von BK-Nils | 29.01.2024 | eingestellt unter: Necromunda, Warhammer / Age of Sigmar

GW: Neuheitenvorschau Höfe der Leichenfresser

Kommenden Samstag bitten die Höfe der Leichenfresser zur Audienz, wenn die kannibalistischen Untoten unter Führung des Irren Königs Ushoran die Tore ihrer Residenzen für die Reiche der Sterblichen öffnen und auf Necromunda verstärkt ein Champion die Reihen der Ironhead Squat Prospectors.

Sunday Preview – Rotting Pennants Fly High for the Flesh-eater Courts

After much time spent spying on the cannibal courts from afar, we can report that they have finally opened the rotten gates of their ruined keeps, and are surging out in full force across the Mortal Realms. Ushoran himself smashes his way into the realms alongside a royal court packed with noble courtiers and their loyal servants, alongside Dawnbringers: Book IV – The Mad King Rises. It’s good eating for the servants of Death.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Dawnbringers: Book IV: The Mad King Rises

Both halves of the Twin-Tailed Crusade are battered and bruised after their battles across the Dawnbringers series, but nevertheless, they continue their endless march through Aqshy and Ghyran in the fourth chapter of this epic story. Unfortunately for these beleaguered Sigmarites, the hungry forces of Death are prepared to welcome them with open arms.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Rotting Pennants Fly High For The Flesh Eater Courts 1

The Mortarch of Delusion welcomes the Ghyranite prong of the Crusade into New Summercourt, where the Sekhar, the Fang of Nulahmia, is weaving a dizzying web of conspiracy that threatens the Dawnbringers. Alongside rules for Ushoran and Sekhar, there is a new Army of Renown with a heavy focus on powerful bloodsuckers, a regiment of renown for all six of Nagash’s mortarchs, the next chapter of the Cities of Sigmar Path to Glory Battlepack, and the return of Triumph and Treachery.

Pay tribute to Ushoran with the limited edition of Mad King Rises, which features soft-fouch full cover art with gold foil lettering, a purple ribbon marker, and gilt page edges. It is limited to just 300 individually numbered copies.*

Ushoran, Mortarch of Delusion

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Rotting Pennants Fly High For The Flesh Eater Courts 2

Going by many names – the Sombre Paladin, the Lord of Masques, the Summerking – Ushoran is the powerful epicentre of the Flesh-eater delusion. A complex character who masks his bestial nature behind a suffocating illusion of chivalry, the Mortarch of Delusion is a hulking brute who casually carves through his foes as he leads his rancid ghouls to victory against the enemies of Nagash. His rules are available in Mad King Rises, and also shortly as a free download on Warhammer Community.

Fangs of the Blood Queen

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Rotting Pennants Fly High For The Flesh Eater Courts 3

The Fang of Nulahmia is a loyal servant of Ushoran’s rival Neferata. Like her mistress, Sekhar is a duplicitous schemer, bending the will of enemies and allies alike through subtle suggestion and powerful hypnosis. The Fangs of the Blood Queen is the first place you can get Sekhar and her serpentine thrall Ouboroth, alongside 10 Dire Wolves and three Fell Bats.

Battletome: Flesh-eater Courts

Drink deep of the delusion with the standalone release of this battletome, which contains the blood-splattered background for the ghoulish horrors who truly believe they are chivalrous warriors. All the rules you need to bring this army to the battlefield are included, with 27 warscrolls and pitched battle profiles for all of your chivalric cannibals, a wealth of thematic enhancements, Path to Glory rules, and a gallery painted by the ’Eavy Metal team.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Rotting Pennants Fly High For The Flesh Eater Courts 4

Give yourself fully over to the madness of Ushoran with a beautiful limited edition that definitely isn’t a mouldy grimoire plastered with old blood. This edition features a soft-touch cover with gold foil blocking, gilt page edges, and a red ribbon bookmark – a supremely decadent artefact. It is limited to just 300 numbered copies.

Grand Justice Gormayne

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Rotting Pennants Fly High For The Flesh Eater Courts 5

What use is a royal court without a paragon of sound mind to pass judgement upon those who transgress against the will of the Summerking? Grand Justice Gormayne delivers his sentences without a hint of clemency, whipping his minions into a frenzy with spit-flecked orations.

Abhorrant Cardinal

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Rotting Pennants Fly High For The Flesh Eater Courts 6

Blessed with arcane power after sipping from the Carrion King’s chalice, Abhorrant Cardinals are zealous clerics that spread the word of Ushoran across the Mortal Realms. Their stupefying sermons can erode the sense of even the most stoic warriors.

Royal Decapitator

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Rotting Pennants Fly High For The Flesh Eater Courts 7

The Royal Decapitators of the Carrion Court have one job, and they do it exceedingly well. Though pock-marked and rusted, their axes are more than up to lopping off heads for their vampiric lieges, a task which these grim executioners pursue with a demented vigour.

