von BK-Nils | 29.07.2024 | eingestellt unter: Epic 40.000, Horus Heresy

GW: Mechanicum Armeeset und Nachschub für Legiones Imperialis

Kommenden Samstag tritt mit dem Mechanicum eine weitere Fraktion in den Konflikt der Horus Heresy in den Kampf bei, außerdem rollen in der Schlacht um Tallarn gewaltige Panzerverbände in die Schlacht, mit einem neuen Buch für Legions Imperialis.

Sunday Preview – Devastation Comes to Tallarn

Things that clank and whirr are commonplace on the battlefields of the far future, but few armies make so many pleasing machine sounds as the Mechanicum, who stomp their way into plastic for games of the Horus Heresy next week. Legions Imperialis, meanwhile, takes a trip to the glorious agri-world of Tallarn with a complement of fresh tanks in tow. Sounds like a pleasant excursion!

Warhammer The Horus Heresy

Mechanicum Battle Group

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Devastation Comes To Tallarn 1

The forces of the Omnissiah arrive in plastic, and the new Mechanicum Battle Group is the tip of the spear. This box contains 29 new plastic miniatures: six cyborg Thallax form the potent core – armoured shock troops armed with lightning guns and jetpacks.

Two Castellax Battle-automata deliver blistering fire support with shoulder-mounted heavy weapons, while 20 Adsecularis Tech-thralls provide a screen of troops to capture objectives. Rounding things out is a Triaros Conveyor, a dedicated transport option unique to the Mechanicum and armed with volkite calivers. The box also comes with three transfer sheets: a Mechanicum Macro-Constructs sheet with 394 decals, and two Mechanicum Construct sheets with 558 decals.

Knight Battle Group: Castigator and Acheron

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Devastation Comes To Tallarn 2

The Knight Battle Group pairs a Cerastus Knight Castigator with an Acheron variant in a deadly duo ready to dominate the battlefield. With its colossal bolt cannon and crackling tempest warblade, the Castigator is a threat to infantry and light vehicles, while the Acheron terrorises foes with its arm-mounted flamestorm cannon, and guts heavy armour with its reaper chainfist. This box contains two different Cerastus Knight transfer sheets featuring numerous household icons and other decals, one with 234 transfers and one with 214.

Legions Imperialis

Legions Imperialis – The Devastation of Tallarn

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Devastation Comes To Tallarn 3

The Iron Warriors’ campaign of destruction on Tallarn turned a once-verdant agri-world into an inhospitable desert, and you can read all about it in The Devastation of Tallarn. This hardback book introduces several varieties of Legions Imperialis campaigns, such as the advanced Breakthrough Campaign in which you aim to defeat enemy strongholds, or the Northern Desolation campaign which includes Fog of War and Spearhead Assault battles. There are also Battle Honours, Veteran Detachments, Formations of Legends, and new Formations and Detachments for the Legiones Astartes and the Solar Auxilia. It will be available in both hardback and ePub formats.

Legions Imperialis: The Devastation of Tallarn Cards

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Devastation Comes To Tallarn 4

Supplement your game with this set of 24 rules reference cards featuring the new Detachments and Formations. This set also comes with three Legiones Astartes Vehicle Commander Cards, which contain the commander profiles and their special rules.

Shadowswords, Stormblades, and Stormswords

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Devastation Comes To Tallarn 5

The super-heavy tanks of the Solar Auxilia are some of the most destructive and durable mechanised units deployed during all of the Horus Heresy, and this versatile chassis allowed for numerous battlefield roles. This box makes two tanks, choosing from the titan-hunting Shadowsword, the fortress-cracking Stormsword, or the more general-use Stormsword. Each has a main weapon, a hull-mounted heavy bolter, and a choice of heavy bolter and lascannon sponsons. There is also a Solar Auxilia vehicle transfer sheet containing 288 decals in the box.

Leman Russ Executioner and Demolisher Squadron

The ever-reliable Leman Russ is the mainstay of the Solar Auxilia, with many variants cooked up to excel at different tasks. The Leman Russ Executioner will vaporise heavy infantry and melt armour panels alike with its Executioner plasma cannon, while the Leman Russ Demolisher specialises in obliterating trenches and fortifications with the cannon that grants it its name.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Devastation Comes To Tallarn 6

This box builds eight tanks built in either pattern, equipped with a hull-mounted heavy bolter or lascannon. You also get a Solar Auxilia vehicle transfer sheet containing 288 decals.

