von BK-Nils | 05.08.2024 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

GW: Wochenvorschau mit Imperialen Agenten

Kommenden Samstag tritt die geheimnisvolle Inquisition, begleitet von den Imperialen Agenten aus dem Schatten auf die Schlachtfelder der fernen Zukunft von Warhammer 40.000, es gibt für Enterkämpfe ein Erweiterungsbuch und zum neuen Roman Daemonbreaker kommt direkt die Hauptfigur auch als Miniatur.

Sunday Preview – The Imperial Agents Mobilise

Clearance has been granted, the requisite documentation has been redacted, and there are mounds of vellum festooned in stamps and wax seals on our desks – Imperial Agents are preparing to take over in next week’s pre-orders. There’s also a stack of new Black Library novels to look forward to this week, so stick around for this week’s Sunday Preview.

Codex: Imperial Agents

As open war wages across the galaxy, the Imperium must guard its realms from the heretics and mutants that seek to corrupt and subvert from within. The Imperial Agents seek to hold them at bay. A loose coalition of Inquisitors from the Holy Ordos, swashbuckling Rogue Traders, and zealous priests, they command clandestine forces in an attempt to defend the Imperium against the most insidious threats. Codex: Imperial Agents contains background on the many distinct bodies that form their military forces, and provides rules using them as an full army in Warhammer 40,000, or as allies for other Imperial armies.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Imperial Agents Mobilise 1

There are four Detachments: the Ordos Xenos, Hereticus, and Malleus, and an Imperialis Fleet commanded by an all-powerful Rogue Trader. 27 datasheets cover Inquisitors, Imperial Breachers, Adeptus Astartes, Assassins, Deathwatch units, and other Imperial servants. Rules are included for the Inquisitor’s Hand Combat Patrol, and a Crusade section in which you undertake clandestine Shadow Operations.

If you are of sufficient clearance level and wish to lord it over your friends, you may choose the Collector’s Edition, which features all the same content bound in a cover with special art, gold foil blocking, gilt page edges, and a black ribbon bookmark.

Combat Patrol: Imperial Agents

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Execute the will of the Imperium with a brand new Combat Patrol comprising an eclectic selection of units which operate as the Inquisitor’s Hand. A Ministorum Priest with Vindictor is accompanied by six Inquisitorial Agents, and a 20-strong Vigilant Squad with a pair of loyal Cyber-mastiffs and two Nuncio-aquilas for the muscle. A terrifying Eversor Assassin pumped full of unstable stimms lurks in the shadows to eviscerate tough foes. You can accessorise your Vigilants with two Adeptus Arbites transfer sheets, which each contain 297 decals.

Imperial Agents Battleforce: Ordo Malleus

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The Ordo Malleus are the guardians against the daemons of Chaos, powerful Inquisitors accompanied by a cohort of assassins, agents, and the secretive Grey Knights chapter. This boxed set contains the new Inquisitor Coteaz miniature – the first place you can get him. He is joined by a Munitorum Priest with Vindictor, a sinister Culexus Assassin, five indomitable Grey Knights Terminators, 12 Inquisitorial Agents with accompanying Tome-skulls, and a Chimera to transport Coteaz and his retinue.*

Imperial Agents Battleforce: Ordo Hereticus

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The threat of mortal Chaos cultists is the domain of the Ordo Hereticus, whose devout warriors pursue their task with fiery determination. Under the command of Inquisitor Greyfax, this battleforce contains a Munitorum Priest, 6 Inquisitorial Agents with Tome-skull, 10 Adeptus Arbites with a loyal Cyber-mastiff and a Nuncio-aquila, alongside 10 Battle Sisters and a Cherub from the Adepta Sororitas, who are supported by an Immolator tank for when even a heavy flamer isn’t enough purgation.*

Imperial Agents Battleforce: Ordo Xenos

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The insidious plots of the alien are covered by the Ordo Xenos, who may dispatch a strike force when the Space Marines or Astra Militarum are too slow, perhaps procuring valuable technology in the process… The Ordo Xenos battleforce is led by Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus, a radical who uses Xenos weapons. She battles alongside a Navigator, six Inquisitorial Agents with a Tome-skull, a Rogue Trader and her entourage, five Voidsmen-At-Arms and their loyal hound, and a squad of five Deathwatch Veterans riding a mighty Corvus Blackstar attack aircraft.*

Deathwatch Captain Artemis

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Recruited to the Deathwatch from the Mortifactors Chapter, Captain Artemis is a renowned combat expert who wields a deadly power blade and an artificer combi-weapon known as the Hellfire Extremis. This plastic miniature is returning to the range alongside Codex: Imperial Agents.

Navis Nobilite Navigator

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The Navigators of the Navis Nobilite are rare human mutants from a small handful of ancient noble houses bred for one purpose. Born with a third eye, they guide ships through the inchoate maelstrom of the warp, thereby enabling Humanity to maintain its galactic empire. They are rarely seen on the battlefield, but they do sometimes accompany Inquisitors and Rogue Traders so as to harness their powerful and unusual psychic abilities. This plastic miniature originally appeared in Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress, and will be available separately for the first time from next week.

Ministorum Priest

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The Ecclesiarchy is a very powerful entity within the Imperium, and Ministorum Priests generally accompany Imperial forces into battle, bellowing incendiary dogma to inspire their allies to greater heights of zealous bravery. This plastic miniature is available separately from Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress for the first time.

