von BK-Nils | 02.09.2024 | eingestellt unter: Herr der Ringe, Warhammer / Age of Sigmar

GW: Wochenvorschau mit Skaven und Herr der Ringe Klassiker

Die Kinder der Gehörnten Ratte strömen in die Reihe der Sterblichen, mit einem ganzen Schwung an Neuheiten und für Herr der Ringe kehren ein paar Klassiker als Auftragsfertigung zurück.

Sunday Preview – The Children of the Great Horned Rat

With slightly singed-whiskers, the Skaven pour out in an uncountable mass, with a whole horde of new miniatures and a Battletome which go on pre-order next week. There’s also a Made to Order for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar

Battletome: Skaven

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The Skaven are now in the ascendant, their scabrous god fully established within the Chaos pantheon, and their boundless desire to consume being realised in real time. Battletome: Skaven is the ultimate companion for these vile ratmen, demonstrating their craven behaviour in full and providing all the tools required to play with them.

At 128 pages long with an eight-page gatefold section, Battletome: Skaven is packed with lore, and features Battle Traits, Battle Formations, Heroic Traits, Artefacts of Power, and Spell, Prayer, and Manifestation Lores. There are 43 warscrolls covering the vast menagerie of Skaven characters, troops, horrors, and war machines, plus rules for the Gnawfeast Clawpack Spearhead, two Armies of Renown, and two Regiments of Renown.

Battletome: Skaven – Gamer’s Edition

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New for the latest edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar are Gamer’s Edition Battletomes, which contain all the same great content in a smaller format – it’s all explained here. The Skaven edition includes 61 rules reference cards which cover all of the essential rules you need to play, as well as cards for your Spearhead force, and both Armies and Regiments of Renown. These are kept in an envelope in the back cover.

Spearhead Skaven

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The Skaven have amassed two mighty Spearhead forces. One is available in the Ultimate Starter Set, while the second is a new release. This is the Warpspark Clawpack, featuring 25 miniatures, including a classic Grey Seer, leading three Stormfiends – fusions of moulder experiments and Skryre tech – a Warp Lightning Cannon, and 20 new Clanrats. Rules for using this Spearhead in the bespoke game mode will be available for free on Warhammer Community, or you can simply add them to your army as flea-bitten reinforcements.

Vizzik Skour, Prophet of the Horned Rat

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Every god needs their herald, and the Great Horned Rat has elevated a monster into a prophet via the apocalyptic fires of the Vermindoom. Vizzik Skour now leads a congregation known as the Great Grand Gnaw Horde, infecting allies and dissidents alike with the death frenzy, driving them to greater and greater heights of senseless violence. A massive creature draped tattered robes, armed with an unholy gnawstaff, covered with a host of vermin, and crowned with a cluster of twisted horns, this malignant priest is a fantastic centrepiece for any Skaven army.

Krittok Foulblade

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Of all the Clawlords in the Clans Verminus, only Krittok Foulblade is assiduous enough to dangle the promise of survival to foster a sense of loyalty in his minions. Despite his advanced age – for a Skaven – Krittok is deadly in combat with his daemon-blade Doomfang. He can fight with the ferocity of a much younger Skaven every time he strikes a bargain with the Verminlord trapped within it, though every time a deal is made, the daemon’s sentence is reduced…


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Each of the Clans Skryre is ruled by a master inventor and chaotic engineer known as an Arch-Warlock. Their singed fur and cruel prostheses speak to a reckless life spent in pursuit of new and ever-more destructive weapons. Their mastery of technology is a form of sorcery, which they conjure with crackling stormcage halberds.

Warlock Galvaneer

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All Skaven Warlocks are obsessed with pushing technology to its limits, and the Warlock Galvaneer’s inquiries are generally focused on unpredictable warp lightning. Their warpvolt obliterators channel coruscating ribbons of energy which can fry foes or supercharge allies’ weapon batteries.

Master Moulder

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Master Moulders are the overlords of the Clans Moulder, dedicated to pushing the limits of the flesh as far as they can – with grotesque results. Their creations are amalgams of stitched flesh, horrors that bear little resemblance to their original forms.

Acolyte Globadiers

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The Clans Skryre have a penchant for deadly weapons, but few are as lethal as the volatile poisoned wind globes. Acolyte Globadiers hurl these fragile poisoned orbs at their foes, choking them with warpstone-tainted gas.

Warpspark Weapon Battery

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When possible, Skaven prefer to remain safe from reprisal and engage their enemies from a distance. Warpspark Weapon Battery crews take this a step further and hide themselves within the seething swarms, thinning out enemy forces from within the safety of numbers. This set builds three teams which can be equipped with Warpvolt Scourgers, Ratling Guns, or Warpfire Throwers.


