von BK-Nils | 23.04.2024 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar

GW: Skaven Warlock und Grombrindal Vorschau

Die Horden der Skaven entsenden mit der neuen Edition auch eine Neuauflage des Warlock Technikers in dire Reiche der Sterblichen von Warhammer Age of Sigmar, außerdem darf sich Grombrindal, der White Dwarf, über eine weitere Inkarnation freuen.

Skaven Warlock Engineer – Fuse Magic and Technology With This Rodent Researcher From the Clans Skryre

The Skaven have combined vile magic with cursed artifice since their earliest days, and the techno-arcanists of the Clans Skryre have been busy in the Age of Sigmar.

The new Warlock Engineer is a sniper of surpassing skill, who uses warpstone-infused bullets to take down enemy characters from afar – the best place for any Skaven to be.

Games Workshop Skaven Warlock Engineer – Fuse Magic And Technology With This Rodent Researcher From The Clans Skryre 1

The warplock musket is deadly indeed, with two shots at D3 Damage and 2 Rend – and the ability to Auto-woundon a critical hit. An eager engineer can further amplify its power using the reaction ability More-More Warp Energy – granting the musket a flat 3 Damage for the turn, provided you shot without moving. This being a Skaven device, of course, there’s always the chance it might blow up in your face…

What’s more, the Warlock Engineer is a spiteful Sniper-Master, spotting enemy leaders with well-honed expertise – and the far-peeker tube of its warplock optics, patent pending – before pointing them out for any Warplock Jezzails within a staggering 13″ range!

Games Workshop Skaven Warlock Engineer – Fuse Magic And Technology With This Rodent Researcher From The Clans Skryre 2

Ignoring the Guarded Hero ability is obviously fantastic, but… what is a Guarded Hero, exactly? These are leaders and characters who are protected by the press of friendly bodies around them – much like the old Look Out, Sir! rule – making them harder to snipe with a cheeky arrow or glowing musket round.

MONSTERS and WAR MACHINES are a bit too conspicuous to benefit from this kind of protection, but smaller HEROES can find safety in obscurity – and INFANTRY HEROES can be downright impossible to target from far away. At least, until a Warlock Engineer gets involved…

Games Workshop Skaven Warlock Engineer – Fuse Magic And Technology With This Rodent Researcher From The Clans Skryre 3

The Warlock Engineer is just one of a number of Skaven characters returning to the game with a fresh look and some unpleasant innovations – we’ll have more to show you soon.

Grombrindal Returns to the Mortal Realms To Celebrate the 500th Issue of White Dwarf

White Dwarf is the best magazine about Warhammer, and that’s a fact. This hallowed periodical was many people’s first introduction to the hobby, and it’s been going strong since 1977 – plus or minus a few gaps here and there.

A lot has happened since that first issue, but one thing has remained eternal: the name. To celebrate 500 issues of White Dwarf, we’re releasing a celebratory new miniature of the alabaster-bearded ancestor himself, Grombrindal.

Games Workshop Grombrindal Returns To The Mortal Realms To Celebrate The 500th Issue Of White Dwarf 1

The White Dwarf is something of a legend. In the Mortal Realms, he is said to be the physical manifestation of an archetype, forged into flesh and blood by Grungni himself, a hero who appears to lead the duardin in their most desperate moments.

This miniature depicts Grombrindal in action, bedecked in duardin accessories – including Kharadron Overlord and Fyreslayer ornaments – as he stands triumphantly on an outcropping of rock surrounded by the discarded armaments of his enemies.

Games Workshop Grombrindal Returns To The Mortal Realms To Celebrate The 500th Issue Of White Dwarf 2

Grombrindal dons many guises when appearing to his people – be that the wise and witty elder statesman, the grim and stalwart protector, or the fearsome warrior-king. He is whatever his people need him to be when the chips are down, and action must be taken – which is quite often, given how violent and unpredictable life is in the Mortal Realms.

Over the years, Grombindal has been seen in many different getups, including wearing power armour to birthday parties, moonlighting as a Tech-Priest with a mechadendrite beard, playing a spot of Blood Bowl, and even trying his hand at a number of odd jobs such as Director, Pirate, Aviator, or Witch Hunter. Quite the impressive resumé.

Games Workshop Grombrindal Returns To The Mortal Realms To Celebrate The 500th Issue Of White Dwarf 3

This Grombrindal miniature will be released alongside White Dwarf 500 next month and will be available for a limited time only. What’s more, he will receive Legends rules for use in Warhammer Age of Sigmar, alongside rules for Cursed City, Warcry, and Warhammer Underworlds. There will also be a selection of special battle plans and scenarios in the magazine, so it looks like his list of jobs is about to get a little longer…

Games Workshop Grombrindal Returns To The Mortal Realms To Celebrate The 500th Issue Of White Dwarf 4

We’re nearing the 500th issue of this totemic tome, and we can promise that it will be an absolute corker.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Der neue Warlock Engineer sieht sehr gut aus – so wie wir es erwarten konnten. Bei den Regeln überrascht, dass er kein Zauberer mehr ist, sondern nur noch ein unterstützendes Charaktermodell, noch dazu eins, dass speziell auf den Einsatz zusammen mit Jezzail-Teams ausgelegt ist.

    Der neuen Grombindal ist auch grandios. Den werde ich wohl versuchen zu bekommen.

    • Ja der warlock ist echt cool geworden 🤔 die Pose und Kleidung mit Panzerplatten.😁👍

      Beim Geburtstagsmini bin ich geteilte Meinung. Ist jetzt nicht unbedingt meins 🙄.

      Ich kann mich noch an den 100 Heft Zwerg erinnern.

      Der war kostenlos im Heft 🤔🤔🤔…

      Das war mal…vor langer Zeit ☹️

      • Ich auch! 😁 Das war nen tolles Gimmick von GW!

        Aber der neue Skaven und Grombrindal sehen schon echt schick aus. Ob ich den wohl hole (oder kriege?) 🤔🙄

  • An den 100 Zwerg kann ich mich auch noch erinnern und er war aus Metall.Genauso wie die Abo Zwerg die immer wieder was besonderes waren. Lang ist’s her.
    Der neue sieht Zweckmäßig aus, holen werde ich ihn mir nicht.Bin aber gespannt was sie für den aufrufen werden.

  • Also der 500 WD lässt mich ma so kalt… Ich spiele weder das aktuelle 40 k noch AOS selbverständlich HH und Legio imperialis. In den letzten 3 Ausgaben Totenstille… Sie können ihr buntes Papier behalten, ich finde es er ist sehr seicht geworden.

  • „This Grombrindal miniature will be released alongside White Dwarf 500…“

    Herrschaftszeiten, wieso nur „alongside“ und nicht als Heftmini? Zumindest zum Jubiläum könnte man doch mal über seinen Schatten springen und die übliche PROFITSUCHT ablegen. Nur für einen Moment…

    Ok, ok, ist GW, die können nicht anders. Ich weiß.

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