Imperial Agents Repacks

There is also a series of Imperial Agents repacks on their way, to help you build up an adept fighting force in whichever style you choose.

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Legendary Inquisitors such as Kyria Draxus and Katarinya Greyfax are frequently in the thickest fighting, and are soon to be available separately. They have the power to requisition support from the Officio Assassinorum when they need a hard target taken down with surgical precision. With a choice of Eversor, Culexus, Callidus, and Vindicare assassins, no-one is safe.

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Every good Inquisitor needs a gang of flunkeys, and the eclectic mix of individuals in the Inquisitorial Agents box are the perfect attachés. Rogue Traders may also call upon eclectic agents, including the Elucidian Starstriders, an entourage of hand-picked specialists and Voidsmen-at-arms on bodyguard duty.

Datasheet Cards: Imperial Agents

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Whether you are running a full army of Imperial Agents or using them to supplement an existing force, this pack of Datasheet Cards covers every unit in games of Warhammer 40,000 and Combat Patrol. It includes a card covering army rules, but you’ll need the Codex for your detachments.

Warhammer 40,000 Boarding Actions

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Boarding Actions are back in the current edition of Warhammer 40,000 with a 296-page softback book acting as the complete companion. It contains all the rules you’ll need to take your fights into the claustrophobic confines of void ships. There are Tactical Manoeuvres, Stratagems, and Enhancements for almost every faction in the game (except Imperial and Chaos Knights), explanations on how to muster a Boarding Patrol, 55 new Boarding Actions Detachments, and loads of missions: symmetric, asymmetric, narrative, and multiplayer.

Celestian Sacresant Aveline and Daemonbreaker 

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The Imperium burns in the face of Abaddon’s Thirteenth Black Crusade, and as the Despoiler’s attentions turn to Cadia, Celestian Sacresant Aveline prepares to perform one final duty. She must secure the shrine world of Orison VIII and hunt down the Chaos sorcerer who hopes to corrupt it, but an ancient evil that knows Aveline’s name threatens to compromise her mission, at a risk to Holy Terra itself if she cannot defeat it. Jude Reid’s new book Daemonbreaker will be available to pre-order in hardback, eBook, and audiobook editions. It is even accompanied by a stunning new miniature for Celestant Sacresant Aveline.*

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Wielding the holy flame-wreathed blade of Saint Arabella, Aveline is ready to strike down the enemies of the Imperium, and will have Legends rules so you can field her in casual games of Warhammer 40,000.

Daemonbreaker (Special Edition)

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For the truly devout, Daemonbreaker is receiving a luxurious Special Edition, which features a faux-leather cover with an intricate design including silver foil blocking, coloured page edges, and a silver ribbon bookmark. Inside you’ll also find full-colour artwork and an authorial afterword. All copies are signed and numbered.*

* These products are all only available while stocks last

Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyartserhältlich.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Die imperal sgents lösen bei mir etwasaus as icj schon snge nicht mehr in verbindung mit gw stte.

  • Na toll, die Special Edition Canoness bzw. Clestia ist natürlich „while Stock lasts“. Grummel, heißt also wieder Samstag am Rechner hocken und hoffen…

    Die Imperial Agents sind okay, aber als Laden würde ich die dicken Boxen jetzt nicht groß ordern. Davon haben einige echte Ladenhüter-Qualitäten, imo… (v.a. Malleus)

  • Auf der einen Seite schön, dass GK, DW, Schwestern und dazu auch noch die ganzen bunten Truppen in einem Buch sind. Auf der anderen Seite fehlt aber einfach das Update für die GK und DW. Versprüht so absolut null Hype auf mich.
    Die Zusammenstellung der Boxen finde ich auch komisch. Falls man doch auf die Idee kommen sollte mehrere Unterschiedliche zu kaufen, hat man immer dieses Kill Team von dem man mit viel gutem Willen vllt 2 Boxen brauchen kann.

  • Mal schauen, vlt findet die Hereticus Box irgendwann den Weg zu mir.
    Hätte mir allerdings etwas mehr neue Modelle gewünscht (vor allem für die GK Spieler), das ist ja zum größten Teil nur Aufgewärmtes.

  • Wunderbare Sets, an die man teilweise nicht mehr rankommt. Ich hatte letztens noch einem Freund von der Inquisitorin mit der Armbrust erzählt, die ich damals verpasst habe. Jetzt freue ich mich aber vor allem darauf meine Arbiter mit meinen Deathwatch zu spielen.

  • Ein schönes Release. Ein bisschen ärgerlich, dass es nun einen Codex braucht um meine Callidus zu stellen, aber die Kampfpatrouille ist sehr schön. Die Charaktermodelle haäte ich nicht gebraucht, aber die Arbiter und das Gefolge der Inquisition stehen schon länger auf meinem Wunschzettel. Umso mehr freut es mich, dass das auch keine FOMO-Box ist.

    Und das Enterkampfbuch werde ich mir auch holen, da freue ich mich richtig drauf.

    Hätte nicht gedacht, dass GW mal so einen gelungenen Release bringt 😀

  • Cool, ich kann mit dem neuen 40k Design zwar eigentlich nichts anfangen, aber die Inquisitor repacks werde ich mir ggf für Inquisitor 28 holen. Sofern sie bezahlbar sind.

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