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The beam fired from this warp-drill fang can punch through the skin of reality itself, allowing the Skaven to tunnel into the midst of combat. When they arrive, the weapon makes short work of the toughest armour.


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Those destined to join the Stormvermin are chosen at birth after showing their worth by devouring their brood-mates. They are then submitted to brutal training regimes by pitiless Clawlords and outfitted with the very best equipment available. Their discipline and ferocity is unusual among Skaven, and often surprises enemies expecting the typically uncoordinated rabble.


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The endless tinkering of Skryre engineers has resulted in many manic machines, such as the erratic Doom-Flayers. Their riders love nothing more than revving their warp-engines and clattering into the enemy – with devastating results.

Brood Terror 

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Out of all of the Clans Moulders’ horrific experiments, Brood Terrors are perhaps the most abhorrent – a Master Moulder is grafted into a larger beast. These twin-headed monstrosities lash out with their hooked flails and warpflame scourgers.

Skaven Reinforcements

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The tide of Skaven does not cease there. The Clawlord on Gnaw-beast, Warplock Jezzails, and Rat Ogors are all breaking out from the Skaventide boxed set, available separately for the first time. The Ratling Warpblaster will follow shortly. Thanquol on Boneripper and the Plaguepack are meanwhile getting reboxed.

Skaven Warscroll Cards and Dice

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Orchestrate your devious battleplan with the aid of this set of 50 handy reference cards. It contains all 43 warscroll cards, alongside seven Spearhead cards to use the Gnawfeast Clawpack in games of Spearhead. The Great Horned Rat himself can also bless your rolls with a set of 16 Skaven-themed dice. These are coloured dark green with bright green pips, and feature the Skaven logo on the six face.

Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game

Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game Made to Order

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Many units and heroes are returning to Middle-earth on a Made to Order basis next week. The Forces of Good can recruit six Warriors of the Dead, two pairs of Minas Tirith Command, Gandalf the White as he appeared at Minas Tirith, the nine Heroes of the West, and Frodo and Sam in Orc Armour.

Evil armies get a Mordor Troll, Mordor Orc Captains, and a 14-strong Warband of Easterling Warriors. The Fall of the Witch-king set featuring Éowyn, Merriadoc Brandybuck, and the Witch-king of Angmar is also coming.

All of these products are cast in metal, and as Made to Order products they will be available from 10am local time on Saturday 7th of September until Monday 8am BST on the 16th of September.

White Dwarf

White Dwarf 504

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September’s issue of White Dwarf is packed with fantastic Warahmmer articles. Kroot mercenaries are the core focus, with rules for a new combat patrol, taking your Kroot on crusade, and a monster-hunting mission alongside an in-depth history of these alien mercenaries. For Warhammer Age of Sigmar fans, A Tale of Four Warlords bows out with a huge four-player battle, while there is a two-player Stormcast Eternals and Skaven campaign.

The Warhammer Studio is showcasing six fantastic 3,000-point armies painted for their Ollanz cluster campaign for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Schön, dass wieder ein paar HdR Sachen verfügbar sind, die Ostlinge sind gekauft. Aber schade, dass sie wieder nur zweitweise verfügbar sind. Liegt wohl an den Produktionskapazitäten und Nachfrage. Aber es wäre schön wenn sie eine Möglichkeit fänden die alten Modelle dauerhaft, oder zumindest regelmäßig, verfügbar zu machen.

    • Ja das wäre ne coole Sache! Sie könnten doch bspw. einen Made To Order Bereich mit alten Minis einrichten. Jeder kann bestellen, produziert wird aber immer erst, wenn die kritische Masse erreicht ist (und die ist entsprechend kommuniziert).

      • Tolle Idee!
        Oder man macht daraus einen jährlichen Stichtag – sozusagen eine HdR Woche oder sowas.
        Könnte sogar für Außenwerbung genutzt werden.

  • Also ich finde den Master Moulders sehr interessant 🤔

    Der wird auf jeden Fall den Weg zu mir finden.😃

    Ansonsten ist der Rest auch sehr schön

  • Die alten HDR Sachen ich bereits alle und bis auf die Ostlinge bereits sogar bemalt.

    Hoffe aber immer noch das das Spiel wieder den Boost erfährt, den er verdient hätte.

  • Der Skaven Release ist toll und ich hoffe wir kriegen die Edition noch ein paar Überraschungen für die Skaven.
    Klan Skyre hat echt viele generische Helden im Vergleich zu den anderen Klans.

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