von BK-Sebastian | 07.08.2024 | eingestellt unter: Antike

Gangs of Rome: Neuheiten

Footosore Miniatures haben die angekündigten Lions of Bacchus und Gallan the Greek veröffentlicht.

Die Lions of Bacchus kosten 17,95€

FootsoreMiniaturesGangsofRomeLionsOfBacchus1 FootsoreMiniaturesGangsofRomeLionsOfBacchus2 FootsoreMiniaturesGangsofRomeLionsOfBacchus3 FootsoreMiniaturesGangsofRomeLionsOfBacchus4

The Lions of Bacchus are a colourful and dangerous bunch. They are a force to be reckoned with in the Subura and play an important role in keeping the peace at the Circus Maximus.

They play a key role in keeping the peace at the Circus Maximus. They patrol the stands and surrounding streets, watching out for troublemakers, protecting the spectators, and sampling as much wine as possible.

The Lions of Bacchus are unafraid to use violence to achieve their goals. They are known for their ruthlessness and their willingness to kill. Despite their reputation for violence, they are not just mindless brutes. Like the god they venerate, they are also fiercely loyal to wine.

These are the Lions of Bacchus, and they are roaring drunk!

Gallan, the Greek kostet 5,95€


Gallan the Greek is a figure shrouded in conflicting whispers. To some, he’s a charming purveyor of exotic goods. To Rome’s elites, a pretentious foreigner in borrowed Roman finery. This upstart, strutting about the city in a cheap, ostentatious toga, seems to mock their traditions. Yet, behind this public facade lies a man of cunning and resourcefulness. Gallan, ever the showman, regales anyone who’ll listen with detailed (and often tiresome) explanations of every Greek god’s origins. His latest transgression? A purple toga. Not the coveted Tyrian shade, but a vulgar imitation, earning him the mocking nickname „Kermes“ after the red dye insect.

But beneath the surface lies a power dynamic secured by Rome’s golden glue: patronage. Gallan’s not just a peddler of dubious potions. He’s a renowned apothecary, and the effectiveness of his concoctions is directly proportional to the buyer’s wealth. And who holds the most oversized purse in Rome? The emperor, of course. Rumour whispers of Gallan miraculously snatching a favoured gladiator from death’s clutches.

This single action, along with a less savoury „hobby“—crafting poisons inspired by the notorious Locusta—secures Gallan’s position. His modest Palatine villa thrives. As long as his wares please the emperor and his „services“ remain in the shadows, discreetly in demand, the Roman elite must hold their noses and accept his company.

All miniatures are white metal and are supplied with the required MDF base for Gangs of Rome. May require assembly.

Quelle: Footsore Miniatures


Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Armalion. Aktuelle Systeme: Freebooter's Fate(Alle Fraktionen), Bushido(Ito, Ryu, Ro-Kan),Moonstone, Summoners (Feuer, Luft), Deadzone, ASoIaF(Nachtwache, Targaryen), Dropfleet Commander(UCM, Scourge), Warmaster(Zwerge, Echsen), Eden(ISC, Resistance), KoW: Armada(Basilean, Ork) u.v.m

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