von BK-Nils | 01.04.2024 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football, Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000

GW: Killteam, Warcry und Gnome für Blood Bowl

Kommenden Samstag geht es mit Kill Team: Nightmare in die ferne Zukunft von Warhammer 40.000, in Warcry: Pyre and Flood werden die Reiche der Sterblichen von Warhammer Age of Sigmar besucht, während die Blood Bowl Stadien die Glimdwarrow Groundhogs auf dem Spielfeld begrüßen.

Sunday Preview – Nightmares, Pyres, and… Gnomes

Another Sunday, another preview. This week we’ve got several long-awaited additions to several Warhammer games. Kill Team: Nightmare drops, alongside Warcry: Pyre and Flood, as well as the Blood Bowl Gnome team. Everything you see here today will go up for pre-order next Saturday.

Warhamer 40.000: Killteam

Kill Team: Nightmare

Nobody in the 41st Millennium is a good guy, but few are this wicked. The latest boxed supplement for Kill Team sizes up two of the meanest groups of guys in the entire galaxy – the Night Lords vs the Mandrakes.

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In the blue corner are the Nemesis Claws of the Night Lords Legion – an infinitely sadistic bunch of raiders, corsairs, and murderers who love nothing more than draping themselves in the flayed skin of anyone who gets in their way. In the glowing green corner are the Drukhari Mandrakes – an infinitely sadistic bunch of dimension-hopping shadow beings who love nothing more than draping themselves in the flayed skin of anyone who gets in their way.

So as you can imagine, their first meeting in a killzone is going to be bloody.

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Kill Team: Nightmare contains 20 new plastic miniatures in the form of two complete kill teams, an new plastic Generatorum Hub terrain piece, a 96-page book containing full rules, background, and new scenarios, two decks of unit Datacards, two decks of other user cards, and two token sheets – one of each for both teams.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry

Warcry: Pyre and Flood

The battle for the Gnarlwood is no less nasty than the struggles occurring across Bheta-Decima, as we can see in the latest expansion box for Warcry.

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The Nighthaunt are determined to set the Gnarlwood aflame as the Pyregheists are unleashed. These malevolent spirits haunt dark places, bringing Nagash’s enlightenment in the form of, er, burning death. Fortunately, the Lumineth fire brigade is on the case, in the form of the Ydrilan Riverblades, sacred aelementors who defend blessed waterways across the realms.

Will the Riverblades quench the Pyregheists’ thirst for vengeance, or will they go down in flames?

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Warcry: Pyre and Flood contains two complete warbands, comprising 18 plastic miniatures, alongside an Idol of the Old Ones to add to your battlefields, a 64-page Warband Tome packed full of background and rules, and 62 cards, split across Fighter cards, Ability cards, and a full deck of Battleplan cards.

Wildercorps Hunters and Gorger Mawpack

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Two more warbands are venturing back into the Gnarlwood as the Wildercorps Hunters and Gorger Mawpack, previously available in the Hunter and Hunted box, get solo releases. Each of these sets includes a complete warband – 11 miniatures for the Wildercorps Hunters and five for the Gorger Mawpack – and all the Fighter cards and Ability cards you need to use them in your games of Warcry. You may also deploy both units in larger games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar via their free downloadable Warscrolls.

Ravaged Lands

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Give your warbands some new scenery to battle over with a pair of Ravaged Lands sets, each themed around the Gnarlwood and the long-lost Seraphon artefacts that lie within that blighted region. The Ruined Realmshaper set includes ten pieces of scenery, including gnarloaks, rope bridges, obstacles and the eponymous ruined Realmshaper Engine itself. The Ruined Spawning Pool comprises a Starfire Pylon and an Idol of Motzlpota, both with platforms built over them to take your games into the third dimension.

Blood Bowl

Glimdwarrow Groundhogs

And now is the moment you’ve been waiting for, as the game of fantasy football sees the fittest, most athletic, most professional team ever to play in the big leagues take to the field. That’s right, the Gnomes are here.

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The Glimdwarrow Groundhogs are a collection of mischievous Gnomes, ready to bring their trickery, guile, and numerous woodland pals to the Blood Bowl pitch. The team includes 14 plastic miniatures – eight Linemen, two Illusionists, two Beastmasters with a choice of badger or goose companions, and two ball-thieving Woodland Foxes. You’ll also get balls and various tokens themed around the Gnomes.

Spike! Journal Issue 17

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The rules for using your new Gnome team to dominate the leagues are in issue 17 of Spike! Journal. As well as a team list, this volume includes a spotlight on the Glimdwarrow Groundhogs, advice for coaching this… unusual team, new Star Players, Gnome Garden Leagues and a Dungeonbowl update. All the usual features round out the issue, which you’ll be able to get in paperback and eBook formats.

Gnome Team Dice, Cards, and Pitch Set

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Coach your Gnomes in style with a range of themed accessories. The Gnome Team Dice Set features seven blue and red pearlised Blood Bowl dice, and the Gnome Team Card Pack features 44 cards covering your players, Star Players, new Special Play cards and blank cards for keeping track of your players in leagues. The Gnome Team Pitch and Dugouts set includes a double-sided pitch depicting a magical forest in the day and at night, complete with rules for playing on it, and a pair of dugouts.

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It’s, uh, possible that your Gnomes might need some help on the pitch if they’re to overcome some of the tougher teams out there, and that’s where the Gnome Treeman and Rodney Roachbait come in. The Treeman will add some punch to your scrimmage line, while Star Player Rodney Roachbait uses his trusty fishing rod to hook the ball right out from under the noses of opponents.

White Dwarf

White Dwarf 499

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Nightmares, Pyres, And… Gnomes 16

April’s edition of White Dwarf magazine is packed with 144 pages of awesome Warhammer content. The highlights include new lore and fiction featuring the ancient menace of the Necrons, rules for using six Warhammer Underworlds warbands as Bladeborn fighters in Warcry, and new Boarding Actions missions for Warhammer 40,000 that reach into the fourth dimension and twist time as you play. It also includes all your favourite regular features, and more besides.

Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Oh ich dachte die nächste Killteam Box wäre mit den League Scouts.
    Na gut, dann hole ich mir doch die allererste Box mit den Kommando Orcs…da macht das Terrain spielerisch mehr Sinn als dieser Kasten jetzt hier…die Mandraks sind aber schon cool

  • Jaaa die Mandrakes sind echt cool 😃👍.
    Die Chance die einzeln zu bekommen sind groß.
    Ich denke die Fans werden die Box fast nur wegen den Nightmare kaufen. Das Gelände ist ja nicht unbedingt der Brüller 🤔

    Die Warcry Box lass ich aus, da gefallen beide Teams mir nicht.

    Bei den Gnome muss ich echt schmunzeln.bin aber am überlegen ob ich mir die nicht einfach gönne. Nur wegen der lustigen Tiere 😁

    • Das Gelände ist zur Ergänzung der killzone bheta decima. Bin gespannt wie es die Map ändern wird.

      Hoffentlich kriegt man die Box einigermaßen normal 😅

  • Meint Ihr, es wird das „Geländeteil“, oben nannte es jemand den Kasten, auch einzeln geben? Oder wird das nur mit Komplettbox verkauft?

    • Ich denke schon, das es eine Einzel Box geben wird.
      War bis jetzt bei allen Kill Team Boxen.

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