von BK-Sebastian | 14.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Antike, Mittelalter

Hail Caesar: The Age of Arthur

Auch neben den Epic Battles versorgen Warlord Games Hail Caesar mit Neuheiten, die im November erscheinen.

Der Ergänzungsband Once and Future King kostet 24€

Once And Future King Hail Caesar Supplement With Agravain Special Mi – Warlord Games EUROPE Once And Future King Hail Caesar Supplement With Agravain Special Mi – Warlord Games EUROPE 2 Once And Future King Hail Caesar Supplement With Agravain Special Mi – Warlord Games EUROPE 3 Once And Future King Hail Caesar Supplement With Agravain Special Mi – Warlord Games EUROPE 4

Pre-order the Once and Future King supplement and you’ll also receive a FREE digital copy of the book on release date!

King Arthur is often seen as a figure of myth – surrounded by shining knights, devious wizards and magic swords, yet the legends of King Arthur may have some historical basis. This supplement delves into the historical sources for Arthur and provides all the rules and army lists you need to field a heroic British force defending against the depredations of the Saxons, Picts, Scots and Irish in the Dark Ages. The heroes and villains who populated the legends are also featured, allowing you to muster your favourite Arthurian characters ion the battlefield.

Scenarios for Arthur’s twelve battles are detailed, as well as his final fight at Camlann where he faced his nemesis, Mordred. A campaign system allows you to play these as a single narrative, with options to play Arthur in a Welsh, Northern, Southern or pan-British context. An additional campaign brings to the table top the action described in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s spurious history of Arthur, whose victories culminated in the mass battle of Siesia, where Arthur and his allies faced off against the might of Rome and her allies in the East.

Die Helden von Camelot kosten 29€

Heroes Of Camelot – Warlord Games EUROPE 3 Heroes Of Camelot – Warlord Games EUROPE Heroes Of Camelot – Warlord Games EUROPE 5 Heroes Of Camelot – Warlord Games EUROPE 2 Heroes Of Camelot – Warlord Games EUROPE 4

Rally the legendary figures of Arthurian legend with this fantastic boxed set!

Containing many of the great personages of Arthurian canon, including Lancelot, Arthur, Merlin, and more, Heroes of Camelot is an essential accompaniment to the Once and Future King supplement. These beautifully sculpted models, cast in finely detailed Warlord Resin, are an amazing opportunity for painters to really show off their skills, and instantly turn any Romano-British collection into an Arthurian one!

Heroes of Camelot contains:

  • The following Warlord resin figures:
    • Arthur, Merlin, Mordred, Lancelot, Galahad, Gawain, Guinivere & Morgana le Fay
  • Plastic bases
  • Full-colour waterslide Arthurian Decal Sheet

Vier weitere Ritter von Camelot gibt es für 14,50€

Arthurian Knights – Warlord Games EUROPE Arthurian Knights – Warlord Games EUROPE 2

Reinforce your Round Table with these legendary knights!

When you think of King Arthur and his adventures, he’s usually accompanied by his Knights of the Round Table – as it was in legend, so it should be on the tabletop! Bringing Sirs Tristan, Percival, Kay, and Bors to your collection, this set is both a brilliant accompaniment to the Once and Future King supplement, and a great opportunity for painters. Packed with detail, they’re a brilliant addition to any Romano-British collection!

Arthurian Knights contains:

  • The following metal figures:
    • Tristan, Percival, Kay & Bors

Quelle: Warlord Games


Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Armalion. Aktuelle Systeme: Freebooter's Fate(Alle Fraktionen), Bushido(Ito, Ryu, Ro-Kan),Moonstone, Summoners (Feuer, Luft), Deadzone, ASoIaF(Nachtwache, Targaryen), Dropfleet Commander(UCM, Scourge), Warmaster(Zwerge, Echsen), Eden(ISC, Resistance), KoW: Armada(Basilean, Ork) u.v.m

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