von BK-Nils | 21.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

GW: Kill Team Starter Set, Teams und Charaktermodelle

Kommenden Samstag kommt mit dem Kill Team: Starterset eine Box, in der sich Space Marines und die Death Guard gegenüberstehen, außerdem sind weitere Teams in neuer Aufmachung dabei und für Warhammer 40.000 kommen weitere Charaktermodelle als Einzelveröffentlichung.

Sunday Preview: Kill Teams and Chaos Lords

The new edition of Kill Team is here! If you’re not already undertaking secret missions behind enemy lines, there’s a new starter set this week that makes it easy to get involved, alongside the release of another wave of kill teams and there’s the standalone release of two new Chaos Lords and Inquisitor Coteaz.

Warhammer 40.000: Kill Team

Kill Team: Starter Set

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Kill Teams, Chaos Lords, And Audio Horror 1

There’s no better way to get started in the world of clandestine special operations than with the Kill Team Starter Set. It includes 14 miniatures split between the Angels of Death and Plague Marines kill teams, a 64-page starter handbook that takes you through each element of the game in turn, a core token sheet, two reference sheets, 10 dice, a double-sided game board, and an innovative set of MDF terrain which builds two larger structures and eight smaller structures.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Kill Teams, Chaos Lords, And Audio Horror 2 Games Workshop Sunday Preview Kill Teams, Chaos Lords, And Audio Horror 3

That’s everything you need to learn the basics of the game, before taking the plunge into the full Core Rules. Both kill teams are easy to learn but hard to master – and as Space Marines they’re more than tough enough to tangle with any other faction in the main game.

Kill Team: Kasrkin and Datacards

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Kill Teams, Chaos Lords, And Audio Horror 4

The Kasrkin are the elite of the elite, Cadian special forces who command the battlefield with a calculated cool, taking on greater odds with well-drilled discipline, high-grade equipment, and cutting-edge tactics. This set of 10 miniatures builds a kill team including a number of specialists such as a Sharpshooter, Medic, and Demo-trooper. They come with a unique token sheet and a transfer sheet containing 597 decals. A separate deck of 37 Datasheet cards will be released alongside them, containing faction rules and equipment, unique plots, operative profiles, and other useful information.

Kill Team: Phobos Strike Team and Datacards

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Kill Teams, Chaos Lords, And Audio Horror 5

When Space Marines need to strike with surgical precision they deploy the Phobos Strike Team. Equipped with lighter armour designed for stealth, and armed with specialised weapons and equipment, they make their kills with deadly subtlety. This set of 10 miniatures builds a complete kill team, with options for specialists like the Saboteur, Helix Adept, and Marksman. They come with a unique token sheet, and a transfer sheet containing 758 decals. A separate deck of 41 Datasheet cards will be released alongside them, containing faction rules and equipment, unique plots, operative profiles, and other useful information.

Kill Team: Chaos Space Marine Legionaries and Datacards

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Kill Teams, Chaos Lords, And Audio Horror 6

Chaos Space Marine Legionaries are remorseless traitors granted monstrous boons by their Dark Gods, whom they serve by sowing destruction across the galaxy. This set of 10 miniatures builds a kill team composed of Legionaries, some of which can be specialists like the Balefire Acolyte, Shrivetalon, and Butcher. They come with a unique token sheet, and a transfer sheet containing 364 decals. A separate deck of 41 Datasheet cards will be released alongside them, containing faction rules and equipment, unique plots, operative profiles, and other useful information.

Kill Team: T’au Empire Pathfinders and Datacards

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Kill Teams, Chaos Lords, And Audio Horror 7

A fledgling race on the galactic stage, the T’au Empire fight for their future with high-tech weaponry and plucky optimism. Their Pathfinder teams are expert scouts and covert operatives who slip behind enemy lines and outgun their foes. This set of 13 miniatures builds a kill team accompanied by three drones, with options for specialists like the Drone Controller, Assault Grenadier, and Medical Technician. They come with a unique token sheet, and a transfer sheet containing 185 decals. A separate deck of 41 Datasheet cards will be released alongside them, containing faction rules and equipment, unique plots, operative profiles, and other useful information.

Kill Team: Inquisitorial Agents and Datacards

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Kill Teams, Chaos Lords, And Audio Horror 8

Inquisitors wield near-unlimited power, but they are still mortals – so they delegate sanctioned teams of special individuals to do their bidding. This set of seven miniatures builds a kill team led by an Interrogator, who is backed up by an eccentric crew that can contain a Death World Veteran, Penal Legionnaire, and Hexorcist, among others, while the bulk of their firepower is made up of requisitioned operatives from other valid Imperial kill teams. They also come with a unique token sheet. A separate deck of 41 Datasheet cards will be released alongside them, containing faction rules and equipment, unique plots, operative profiles, and other useful information.

Kill Team: Chaos Cult Datacards

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Kill Teams, Chaos Lords, And Audio Horror 9

Chaos Cults work to undermine the Imperium and further the agendas of the Ruinous Powers with all their might, conducting dark rituals that warp and twist their flesh into monstrous forms, gaining strength through their corruption. These teams are comprised of miniatures from the Chaos Cultists, Accursed Cultists, and Dark Commune boxes, and this set of 38 Datacards contains faction rules and equipment, unique plots, operative profiles, and other useful information.

Warhammer 40.000

Chaos Lord

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Kill Teams, Chaos Lords, And Audio Horror 10

Those strong enough to lead the Heretic Astartes warbands plaguing the galaxy are ruthless and long-lived individuals known as Chaos Lords. Each is a warrior who has forged their skill over millennia of bloody combat, and they command hard-won respect from their warband. The standalone release of this multipart miniature comes with a range of weapon and cosmetic options to forge your own Chaos Lord.

Chaos Lord with Jump Pack

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Kill Teams, Chaos Lords, And Audio Horror 11

Leading packs of Raptors from on high, a Chaos Lord with Jump Pack is a cruel hunter who favours speed and aggression, relishing the agility afforded to them by their roaring jump packs as they relentlessly pursue their quarry. The standalone release of this multiplayer miniature has a number of head and weapon options to customise your own pitiless reaver.

Inquisitor Coteaz

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Kill Teams, Chaos Lords, And Audio Horror 12

The legendary hero Inquisitor Torquemada Coteaz uses the information networks of the Ordo Malleus to great effect when directing his subordinates in battle, even as he strides forward to personally smite heretics, traitors, and daemons with his infamous Nemesis daemon hammer, all whole is Glovodan Psyber-eagle soars high above the melee. This is his first standalone release.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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