Varghulf Courtier

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Rotting Pennants Fly High For The Flesh Eater Courts 8

Varghulf Courtiers are the most forgone of all of Ushoran’s servants, vampires transfigured into loping, bestial forms. In their delusion, the Carrion Court views these vile creatures as blessed champions who emerge from their dank cloisters only when battle draws near – but the enemies of the Flesh-eaters see their true, chiropteran* nature, usually as they are being torn asunder by their elongated limbs.

Marrowscroll Herald

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Rotting Pennants Fly High For The Flesh Eater Courts 9

The realms of the Flesh-eater Courts engage in internal relations and diplomacy just like any other kingdom, and the Marrowscroll Heralds are their esteemed envoys. They spread the glorious news of their benevolent liege across the Mortal Realms, leaving a trail of madness and destruction in their wake.


Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Rotting Pennants Fly High For The Flesh Eater Courts 10

Cryptguards are the sworn bodyguards of the abhorrants, armed with the finest weapons from their armouries. In their minds, these are masterworks covered in filigree, but in reality they are rusted relics steeped in corpse-juices. Even the shallowest cut from one of these foul blades can turn a brave warrior into a gibbering wreck. This box builds 10 Cryptguard with a choice of weapons and heads, plus options for a champion, standard bearer, and musician.

Morbheg Knights

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Rotting Pennants Fly High For The Flesh Eater Courts 11

Morbheg Knights are a chivalric order whose shields and flags bear offal-strewn simulacra of traditional heraldry. Devoted to their abhorrant monarchs, they crash into enemy ranks, ear-piercing howls from their nightshrieker steeds sending foes into disarray as the carnage commences. This box builds three Morbheg Knights with a selection of interchangeable heads, two shields each, and options for a champion, standard bearer and musician.

Flesh-eater Courts Dice Set

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Rotting Pennants Fly High For The Flesh Eater Courts 12

Pair your army of emaciated ghouls and your dice with the Flesh-eater Courts dice set, which contains 16 sickly grey dice with red ink pips. These dice each feature the Flesh-eater Courts faction icon on the six face.


Ironhead Squat Prospectors: Champion with Mining Laser

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Rotting Pennants Fly High For The Flesh Eater Courts 13

The Ironhead Squat Prospectors welcome a new Champion to the fold, a Drill Master hefting a mining laser that’s nearly as big as he is. Designed to bore precious minerals out of the crust of Necromunda, these S9 tools make short work of armour and vehicles. This single-pose miniature is an Expert Kit made from Forge World Resin.

White Dwarf

White Dwarf 497

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Rotting Pennants Fly High For The Flesh Eater Courts 14

The February issue of White Dwarf is 144 pages of excellent Warhammer articles and images. This month introduces rules for the Insidious Infiltrators – a new Combat Patrol for Tyranids in Warhammer 40,000 – Flesh-eater Courts in Cursed City, and Space Marine Scouts for Kill Team. On top of that, there’s gorgeous photography of the Lumineth Realm-lords and the first Battle Report for Warhammer: The Old World.

* Meaning ‘batlike’…

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Der neue Patriarch für horus heresie auf Bild 2 ist super!
    Und generell sehen die neuen ghoule echt stark aus.

  • Und wieder mal was neues untotes für ein totes Spiel wie Cursed City? Wie passend.
    Naja. Ich freu mich dsrüber und hol mir die passenden Figuren.

    • Wenn ich das richtig gelesen habe kommt nur ein Bericht und Regeln im neuen WD
      Nicht aber neue Minis für Cursed City 🤔

      • Im derzeitigen WD wurden auch die Kommandoeinheit von Cities of Sigmar als Heldengruppe herausgegeben. Vielleicht war ja sowas gemeint.

  • Also den Marrowscroll Herald
    werde ich mir besorgen 🤔 auf den warte ich schon lange.

    Beim König warte ich mal den Preis ab 😃

    Ich bin ja auch ein wenig überrascht wie schnell da alle Minis aus der Box, jetzt einzeln kommen 🤔
    Aber auch gut 😁👍

  • Aaaah, die bringe jetzt Ushoran raus. Jetzt wo ich mein Hobbygeld für ein Warhound ausgegeben habe.Jetzt muss ich erstmal sparen und hole ihn mir später.
    Bin gespannt wie viel der Kosten wird.

  • Ich hoffe das ich die „Fangs of the Blood Queen“ Box bekommen kann, die Mäuse und Wölfe wollte ich eh schon eine ganze Zeit, der Charakter ist da nur die Sahne auf dem Kuchen.

    • geht mir ähnlich, habe einen gewissen Sammeltrieb für die Vampire entwickelt und Wölfe wie Fledermäuse wären noch cool um meine diversen Vampire Warcry Warbands endlich mal abzurunden und dann auch in Angriff zu nehmen. gut, wenn ich meinen Projektliste so sehe wirds dann eines für 2025, aber was solls 😅

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