von BK-Nils | 18.11.2024 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar

GW: Chaos und Warhammer Underworlds Vorschau

Kommenden Samstag brechen die Sklaven der Finsternis im Namen ihrer Herren, der Götter des Chaos, über die Reiche der Sterblichen herein, außerdem kommen für die neue Edition von Warhammer Underworlds zwei neue und einige Klassische Banden.

Sunday Preview – Chaos comes to the Mortal Realms

The forces of Chaos are ever-present in the Mortal Realms: the legions of Archaon wage war to extend his dominion, alongside the innumerable daemonic servants of the Ruinous Powers. More soldiers are on the march in next week’s pre-orders, while a collection of combatants are heading to the Warhammer Underworlds.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Battletome: Slaves to Darkness

With the Skaven shifting the balance of power in the eight realms, the forces of Chaos are resurgent once more. The Slaves to Darkness are ready to grind all opposition beneath their fur-lined boots with a brand new battletome taking them into the new edition.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Chaos Comes To The Mortal Realms 1

Battletome: Slaves to Darkness covers the background for the faction from top to bottom across 128 pages. It includes Battle Traits, Battle Formations, Heroic Traits, Artefacts of Power, and Spell, Prayer and Manifestation Lores, with a total of 43 warscrolls, alongside a new Darkoath Spearhead. Armies of Renown, such as Be’lakor’s Legion of the First Prince also feature and includes eight daemon unit warscrolls for use exclusively with this army. The Anvil of Apotheosis lets you create your own ambitious hero and lead them to bloody victory on the Path to Glory. There is also a small-format Gamer’s Edition, packaged with a complete set of reference cards, available while stocks last.

Chaos Sorcerer Lord

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The forces of Chaos are full of those that have mastered the use of dark magic. Those warlocks and sorcerers who tap into the powers daemonic are sometimes granted the gift of foresight, manipulating events and rising through the ranks to become all-powerful Chaos Sorcerer Lords. This new miniature has options for both head and staff toppers.

Abraxia, Spear of the Everchosen

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The Eight Circles of Varanguard are manned by elite warriors personally chosen by Archaon himself. Abraxia, Spear of the Everchosen, commands the Swords of Chaos, the First Circle of Archaon’s chosen, with matchless skill and an unbreakable will. From atop her monstrous steed Thanatorg, Abraxia wields the cursed varanite spear Gorbolga the Accurs’d, whose merest touch rends armour and warps flesh armour alike. Available for the first time as a solo release, Abraxia is ready to command your Slaves to Darkness with an ironclad fist.

Spearhead: Darkoath Raiders

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Under the command of a fearsome Darkoath Warqueen, a new Spearhead raises its weapons to do battle for the Slaves to Darkness. Accompanying her on her path to glory littered with future bloody conquests are 10 Darkoath Savagers, 10 Darkoath Marauders and five Darkoath Fellriders, making this the greatest muscle-to-miniature ratio available in any Spearhead box.

Warscroll Cards and Dice Set

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No army is complete without warscroll cards and dice. This set of 57 quick reference cards has every warscroll found within Battletome: Slaves to Darkness. including those for use with the battletome’s Legion of the First Prince Army of Renown, as well as those needed for the Darkoath Raiders Spearhead. A set of 16 black dice with bright white pips and the eight-pointed star of the Slaves to Darkness on the six face rounds things out.

Warhammer Underworlds

The Jaws of Itzl

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The primal might of the Seraphon comes to Warhammer Underworlds in the Jaws of Itzl. Separated from their cold-blooded cohort and Slann Starmaster by a cave in, this band of Saurus Warriors and accompanying critters act part through bloodthirsty instinct, and in part through sporadic telepathic commands by their Starmaster. As a Strike warband, they excel at hitting hard and fast, their scaled armour and savage weapons making them resilient and dangerous in equal measure.

Grandfather’s Gardeners 

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Rot finds its way into all corners of the Mortal Realms, and the sweltering tunnels beneath Embergard are fertile ground for the roots of the Garden of Nurgle to take hold, especially under the watchful gaze of the Grandfather’s Gardeners. A gaggle of dour-faced and green-thumbed Plaguebearers, they plod inexorably into combat at the whims of the ever turning cycle of decay, weathering incoming blows with ease. This Mastery warband is governed by the cycle, their abilities and damage output keying off the constant ebb and flow.

