von bkredaktion | 08.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football

GW: Nurgle Blood Bowl Starspieler Preview

Ein neuer Starspieler aus den Reihen des Chaos, der besonders in der Gunst von Nurgle steht, Guffle Pusmaw betritt bald die Spielfelder von Blood Bowl.

Nurgle Star Player Guffle Pusmaw is guaranteed to take a bite out of the opposition

Bob: I’ve been checking the stats and this Star Player player really has the chops, Jim!

Jim: According to my notes he has an impressive 60 career touchdowns, Bob.

Bob: Oh, I just meant that it’s written here that he has two mouths…

In Blood Bowl, extensive body modifications and mutations fall well within the extensive rules. So if a passing Chaos God just so happens to bless you with the gift of a giant slobbering maw for a stomach, you can really make a name for yourself on the pitch.

That’s what happened to Guffle Pusmaw, the fortuitously named Star Player who presumably needs a custom mouthguard to protect his prodigious second gob.

Games Workshop Nurgle Star Player Guffle Pusmaw Is Guaranteed To Take A Bite Out Of The Opposition 1

When your parents give you a name like Guffle Pusmaw your fate is surely sealed. Once a regular old human player for the Rocktown Rumblers, Guffle caught a nasty infection after a friendly post-game jersey swap with a Nurgle Rotters player – was it just chance, or was it destiny? Nurgle will never tell.

His life briefly became a living hell as his body was wracked with rot and disease, and it wasn’t until he accepted his fate that his body began to bloat. Determined to put his all into getting fighting fit for Blood Bowl, he was shocked when one day his gut split open into a toothsome maw. Thankfully, it proved perfect for catching long bombs and hail mary passes.

Games Workshop Nurgle Star Player Guffle Pusmaw Is Guaranteed To Take A Bite Out Of The Opposition 2

Now a gifted Star Player thanks to these blessings, he sports a Foul Appearance and a Monstrous Mouth, and he’s naturally Plague Ridden. His tummy also has a hunger that knows no bounds, and will attempt to snag a Quick Bite when marking an opposing player who catches a ball, its prehensile tongue swiftly snagging the pigskin.

Quick Bite

Once per game, if Guffle is marking an opposing player who catches the ball, he may immediately make an unmodified Armour roll, and subsequent Injury roll if necessary, against that player.

If the target’s Armour is broken, Guffle immediately gains possession of the ball. No Turnover is caused as a result of using this special rule.

You can recruit Guffle Pusmaw for any Favoured of Nurgle team, for the disgustingly low price of 180,000 GP. He’ll be available in Forge World resin, and comes with rules in the box.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Der Brückenkopf existiert seit 2002 und bietet täglich News aus dem Tabletop Hobby.

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