. 11.5 x 20.5 cm in size. The individual decals mostly measure under or near 1 cm in height and width but will vary with shape and image as seen below. We tried to contain enough detail to be applied to most fantasy or medieval shields for 1/56 (28mm) scale miniature wargaming. Each image has 5 left facing images and 4 right facing images. This will allow those interested in putting them on horse’s caparison the ability to do just that, or alternatively have some variants on footmen shields or whatever the decals will be put on!

If you are on a computer – on the right side of this campaign page there are pledge options to choose from. For mobile users – there is a rewards tab you can select that sits near the top of the campaign page to see pledge rewards. Simply choose how many decal sheets you want, confirm your pledge, and shipping will be calculated automatically for you once you’ve made your selection. When the campaign is over I will be sending out reward surveys that ask for your mailing address and specifically which decal sheets you would like me to mail to you.

Sheet A

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Sheet A Contains the above decals – Total of 180 images.

Sheet A contains the following images:

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Sheet B

Heraldic Waterslide Decals For Wargaming Part 4 25

Sheet B Contains the above decals – Total of 180 images.

Sheet B contains the following images:

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Stretch Goals:


Sheet C

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Sheet C Contains the above decals – Total of 180 images.

Sheet C contains the following images:

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Sheet D

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Sheet D Contains the above decals – Total of 180 images.

Sheet D contains the following images:

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Shipping for this project will be very simple and will be added on through Kickstarter’s shipping manager. All rewards will be sent via regular letter mail (no tracking). We use Canadian dollars for all shipping and pledge reward calculations.

Please note: Due to Canada Post’s planned postage stamp price increase in May 2024 I’ve had to increase the postage cost compared to previous Kickstarter campaigns. 

To Canadian Addresses: 1-4 sheets shipping is $3.00 CAD. 5-8 sheet is $4.00 CAD.

To American Addresses: 1-2 sheets shipping is $3.00 CAD. 3-4 sheets shipping is $4.00 CAD. 5-8 sheets is $5.00 CAD.

To Everywhere Else: 1-2 sheets shipping is $4.00 CAD.  3-4 sheets is $6.00 CAD.  5-8 sheets is $8.00 CAD.

These shipping fees will cover the cost of postage, handling, envelopes, and Kickstarter fees. For those who want to order more than 10 sheets, please send us a private message here on Kickstarter to calculate shipping costs as the postage prices may change for more than 10 sheets.

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 25 Tage.

Quelle: Heraldic Waterslide Decals for Wargaming Part 4


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Ha, da sind ja einige sehr großartige Morive bei!
    Heraldik kann so wunderbar Derpy sein für moderne Augen. 🙂

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