von BK-Christian | 08.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Community

Hasslefree: Wiedereröffnung

Der Shop bei Hasslefree soll nach dem großen IT-Ausfall bald wieder online sein.

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Hi Everyone

So, after the previous newsletter things went from bad to worse. Because of course they did, it’s us 🙂

Firstly, we could not recover the database or website at all. I had an older backup that we could use to rebuild but no database recovery of orders etc.

Secondly, while the website was being rebuilt, I left the house for the first time (other than doctors) in months. I went to the cinema in fact.
Three days later I was in hospital, I couldn’t breathe, or rather I could breathe but sounded like radio interference when I did. Crazy infection that went to my lungs. I’ll add more detail in the bottom section, this part is just for info purposes.

So while the website ‚was‘ rebuilt, I was off work again. We had some tough decisions to make. The upshot of which is we are re-opening.

We’d recently restocked, we still have a warehouse and infrastructure ‚and‘ it is the best way to make sure we can fulfil our KS obligations to boot.

The website is being recalibrated with a correct inventory, the code I’d added over the last year is being re-introduced/checked and we are hoping to re-open next weekend.

If you need to contact us in general, our domain name email is still down so please use BWARTEMIS at GMAIL dot COM.

​Also please make sure you are following our FB Page as I will be re-manning that and giving updates there.

„I Have an Oustanding Issue“!

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If your outstanding issue, either order or a mispack/breakage etc, has not been resolved while we have been closed please re-contact us on the email BWARTEMIS at GMAIL dot COM and please title your email with ‚OUTSTANDING ORDER‘. All in caps 🙂

I will be moving between home and the warehouse all week and those flashing up on my phone will get a quicker response.

We do have stock, we do have your payment details etc. we just were not able to follow up on the more difficult ones to track down and resolve while I was off work (especially those who paid via Stripe).

We should be able to resolve your issue fairly quickly.

If you contacted us and haven’t had a reply, please forward it and change the subject to the above. I will be digging back through emails but this will make it much more speedy for you.

We really want to get these last outstanding issues resolved before re-opening.

Personal Word from Art

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*sigh* Yes, I know. The word ‚again‘ basically covers it all.
The dumbest thing is, while it is tangentially related to my condition (shot immune system and antiobotic resistant), it’s not even my permanent condition that was an issue.
I was feeling well enough to go to the damn cinema, I thought we could handle the server catastrophe about as well as could be expected and decided to take a small break before the hard work of rebuilding started.
And suddenly I’m toast. There wasn’t even anyone ‚in‘ the cinema with me! I went in the daytime specifically to avoid other people.

So we try again, we have help for sending orders etc. so that’s not a worry but if I fall sick again, we do not carry on with the business as it stands. It will be restructured, likely moved and go from there.
For now, that is plan B though. I’m masking it up whenever outdoors and avoiding people in general and the symptoms of my permanent condition are under control.

I would l also like to extend my sympathies to any of the other companies who got caught up in the ‚great hobby server meltdown of 2024‘ and closed down as a result. It was such a curveball and I’m sorry for anyone who couldn’t recover.

Oh, I know the above is AI art, nobody is missing out on commissions or anything 🙂 They are just being used in place of generic images with just words on or whatever. It’s just a new tool, we’ll all live through it. Wait, I probably shouldn’t tempt fate about that.

Ok, I’m going back to the jobs list for re-opening. Expect more updates.


Quelle: Hasslefree Newsletter


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Haha ich nutze selbst für private Zwecke (RPGs oder das Illustrieren mekner eigenen RPG Welt) viel AI Art dank Stable Diffusion und Flux und wollte gerade darauf hinaus, dass Hasslefree wegen des mit Sicherheit anbrandenden AI-Hates vielleicht keine AI Bilder verwenden sollten. Aber im letzten Absatz gehen sie sogar darauf ein.

    Mutig. Würde ich mich als Firma nicht trauen.

    Zum Thema selbst hoffe ich, dass es bei Ihnen nun wieder sauber laufen wird. Da lag ja einiges im Argen.

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