von BK-Nils | 22.07.2024 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar

GW: Wochenvorschau mit AoS-Startersets und Warcry

Kommenden Samstag gehen die drei neuen Startersets für die 4. Edition von Warhammer Age of Sigmar in die Vorbestellung, außerdem gibt es eine neue Box für Warcry und den Inhalt der vorangegeben als Einzelveröffentlichung.

Sunday Preview – Warhammer Age of Sigmar Starter Sets Arrive

The new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar is here, and to dip your toe, you can pick up one of the many new starter products coming out next week. For those who want a smaller but no less savage game, new releases for Warcry are sure to satiate your hunger.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Warhammer Age of Sigmar – Introductory Set

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Starter Sets Arrive 1

Start your journey into Warhammer Age of Sigmar with the Introductory Set, which is designed to give you a taste of the Warhammer hobby. It contains five Stormcast Eternals Liberators and 20 Skaven Clanrats – all of which push off the frame and fit together without glue or clippers. Paint them up with the six paints and starter brush included in the box, using the 48-page handbook for guidance. This set also includes gameplay tutorials showing you how to use the playing mat, range ruler, and six dice to get a handle on the basics. It is the ideal gift for anyone who has an interest in the exciting world of Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Warhammer Age of Sigmar – Starter Set

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Starter Sets Arrive 2

For people who know their way around tabletop games, the Starter Set contains everything you need. You get 35 push-fit miniatures (you’ll need clippers for these): a Lord-Veritant with Gryph-crow, three Prosecutors, and five Liberators for the Stormcast Eternals, who are arrayed against a Grey Seer, a Warlock Engineer, three Rat Ogors, and 20 Clanrats.

The 64-page starter set handbook introduces you to the vast Mortal Realms and provides tutorials on the basics of gameplay and four battles to test your skills. With a double-sided gaming mat, two range rulers, two rules reference sheets, and 10 dice, you’ve got everything you need to get started right in the box.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar – Ultimate Starter Set

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Starter Sets Arrive 3

Get the complete Warhammer Age of Sigmar experience with the Ultimate Starter Set, which contains two complete Spearhead armies, and all the rules and accessories you need to play this lightning-fast and tactical new game format. The Vigilant Brotherhood is led by a Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker, who joins the units from the standard starter set, while the Gnawfeast Clawpack receives a Clawlord on Gnaw-beast.

The 144-page small-format Spearhead: Fire and Jade book contains the rules for this new mode and complete warscrolls for every Spearhead you can currently buy. This set also contains the double-sided Spearhead board themed around Aqshy and Ghyran, two Battle Tactics and Twist decks, plus terrain and 3” and 6” clip-together range rulers. On top of that, you’ll get a 72-page handbook that runs you through a series of tutorials, two range rulers, two rules reference sheets, and 10 dice.

Stormcast Eternals Paint Set and Skaven Paint Set

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Starter Sets Arrive 4 Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Starter Sets Arrive 5

If you’re excited to try out the building and painting aspects of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, these two paint sets—which include miniatures and paints—are the perfect way to get started. The Stormcast Eternals Paint Set contains three push-fit Liberators, a Citadel starter brush, and six 12ml pots of paint: Retributor Armour, Kantor Blue, Corax White, Leadbelcher, Agrax Earthshade, and Astrogranite.

The Skaven Paint Set consists of five push-fit Clanrats, a Citadel starter brush, and six 12ml pots of paint: Khorne Red, Rakarth Flesh, Steel Legion Drab, Leadbelcher, Agrax Earthshade, and Astrogranite.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Paint and Tools Set

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Starter Sets Arrive 6

If you have your eye on the Starter Set or Ultimate Starter Set and also want the paints and tools you need to get hobbying right away, then this Paint and Tools Set has the goods. It contains a pair of Citadel Starter Set clippers, a starter brush, and a mouldline scraper, plus 13 12ml paint pots: Corax White, Abaddon Black, Averland Sunset, Leadbelcher, Kantor Blue, Khorne Red, Rakarth Flesh, Retributor Armour, Waaagh! Flesh, Bugman’s Glow, Steel Legion Drab, Agrax Earthshade, and Astrogranite.

Getting Started With Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Starter Sets Arrive 7

This 88-page Getting Started magazine is the ideal way to learn about the Mortal Realms and the wider Warhammer Age of Sigmar hobby. It comes with two push-fit miniatures which don’t need clippers or glue – a Liberator and a Clanrat, both with scenic bases.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar – Warcry

Warcry: Briar and Bone

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Starter Sets Arrive 8

It’s a life-and-death battle in the Gnarlwood as the Teratic Cohort attempt to harvest the bone tithe from these corpse-strewn wilds, coming face-to-face with the warped and tortured Twistweald in Warcry: Briar and Bone.

Alongside these two new warbands, this contains a new Ravening Gnarloak scenery piece – a chained tree that can gulp down fighters whole – a 64-page soft back Warband Tome: Briar and Bone, 12 fighter cards, three ability cards, three divider cards, and 42 battleplan cards.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Starter Sets Arrive 9 Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Starter Sets Arrive 10

Ossiarch Bonereapers who have failed Nagash may be reformed into lower constructs. These Teratic Cohorts are tailor-made to efficiently track and hunt down their foes in an effort to redeem their shame. The Sylvaneth known as the Twistweald are riddled with terrible parasitic plants that drive them mad with rage, torn between spreading their seeds to new hosts and purging all infections from the Gnarlwood.

