von BK-Nils | 24.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football

GW: Dunkelelfen Blood Bowl Starspieler Preview

Der größte Blood Bowl Spieler aller Zeiten, so ist zumindest die eigene Wahrnehmung des Dunkelelfen Jeremiah Kool, kehrt in die Stadien der Alten Welt zurück.

Living legend Jeremiah Kool returns to Blood Bowl to take back the title of greatest of all time

Bob: Do you have any idea what a GOAT is, Jim?

Jim: Well it’s a small ruminant with big horns, but I’m not sure what that’s got to do with Blood Bowl, Bob…

Bob: The prompter says it’s something to do with Elves, but maybe the Glimdwarrow Groundhogs are branching out from foxes and badgers…

The argument about the greatest Blood Bowl player of all time is hotly debated, and frequently provoked by one of the players in contention for the top spot himself – the incomparable Jeremiah Kool.

Games Workshop Living Legend Jeremiah Kool Returns To Blood Bowl To Take Back The Title Of Greatest Of All Time 1

Arrogant and fleet-footed beyond belief, Jeremiah took retirement in 2488 after leading the Darkside Cowboys to numerous wins, picking up more MVP awards than even an elf as egotistical as him knows what to do with.

Much to his chagrin, the conversation seems to have moved on since he pioneered the Dump-off Pass (he couldn’t even get the Jeremiah Flick name to stick…) to other, more affable personalities. When he guides discussions to the greatest of all time, people are just as likely to name Jordell Freshbreeze, but only if they’re happy to receive a dressing down from the haughty elf… and one or two sharp elbows to the gut. As a result, rumours are he’s been returning to the pitch as a Star Player for hire.

Games Workshop Living Legend Jeremiah Kool Returns To Blood Bowl To Take Back The Title Of Greatest Of All Time 2

Just like his golden-locked rival, Kool has Movement 8 and Agility 1+ which makes him as slippery as he is swift. Block, Dodge, Diving Catch, and Dump-off ensure that this thrower can hold his own against the most concerted of tackle attempts.

As a Dark Elf, his predilection for sadism and violence shines as strong as his skill. Once per game, he can use his signature move – The Flashing Blade – making a Stab Special Action, and sprinting off before the marking player even sees the blood pooling on their jersey.

Games Workshop Living Legend Jeremiah Kool Returns To Blood Bowl To Take Back The Title Of Greatest Of All Time 3

Happy to play for Elven Kingdoms League teams, Jeremiah Kool can be yours for just 320,000 gold pieces which is an absolute steal for a player with over 620 touchdowns to his name, and 91 fatalities.

You’ll be able to get this living legend later in the year when he is made available as an expert kit made from Forge World resin.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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