Sicaran Arcus and Punisher Squadron

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Devastation Comes To Tallarn 7

Few tanks available to the Legiones Astartes are as adaptable as the Sicaran. Pioneered by the Ultramarines, the Sicaran Arcus is a flexible powerhouse which packs an Arcus missile launcher with a variety of warheads. The Sicaran Punisher mounts a powerful rapid-firing rotary cannon which can overwhelm foes with an unrelenting stream of firepower. This box builds four of either pattern, which may also be equipped with sponson-mounted lascannons or heavy bolters. You also get a Legiones Astartes vehicle transfer sheet which comprises 1,130 decals.

Warhammer The Old World

Prince Ulther’s Dragon Company

A true classic returns to the Old World via Made to Order: Prince Ulther’s legendary Dragon Company, first cast as miniatures in 1985! Tasked by his father with freeing their ancestral home from the grobi scum that overran it 4,000 years ago, Ulther took a dragon-carved post from his father’s bed for his banner, and formed the Dragon Company to meet his familial obligations.

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There are two sets available: one group of five single-pose warriors, and another containing four command miniatures, including Prince Ulther, Borri Forkbeard, a musician, and a standard bearer. They are all made of metal and use plastic shields, and will be available on a Made to Order basis from 10am local time on Saturday the 3rd of August until 8am GMT on Monday the 12th of August. These products can take up to 180 days to ship.

White Dwarf

White Dwarf 503

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Devastation Comes To Tallarn 10

The August edition of the world’s best Warhammer magazine is here, and it’s packed with great stuff as usual. There’s a full feature on the history and technology of the Leagues of Votann, plus new Crusade rules, while the Tale of Four Warlords crew pair off for an epic 10,000-point climactic battle that includes two Daemon Primarchs and 25 armoured vehicles. For Warhammer Age of Sigmar, there are features on using Manifestations, lore and a Legends Army of Renown centred around the Astral Templars Stormcast Eternals, plus Legends rules for using Hamilcar Bear-Eater in your games.

Legions Imperialis ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Einen kurzen Augenblick lang hatte ich die Hoffnung, dass das Mechanicum für LI kommen würde, aber das hätte man ja vorher gewusst.
    Aber gut, ein neues Buch mit ein paar neuen Panzern werden auch Spaß machen.

  • Ich finde das Mechanicum Set auf die Heresy echt klasse. So viele alte Resin-Minis, die da jetzt in Plastik kommen. Die Box ist definitv vorgemerkt.

    Auch dass endlich das zweite Buch für LI kommt ist gut – aber leider befürchte ich, dass das Spiel doch schon auf dem absteigenden Ast ist, bedenkt man, wie lange der Release jetzt nach der Ankündigung gedauert hat. Aber hier täusche ich mich gerne…

    • Ich hoffe Du täuscht Dich. Ich habe immer noch nicht alles fertig bemalt. Ich brauche immer ca 1 Jahr um eine spielbare Armee auf gutem Niveau bemalt aufzustellen (egal in welchem System; dachte es wäre bei LI Scheller, aber da braucht man halt mehr). Ständig passiert es, dass die Spiele genau dann „totgesagt“ sind, wenn ich fertig bin und denke – Jetzt mal Leute zum spielen anrufen ^^.

      • Dasselbe Problem habe ich auch. Man schafft sich was an und es bleibt Wochen liegen und dann wird es bemalt und gefühlt interessiert es viele dann nicht mehr.
        Ist aber bei uns in der Gruppe fast gar nicht so, weil alle dasselbe Problem haben. Ist eher ein Online-Ding.

      • Macht doch ne Eskaltionsliga
        also Spielen und Bemalen in fest gelegten Blöcken.

        Dann liegt es nicht rum bis es in x monaten mal angefasst wird

  • Bin mal gespannt, wie teuer die Imperial Knights Battlegroup wird. Ich baue gerade einen Cerastus Lancer und das ist ein tolles Modell. Eine Lanze aus den drei verschiedenen Cerastus Varianten wäre schon cool.

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