Ydrilan Riverblades

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Starter Sets Arrive 11

The Lumineth Realm-lords draw much of their power from the aelementiri spirits of Hysh, drawing on their power and teachings to excel in battle. The Ydrilan Riverblades are sworn to the waters, as fast and persistent as the driving current, their movements fluid and graceful. This standalone warband of 10 multipart plastic miniatures – previously only available in the Warcry: Pyre and Flood box set – is a swift force that excels in counterattacks and repositioning, and comes with the fighter cards and ability card you need to help them purify the tributaries of the Gnarlwood.


Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Starter Sets Arrive 12

For those who attempted to preserve the souls of the dead with sacred fires and blessed unguents, Nagash devised a cruel punishment: an afterlife as Pyregheists consumed by eternal balefire. They now seek to torment those who try to deny the Grand Necromancer his due, keeping the braziers of Nagashizzar alight with mortal flesh and soul-matter. This standalone warband of eight multipart plastic miniatures – previously only available in the Pyre and Flood box set – immolates their surroundings and foes with roaring balefire, and comes with the fighter cards and ability card you need to set fire to all who oppose Nagash.

Idol of the Old Ones

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Starter Sets Arrive 13

The Seraphon temple-ship Eye of Chotec was covered in immaculately carved statues that are now scattered across the Gnarlwood. Studded with valuable jewels and powerful arcane devices that double as sentry weapons that scour their foes with beams of burning energy, they are handy platforms for athletic fighters to scurry atop, and excellent additions to your collection of Warcry scenery.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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    • Also ich finde bei warcry ist so langsam die Luft raus 🤔.
      Obwohl mir die Ossiarch Bonereapers sehr gefallen 😃. Aber das Gelände 🙄☹️ weniger. Na dann warte ich auf die Einzelbox 😁.
      Mittlerweile dauert es ja nicht so lange bis zum erscheinen 😃👍

      • irgendwie schon. Schade, eine Zeitlang waren da und bei Underworlds konsistent die besten modelle zu finden, aber haut nicht mehr so hin. hier finde ich tatsächlich die Lumineth noch am besten und richtig begeistern tun sie mich nicht, aber hoffe sehr es gibt leute denen das sehr zusagt.

      • Hot-take: Spearhead soll langfristig Warcry ersetzen. Das Format, die Regeln und der Aufbau des Geländes entprechen Warcry. Auch ist von dort der Schritt zu AoS kleiner. Statt einzelner Einheiten liegt der Fokus auf Kernarmeen, die so auch schon in einer normalen Schlacht spielbar wären.

      • Die Warcry-Box gefällt mir leider auch gar nicht. Die Sylvaneth sehen teilweise zu standard aus und teilweise einfach hässlich. Das Geländestück ist mir zu abgedreht. Und die Boner Bois find ich uninteressant.

        Schade! Warcry ist in den großen Boxen so ein auf und ab. Die eine Box gefällt, die nächste wieder nicht, dann wieder doch, etc.

      • interessanter Hot-take aber ich bin nicht sicher. Momentan gleichen sie ja ihre vertreibstaktiken zwischen WH40K und AOS sehr an. AOS 4.0 ~ WH40K 10th, Spearhead ~ Comabt patrol, Warcry ~ Kill Team.

        ich denke sie werden das ungefähr so halten, aber ob sie da Warcry und Underworlds brauchen bzw. die Bottom line das Rechtfertigt werden wir sehen. denke aber nicht, dass sie den Fantasy Skirmisher ganz absägen, während andere gerade ähnlich klingende Konkurrenzprodukte in die Nische drängen.

    • Jo, die Kugel Eis hat 1994 auch noch 20 Pfennig gekostet.

      Solche Vergleiche sind doch müßig, weil niemand das Set von 2010 noch kaufen kann, sondern nur noch das aktuelle…

      • 1994 hat die Kugel Eiscreme bei uns 50 bis 70 Pfennig gekostet, ein Jahr später 1 Mark. Die Inflation rast im Galopp.

        Mal davon ab, dass man Schlacht auf der Blutinsel auch nicht mit den heutigen Standards vergleichen kann. War ne nette Box, aber nicht auf der aktuellen Miniqualität von GW. Ist die Ultimate Box zu teuer? Von meiner Warte aus schon, aber das muss jeder selber wissen.

    • nur mal so: schon mit der allgemeinen „bösen bösen“ Inflation wären die 78 EUR heute knapp 107 EUR. und nein, damit will ich nicht sagen, die neue Box ist nicht teuer. Ist schon viele Geld. Aber fürs gebotenen finde ich das bei der anderen box ehrlichgesagt auch, speziell aus damaliger Perspektive.

  • Warum sollte man sich den Ultimate Starter holen, wenn man auch gleich Skaventide kaufen kann?

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