von BK-Nils | 22.04.2024 | eingestellt unter: Horus Heresy, Warhammer 40.000

GW: Vorschau Tau und Solar Auxilia

Kommenden Samstag geht die Expansion des Sternenreichs der Tau in der fernen Zukunft von Warhammer 40.000 weiter, die Orks bekommen ein paar Klassiker als Auftragsfertigung und die Solar Auxilia schickt Verstärkung in den Kampf.

Sunday Preview – The T’au Empire Needs You

On the far fringes of the galaxy, the T’au Empire continues its relentless expansion, and we’re pretty sure joining them is a lot easier than beating them. If you do want to give them a rough time, some classic Made to Order Orks should do the trick.

Warhammer 40.000

Codex: T’au Empire

A new dawn for the T’au Empire is upon us and it’s time to bring the Greater Good to the galaxy – Codex: T’au Empire is going up for pre-order this Saturday. The new book is packed with detachments and datasheets for your Fire Caste troops and auxiliaries, with the full breadth of the new Kroot range adding flexible light skirmishers to the infamous T’au gunlines.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The T’au Empire Needs You 1

The book also contains up-to-date lore on the T’au Empire and their state of affairs, along with beautiful miniature galleries, new Combat Patrol rules, and updated Crusade campaign rules that task you with bringing new planets into the fold. If you’re a die-hard T’au Empire fan, you can also pick up the Collector’s Edition version of the codex with a full-art, soft-touch cover, gold foil lettering, and other luxurious details.

Kroot Shapers

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Three new Kroot leaders emerge to take command of their auxiliaries. The War Shaper is an experienced fighter who leads their Carnivores from the front, while the Trail Shaper seeks out advantageous terrain so its warband can better ambush their prey. The Flesh Shaper fills the dual roles of tribal shaman and nutritionist, and they’re a dab hand in a scrum with their razor-sharp knives and expert butchery skills.

Kroot Lone-spear

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Not all Kroot are communal souls, and those that range ahead often prefer the company of nimble Kalamandra beasts to other warriors. Known as Lone-spears, these deadly hunters are expert mobile marksmen, whether sniping targets from afar or hurling explosive-tipped javelins into enemy vehicles.

Krootox Rider

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Older and less impulsive Krootox are used as mobile weapons platforms in battle, where the bond they share with their Krootox Rider is so strong that the gunner can move them into position with barely a gesture. The weapons they mount are the largest carried by Kroot kinbands, and can be fired accurately on the move.

Krootox Rampagers

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The brute strength of a Krootox isn’t only used to lug heavy equipment around, and particularly vicious specimens are prime mounts for the daring shock assault units known as Krootox Rampagers. This unit of three Rampagers is a pure wrecking ball in close combat, pairing the melee skills of their rider with the savage fury of a juvenile Krootox.

Kroot Carnivores

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Kroot Carnivores are the backbone of a kinband, and are lightly equipped so they can skirmish easily through dense terrain. The classic Carnivores return in a brand new box of 10 miniatures with never-seen-before weapon options, plus all the claws, meat, and fetishes you need to outfit your Kroot.

Kroot Hounds

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Traditional Kroot hunting techniques made frequent use of Kroot Hounds to chase down and tie up their prey, and it works just as well on the battlefields of the 41st Millennium. They’re lightning fast, are able to charge after Advancing, and can even hold objectives when near a KROOT Character – that’s a lot of utility packed into five good boys.

Combat Patrol: T’au Empire

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A new Tau Empire Combat Patrol enters the arena of small-scale Warhammer 40,000 action with a balanced mechanised force, mounting troops in a mobile Devilfish transport while their comrades offer supporting fire. The Commander – piloting a sturdy Enforcer battlesuit – leads from the front with a powerful array of ranged weapons, while a Breacher Team closes in for a short-ranged firefight and 10 Pathfinders support their comrades from afar with pinpoint Markerlight targeting.

T’au Empire Dice Set and Datasheet Cards

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Complete your T’au Empire collection with a pack of 16 frosted white dice with pale blue pips and the T’au sept logo on the six, while keeping your datasheets close at hand thanks to the Datasheet Card pack. Each pack contains 44 quick reference cards with fancy blue foil edges, usable in both Combat Patrol and regular Matched Play games of Warhammer 40,000.

Made to Order Orks

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It’s impossible to keep Orks away from a good fight, and these Made to Order kits are so keen for a scrap they’ve travelled across time to get stuck in. The clanking Ork Dreadnought tears into troops with a pair of claws that cut through power armour like butter, while the stealthy Blood Axe Kommandos strike from the shadows and a quad of five Nobz show the runtier Boyz how it’s done – wearing some vintage Ork fashion, if the horned helmets are anything to go by.

Warhammer: The Horus Heresy

Solar Auxilia Basilisk & Medusa

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Do your Loyalist/Traitor (delete as appropriate) opponents think they’re safe huddling behind walls and ruins? Rain down a storm of artillery upon them with the workhorse ordnance vehicles of the Solar Auxilia – the Basilisk and the Medusa. Each kit builds one tank armed with either the Basilisk’s infamous long-range Earthshaker cannon or the Medusa’s deadly armour-rending Medusa mortar.

Hermes Light Sentinel Squadron

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The Hermes Light Sentinel is the Solar Auxilia’s premier fast skirmishing walker, built for raw speed and equipped with a surprisingly powerful arsenal for a machine of its size. This kit builds two Hermes Light Sentinels with a wide range of options, including additional armour plates and weapons to turn them into elite Hermes Veletaris Sentinels for headlong frontal assaults.

Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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      • Die Modelle sind zum Großteil leider super schlecht gealtert. Zumindest die Kunstofforks aus der Grundbox.

        Die Bücher gibt es für schmales Geld bei EBay.

        Das System bräuchte tatsächlich eine Verschlankung, es sind einfach endlos viele Würfe bis zu einem Ergebnis.

        Aber im Grunde ist das Kampagnen System nach wie vor grossartig

    • Da kommen viele Kindheitserinnerungen auf.
      Aber gut, die neuen Kommandos von Kill Team sind halt schon die zeitgemäßeren Ersatzsculpts.
      Zeitlos sind diese hier aber doch irgendwie

  • Ohh OK war gestern mein erster Gedanke 🤔.
    Die kroot kommen jetzt ja doch schnell raus 😃👍.
    Den Kroot Lone-spear kommt auf jeden Fall auf mein Basteltisch 😃.
    Und auch die Hermes Light Sentinel Squadron sind sehr gut zum Umbau 🤔
    Auch die kommen auf mein Tisch.

    Im allgemeinen finde ich, das zur Zeit die einzelnen Boxen schnell kommen 🤔
    Wozu sich also über den schnellen Ausverkauf aufregend.

    Es sei denn man braucht alles aus der Box 🤔

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