Reckless Fury & Wrack and Ruin Rivals Decks

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Accompanying these two warbands are two Rivals decks matching their play styles. Reckless Fury embodies the Strike archetype, tasking players with accumulating and manipulating Charge tokens as they invade enemy territory. Wrack and Ruin is a Mastery deck which requires players to use positioning in the treacherous depths of Embergard to set up traps and score big from leading opponents to terrible fates.

Heroes and Hunters

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The forces of Order head to Embergard. Get involved in the new edition with a set of four pre-existing warbands and their accompanying fighter and warscroll cards. This box contains Hexbane’s Hunters, Myari’s Purifiers, Thundrik’s Profiteers and Ylthari’s Guardians.

Despoilers and Daemons

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Fans of Chaos can prepare for the new edition with a set of four pre-existing warbands and their accompanying fighter and warscroll cards. This box contains Khagra’s Ravagers, Ephilim’s Pandaemonium, the Dread Pageant and the Gorechosen of Dromm.

Revenants of the Realms

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Warhammer Underworlds is no stranger to the forces of Death – the box that kicked it all off was set in a city cursed by the Supreme God of the Undead. You can extend Nagash’s dominion with a set of four pre-existing warbands and their accompanying fighter and warscroll cards. This box contains the Headsmen’s Curse, the Crimson Court, Kainan’s Reapers and the Grymwatch.

Brutes and Bandits

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Where there’s fighting to be done, and plunder to be found, the Brutes and Bandits of Destruction are sure to be near. Grab your weapons and join the brawl with a set of four pre-existing warbands and their accompanying fighter and warscroll cards. This box contains Grinkrak’s Looncourt, Morgok’s Krushas, Blackpowder’s Buccaneers and Da Kunnin’ Krew.

Warbands of Embergard

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If you’ve got all of the above warbands or most of them, then you can get the fighter and warscrolls cards for all 16 in the Warbands of Embergard set. The cards differ slightly to those contained within the four boxes above, with photography of the warbands on the reverse of the warscroll card.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Diese Viererboxen für Underworlds sind ja doch nicht sonderlich freundlich, auf jeden Fall animieren sie nicht zu „Cool, kauf ich mal“-Käufen.
    Sehr schade. Da wird Potential verschwendet, finde ich. Die Banden sind immer schöne Projekte und laden sonst auch echt ein für Spontankäufe oder kleine Specials.

    • Du wir freuen uns. Gehen von ~90€ aus. Nach Rabatt knapp unter 70€. Gibt paar die mir fehlen, die sind hier endlich neu aufgelegt. Falls ich welche unbedingt loswerden will sind die für ~17€ schnell und einfach verscherbelt.

      Glaub nicht mir allein, guck mal auf youtube: „Best boxes of the year“ ist da tatsächlich der Tenor.


      Ihr habt die vierte Box vergessen, Brutes and Bandits.

      • Naja, dem bezahltem Hype auf Youtube sollte man keinem Glauben schenken…

        (So und nun Feuer frei für all die YT Kanäle die toooootaaaal unabhängig und total ehrlich sind und überhaupt keine finanzielle Motivation haben)

  • Ich bin bisschen enttäuscht, aber wahrscheinlich selbst schuld, weil nicht richtig gelesen:
    Ich dachte, es kommt eine Karten-Box um alle alten Warbands auf die 2. Edition zu bringen.
    Nur die paar (in Anbetracht der Vielzahl der bisher erschienen) finde ich wirklich schade.

    Die Boxen btw. finde ich in Ordnung als Neuauflage. Der Preis für 4 Warbands ist halbwegs fair, dass man sie nicht nochmal einzeln in den Handel bringt, wirtschaftlich sehr gut nachvollziehbar.

    • Die anderen Warbands sind online und gratis mit offiziellen Regeln ausgestattet worden. Die jetzigen 4×4 Haben ihre Regeln nur in den neuen Boxen.
      Wenn man jetzt einige davon schon hat, lohnt sich die neue Box nicht, aber Regeln kriegt man auch nicht einzeln.

  • Mit 80€ sind die Boxen ganz gut bepreist, leider will ich eigentlich nur jeweils eine aus zwei der Boxen.

    Bei dem Preis lächelt mich die Chaos Box aber schon an, ich mag alle vier Bänden sehr, nur brauche ich sie nicht wirklich.

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