von BK-Nils | 25.11.2024 | eingestellt unter: Herr der Ringe

GW: Die Schlacht der Rohirrim Vorschau

Am kommenden Samstag geht es zurück nach Mittelerde, mit einem ganzen Schwung an Neuheiten für das Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game, mit Fokus auf dem Animationsfilm Der Herr der Ringe: Die Schlacht der Rohirrim.

Sunday Preview – The War of the Rohirrim is upon us

Light the beacons, sound the horns, take up your swords – the new edition of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game is on the way, and leading the charge is a huge starter box packed with new plastic miniatures. On top of that, we’ve got some extra kits and some long-awaited Hill Trolls as additional releases next week.

The Lord of The Rings: The War of the Rohirrim – Battle of Edoras

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The War Of The Rohirrim™ Is Upon Us 1

The new edition of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game is available for pre-order next week. The game has been redesigned with loads of smart changes for a new era of epic battling, so what better way to get stuck in than with this massive starter set?

The Lord of The Rings: The War of the Rohirrim – Battle of Edoras contains 56 plastic miniatures and two Rohan Houses, alongside a full 176-page rules manual, a 48-page scenario and profiles booklet, double-sided 3’x3’ playmat, two reference guides, a range ruler, and 12 dice.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The War Of The Rohirrim™ Is Upon Us 2 Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The War Of The Rohirrim™ Is Upon Us 3

The forces of Good are led by Haleth and Hama, Princes of Rohan, both mounted and on foot, alongside 24 noble Rohan Warriors. Evil is led by Wulf, High Lord of the Hill Tribes, and General Targg, both on foot and mounted, alongside 24 barbaric Hill Tribesmen.

With the full rules in hand and a booklet with four linked introductory scenarios, you’ll be able to learn how to play the game with just the contents of the box, before taking a step into the full experience.

Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual

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This is a totally new edition of the game with a weighty 176-page, hardcover rules manual to match. This tome features an introduction to the game, and all the rules that underpin it.

On top of the core rules, you’ll find detailed information on unit types, such as Cavalry, Heroes, Monsters and War Beasts, alongside weapons, wargear, and magic. There are 44 special rules for individual units, and a section on advanced rules to add extra depth to your games.

Rules for sieges allow for breathtaking assaults supported by siege engines, so you can recreate some of the most cinematic moments in the movies. A section on Matched Play provides information on how to build competitive armies and six scenarios to play out, while the Narrative Play primer gives you even more options to explore Middle-earth. This manual will be available to pre-order in both hardback and eBook formats.

Armies of The Lord of The Rings and Armies of The Hobbit

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To play full games of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game, you’ll need profiles for your heroes and units, and you’ll find them in the 240-page Armies of The Lord of The Rings and 160-page Armies of The Hobbit gaming supplements.

Armies of The Lord of The Rings contains over 150 profiles for heroes, villains, monsters and warriors. There are 27 Good army lists for the realms of Rohan, Gondor, Rivendell and beyond, and 19 Evil army lists for the fell lands of Mordor, Isengard, Moria and more.

Armies of The Hobbit features over 120 profiles, 15 Good army lists representing the likes of Erebor, Mirkwood, Lake-town, and more, and seven Evil army lists for Gundabad, Goblin-town, Dol Guldur, and other dark places. You’ll need a copy of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual to use these books, which will be available to pre-order in hardback and eBook formats.

Helm Hammerhand, Wraith of the Hornburg

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Helm Hammerhand is the ninth King of Rohan, a mighty warrior and great leader whose rule has been plagued by Dunlending raids. A Legendary Hero, he can be selected for the Defenders of the Hornburg. He is made from Forge World Resin.

Freca, Lord of the West-march

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Freca, Lord of the West-march is unrelenting in his ambition and overwhelming desire to secure the throne of Rohan for his son Wulf. He stoops to underhanded means in an attempt to force the matter. He is a Hero of Valour who uses his Dunlending heritage to boost allied Dunlending warriors. He is made from Forge World Resin, and available for Usurpers of Edoras armies.

Lord Thorne of the Wold

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Many lords served Rohan under Helm’s rule, and Lord Thorne of the Wold became one of his most trusted advisors. Beneath his noble exterior, however, lies a lust for power. Lord Thorne is a Hero of Fortitude made from Forge World Resin who can be included in Usurpers of Edoras armies, giving other traitor Rohirrim an edge in combat.

Rohan Warriors

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It is the hardy Rohan Warriors who take up arms and armour to defend Edoras from Wulf’s onslaught. They are armed with an assortment of bows, hand weapons, and the spears that they famously hurl at their foes. These warriors are the backbone of many an army from the Forces of Good, and this plastic kit contains 24 warriors.

Hill Tribesmen

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The hills to the west of Rohan are filled with numerous fractured tribes. Over the years they have developed a hatred of the Rohirrim, leading raids against the villages with little success. United behind Wulf, these Hill Tribesemen become a threatening army capable of threatening even Edoras itself. This kit builds 24 plastic Hill Tribesmen, armed with a variety of weapons including spears, two handed weapons, bows, and hand weapons.

