von bkredaktion | 07.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar

GW: Wochenvorschau mit Stormcast Eternals

Ein Sturm zieht über den Reichen der Sterblichen auf, die Stormcast Eternals stehen mit einem neuen Buch und Miniaturen bereit für die vierte Edition von Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

Sunday Preview – Unleash the Ruination Chamber

There’s a lot to get through this week as the Stormcast Eternals respond to the Skaven advance in force, and they are pulling zero punches. We think Sigmar’s really serious this time.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar

Battletome: Stormcast Eternals

Sigmar’s shining champions are back on their feet and ready to repulse the teeming Skaven hordes with freshly updated rules, new miniatures, and more. It all kicks off in Battletome: Stormcast Eternals, which will be available as a regular hardback and in the convenient new Gamer’s Edition.

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This new 152-page battletome includes plenty of Battle Traits, Battle Formations, Heroic Traits, Artefacts of Power, and Spell, Prayer, and Manifestation Lores, with a total of 60 warscrolls and full Spearhead rules. It also updates a comprehensive section of Path to Glory campaign rules, so you can upgrade your characters and chart your army’s progress through its narrative campaigns.

Iridan the Witness

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To end the life of another Stormcast Eternal is an unthinkable act, but there must always be a first. Iridan was the soul chosen by Morrda for the unenviable task of ushering their comrades to oblivion once the curse of Reforging had taken its toll. As a founder of the Ruination Chamber and the creator of the Memorian Order, Iridan is both a powerful warrior and a respected scholar who scours the battlefield mounted on the noble Morrgryph Ariax.

This multi-part plastic kit can also be assembled as a Lord-Vigilant on Morrgryph, armed with a Hallowed Glaive.

Tornus the Redeemed

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Tornus was once a mighty champion of Chaos dedicated to the Plague God Nurgle, but his death at the hands of the Celestant Prime sent his soul sailing back to Sigmar. Now freshly redeemed and dedicated to wiping his former allies from the Mortal Realms, Tornus has taken up the mantle of a Knight-Azyros and serves as a rallying beacon to other members of the Ruination Chamber.

This new multi-part plastic kit can also be assembled as a regular Knight-Azyros armed with either a sword or hallowed greatspear.


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The Lords-Celestant are consummate war leaders, displaying keen strategic minds and razor-sharp combat skills that lead the Warrior Chambers to victory time and again. This new multi-part version of the classic Stormcast Eternals hero has a wide variety of weapon options that all use a single weapon profile in-game, allowing your Lord Celestant to take the field armed however suits them best.


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As a high priest of Sigmar and a powerful hero, the Lord-Relictor is an invaluable lynchpin who bolsters flagging allies even as he blasts rampaging enemies with the fulminating energies of Azyr. This new version of the classic hero also carries the remains of a revered human saint with them, while guiding the souls of their departed comrades safely back to their next Reforging.


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Though the gigantic axe carried by the Lord-Terminos reaps a bloody toll against his enemies, he has a second purpose: to end the lives of those Stormcast Eternals whose final threads have irreversibly frayed. These doomed souls come forth willingly to have their souls confined to oblivion, and the Lord-Terminos accepts their duty with solemn silence.

Stormstrike Palladors

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Stormstrike Palladors serve as the premier heavy cavalry of the Warrior Chamber, and excel both at landing thunderous charges and striking into a protracted melee with beak and blade. This unit of three Palladors has all the parts needed to equip them as a Champion, Musician, and Standard Bearer, as well as lances or blades to reinforce a larger unit.


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Although Liberators are the rank and file of Sigmar’s golden legions, they are no lesser heroes than any of their fellows. This new update of the classic Warrior Chamber unit is equipped with freshly forged Thunderstrike Armour, and each of the 10 miniatures can be outfitted with your choice of hammers and shields or twin hammers. These were first released in the Skaventide boxed set, and are now available separately for the first time.


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Once part of the Warrior Chamber, the winged Prosecutors have so often been ensnared in the Cursed Skies that they have been adopted into the Ruination Chamber. Despite their many Reforgings, they are fierce and agile warriors who hurl Stormcall javelins with peerless accuracy and charge into enemy lines with the force of a thunderbolt. These were first released in the Skaventide boxed set, and are available separately for the first time.


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The Reclusians are the warriors of Ruination Chambers, their lightning-scoured souls remarkably resistant to Chaos influence and other malign magics. They are excellent warriors on a par with the elite heroes of other factions, and this is a new multi-part version of the miniatures first seen in the Skaventide boxed set, with the option of carrying axes or maces into combat.

Lord-Imperatant and Knight-Arcanum

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The Lord-Imperatant and Knight-Arcanum, first seen in the Dominion boxed set, each get a standalone release for the first time, bringing immense strategic prowess and powerful magic to the ranks of the Stormcast Eternals. The former is joined by their faithful Gryph-hound, and both have the option of helmeted and unhelmeted heads.


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This trio of Knights-Arcanum join the main Stormcast Eternals roster as the mighty Stormcoven. Their unique spell allows them to bless allied units with Strike-first or curse enemies with Strike-last, making them an important supporting unit for your elite damage-dealers in combat. They were originally a unique warband found in Warhammer: Underworlds, but have now been Reforged as an unnamed unit.

Stormreach Portal

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Stormreach Portals are the first faction terrain piece for the Stormcast Eternals, miniaturised versions of the crackling Star Bridges that hurl Sigmar’s warriors into battle from Azyr. It’s more than just a beautiful addition to your terrain collection, as it can use the unique Step into the Storm ability to teleport entire units of Stormcasts far across the battlefield onto distant objectives.

Warscroll Cards and Dice Set

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No army is complete without an accompanying set of warscroll cards and dice. This set of 66 quick reference cards includes every warscroll found within Battletome: Stormcast Eternals as well as those needed for the Vigilant Brotherhood Spearhead, while the dice feature 16 royal blue dice with bright white pips and the twin-tailed comet logo of the Stormcast Eternals on the six face.

Ratling Warpblaster

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When your enemy has nigh-immortal lightning-blooded demigods on their side, you need to bring the big guns, and the Clans Skryre have just the tools for the job fresh from their first appearance in the Skaventide boxed set. The Ratling Warpblaster is a rickety, unreliable, yet breathtakingly lethal, war engine that’s about as dangerous to its operators as to its targets – but when the Stormcast Eternals come knocking and you need to blow holes in five at once, accept no substitutes.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar – Warcry

Ravening Gnarloak

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Trees are great, but trees that eat people are even better, and your games of Warcry can finally be graced with the hungriest trunk of them all as the Ravening Gnarloak arrives in its first standalone release. This characterful terrain piece is as deadly as it looks, and all it takes is a swift kick to plunge your enemies from the rickety walkways into the Gnarloak’s fanged maw…


Servo-skull Palette

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How do you take the tried-and-true silicon paint palette and make it even better? Making it look like a servo-skull is a good start – and that’s exactly what the boffins in the Citadel labs have done. It’s cool, it’s got loads of paint wells, and it’s even flexible, so you can just pop out your dried paint remnants when you’re done.

Stormvault Combat Case

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Keep your miniatures safe and secure in the sturdy silicon grip of the Stormvault Combat Case – the larger cousin of the Stormvault Skirmish Case. These innovative storage solutions use soft silicon bristles to absorb impacts and hold miniatures of many sizes in place with zero risk of snagging, no matter how pointy your spears, blades, and horns may be.

This new case is double the size of the Skirmish Case, with room for approximately 27 to 30 miniatures mounted on 32mm bases.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.


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