von BK-Rafael | 13.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Halo Flashpoint: Wave 2 Pre-Orders & Reprints

Mantic Games präsentieren die Vorbestellung von Wave 2 für Halo Flashpoint.

Halo Wave2 6

Wave 2 Pre-Orders & Wave 1 Second Printing

Welcome back everyone and oh, have we got an update for you today…

Since we revealed the Starter Sets, we’ve had lots of gamers asking to see what’s coming next. We also know that many of you want to know that this is going to be a proper system with lots of support, and not simply a one-off boxed game, before jumping in.

We’ve been listening, and we’re ready to share the good news. Of course it is!

Wave 2 Pre-Orders

The Banished are coming next year, and they’re hard as nails.

So before they arrive we’re going to crack open the Spartan armoury, break out the big guns, and let you fine-tune your fireteams.

Get ready for new weapons, new armour, and fireteam customisation that goes far beyond the starter set’s drafting system.

The War Games Expansion – €45 contains a booklet that’s your passport to advanced team-building, with points values for every mini released in the game to that point. You’ll also get a bunch of new game cards, and a fireteam of four new miniatures equipped with Mark V [B] armour and fearsome loadouts including the Concussion Rifle, Energy Sword and more. Perfect as your first step in trying out some new team builds and synergies!

Halo Wave2 1

Fireteam Cerberus – €30 introduces another set of powerful new weapons such as the Gravity Hammer, and you can add these minis to your games using the customisation options in the War Games Expansion.

Halo Wave2 2

If you’ve ordered a Recon Starter Set, Fireteam Hydra – €30 lets you recruit the Spartan variants previously exclusive to the bigger starter box. No Spartan gets left behind!

Halo Wave2 3

You’ll also be able to bring your War Games arena to life with new plastic terrain – €30, neoprene play mats – €35, and more…

Halo Wave2 4

Are we done? Of course not! The Master Chief Paint Set – €45 is also coming to retail, along with our first Organised Play pack – €25.

It’s time to thrash your mates at Slayer (AGAIN) and lay claim to both bragging rights and some very fancy deluxe tokens!

Halo Wave2 5


Wave 1 Second Printing

With the November launch stock on the sea and on the way, we want to make sure that anyone who didn’t grab a starter set when they were first revealed can get started with Halo: Flashpoint. We don’t want anyone to miss out that wants to join in the fun!

And that means we’re getting set for another print run ALREADY…


While it feels odd to be heading toward this already before launch, it’s a great sign, and means that if you’ve just discovered the game you have the opportunity to pick up whichever sets you want from Wave 1 & 2 for single delivery – saving on shipping.

So, if you still haven’t picked up that Spartan Edition (our favourite!), or indeed any of the other launch goodies, then head to the Halo Flashpoint main game page  where you can reserve them on the next stock delivery.


Quelle: Mantic Games, Flashpoint Main Page


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: SW Shatterpoint, SW Legion, SW Imperial Assault, Warhammer Underworlds, Aristeia, OPR und Bloodfields.

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