Buhrdûr, Hill Troll Chieftain

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The War Of The Rohirrim™ Is Upon Us 11

Especially cunning for a Troll, Buhrdûr has gathered a great horde of creatures from the Misty Mountains, and with the rise of the Witch-king of Angmar, he now has a new purpose. This Forge World Resin miniature is an Angmar Hero of Valor for use in Buhrdûr’s Horde armies. He does not have rules in either of the army supplements above, and will receive a free downloadable PDF.

Hill Trolls of Angmar

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The Hill Trolls of Angmar are bulky creatures with inhuman strength. They are often brought to sieges, where they can smash up doors and walls with brute force. This Forge World Resin Kit builds two Hill Trolls who can be used in Buhrdûr’s horde and Army of Carn Dûm armies. They do not have rules in either of the army supplements above, and will receive a free downloadable PDF.

Great Eagles of the Misty Mountains

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The Great Eagles of Middle-earth hold themselves apart from the world below, soaring high in the sky, observing all that goes on beneath. In times of need, they will not hesitate to help the free peoples, soaring down to attack their enemies with beaks and claws alike. These plastic miniatures are being re-released with new bases for the new edition, and can be fielded as both Great Eagles and the new Fledgling Great Eagles.

Osgiliath – Ruined City of Gondor

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The War Of The Rohirrim™ Is Upon Us 14

Build a battlefield worth fighting over, Osgiliath – Ruined City of Gondor, is a massive box of modular terrain. You get a Gondor Tower, three Gondor Mansions, and six Gondor Ruins, which can be arranged in an almost limitless number of permutations.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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    • Drei Wochen um Weihnachten sind frei, danke der Nachfrage 😉
      Es sind aber vor allem die Charaktere und die Hügeltrolle, die ich brauche. Die Krieger von Rohan und Dunland werden natürlich auf Dauer auch bemalt, aber das hat Zeit. Die fügen sich auf Dauer gut in bestehende Armeen ein.

    • Ja, gab es soweit ich weiß in der gleichen Zusammenstellung vor nicht allzu langer Zeit. Eine Osgiliath Box liegt glaube ich bei meinem Händler des Vertrauens noch im Laden.

  • Ui, das sieht alles sehr stimmig in sich aus. Ich habe es nicht vor auch noch dieses System anzufangen, aber das wäre wirklich ein Release von GW, wo ich all in gehen würde.

    • Wenn gw es nicht mal mehr für nötig hält eine Übersetzung für die deutsche Community rauszubringen, dann sollen sie ihr Zeug behalten. Da sieht man wie viel die Kunden denen wert is.

  • Mor fällt gerade auf, dass der Typ auf Bild 7 was vom Success Baby Meme hat. Der Designer muss da auch seinen Spass gehabt haben.

  • Sehr schöne Minis, angenehm realistisch proportioniert statt Hero-Scale. Das Geländeset ist auch toll, mal auf die Preise warten.
    Was mich stört, sind die krummen Speere auf den Bildern. Oder ist das eine optische Täuschung?

    • Die beiden in der hintersten Reihe der Rohan Warriors sind auf jeden Fall verbogen.
      Keine optische Täuschung (zumindest bei diesen).

  • Bei 2-3 Speeren könnte das sein. Allerdings ist eine optische Täuschung wahrscheinlicher. Das kommt von dem weißen Hintergrund, der Ausrichtung der Figur und den „Schwüngen“ von Kleidung.

  • Ich freu mich das mehr für den Klassiker rauskommt. Hat GW den Allerwertesten gerettet in den frühen 2000ern.
    Die Modelle sind echt schön geworden. Bin am überlegen allein fürs Malen und zum Unterstützen zuzugreifen.

  • Ich finds echt cool, dass GW bisher auf den zugehörigen, dieses Jahr erscheinenden Zeichentrickfilm weitgehend pfeift und immer noch keine Mini der vermeintlichen Hauptprotagonistin, der extra für diesen Film ersonnen bzw. eher massiv umgedichteten Tochter von Helm Hammerhand angekündigt hat. Das Set entspricht somit in Bezug auf die Protagonisten der Vorlage Tolkiens und nicht der „fürs Fernsehn umgeschriebenen“ Version der Ereignisse… 😉

  • Warum gibt es für die Trolle keine Regeln in den Büchern? Das ist doch schräg, Buhrdur gibts doch schon seit vielen Jahren.

    • Die Trolle gehören zur Angmar Erweiterung. Für die Armeen wird es kostenlose PDFs geben, da rise of Angmar nur kurz verfügbar war.
      Alle Profile außerhalb der Filme werden zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt ein eigenes Buch erhalten.

  • Wenn gw es nicht mal mehr für nötig hält eine Übersetzung für die deutsche Community rauszubringen, dann sollen sie ihr Zeug behalten. Da sieht man wie viel die Kunden denen wert is.

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