GW: Echsenmenschen Starspieler Preview
Aus den dampfenden Dschungeln Lustrias kommt ein weiterer Starspieler für die Echsenmenschen, der Tempelwächter Anqi Panqi betritt bald die Spielfelder der Blood Bowl Stadien.
Blocking Balls Like the Best in the Business – Another Star Player Returns from Lustria
Bob: I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Saurus talk quite as much as Anqi Panqi, Jim.Jim: Well I heard he learned all his vocabulary from fan mail and interviews, Bob.
Bob: Explains why he can say the referee’s blind in eight languages – what more does a rising Star Player reallyneed?
The jungles of Lustria have spawned many illustrious Blood Bowl players, from the hulking Kroxigor Glotl Stop to the wily Skink twins Drull and Dribl, but rarely are the specialised Saurus known as Temple Guards seen beyond the boundaries of their cities. These taciturn bodyguards protect the Slann and their works with almost robotic precision – but not even they are immune to exhilaration of sporting glory and the adoration of screaming fans, as Anqi Panqi found out.
Previously assigned to safeguard a struggling Slann coach from disappointed fans both within and without, Anqi discovered his natural Blood Bowl talent after the brutal suppression of a pitch-storming crowd found the ball in his hands and his feet in the endzone. So great was the public’s enthusiasm for the accidental game-winner that his coach offered him a place on the team, and contracts were signed in a mere five years – lightning fast by the cold-blooded Lustrians’ usual standards.
Anqi took to the glitz and glamour of the Blood Bowl life like a lizard to a comfortably warm rock, revelling in the roar of the crowd and the Cabalvision reporters jostling for his attention. A quick reshuffle* of personnel at the Tlaxtlan Stegadons released him from regular service and he began the golden road to Star Player stardom, offering his services as a masterful Blocker and consummate player-killer.
The strong and resilient Saurus already make for great Blockers, and Anqi is at the top of his game. His Savage Blow Special Rule is the perfect trump card to pull out when a Block absolutely must send the target sprawling, as you can keep any dice you like and re-roll any you don’t.
Such a princely package does come for a premium price, and it’ll cost Lustrian Superleague teams 190,000 smackeroos to hire their own solid wall of muscle, gold, and scales for their games.
* The team coach swears they didn’t try to send Anqi back to his old day job guarding empty temples.
Quelle: Warhammer Community
Der sieht wirklich sehr cool und gelungen aus! Gilt aber ja für die meisten Echsenmenschen 😀
Bin kein Blood Bowl Spieler, aber bei dem Modell komme ich schon in Versuchung.
Der sieht super aus. Den würde ich mir als Conversion Projekt holen.
Geht’s nur mir so oder liege ich falsch? Schaut man sich das Foto der bemalten Mini an, sind fast alle Farbverläufe seltsam „gerastert“. Quasi als ob die Farbverläufe getupft wären. Z.B. das Metall an der Schwanzspitze, die blauen Schatten an den Beinen, die grauen Schatten an der weißen Schädelmaske etc. Da muss krass im Photoshop an den Farben, dem Kontrast oder wasweißichnicht gedreht worden sein, denke ich. Auch einige weiße Kantenakzente wirken von der Perspektive her meiner Meinung nach seltsam: beispielsweise die geschwungenen Linien und der Fast-Kreis an beiden Handschuhen.
Denn das kann doch niemals so bemalt worden sein, oder?
Für mich wirkt das ein wenig wie der „Cell Shading“ Bemalstil, den der Typ, der die Modelle im Comic/Anime Stil anmalt verwendet. Fällt mir besonders an dem Schädel auf. Finde das Bild nicht sonderlich ungewöhnlich.
Nee, der Comic-Look ist deutlich anders.
Ich erkenne an den Kordeln am Arm einen ungewöhnlich starken Kontrast… meine ich.