von BK-Christian | 04.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Full Spectrum Dominance: The Third Wave

Die neue Kampagne für Full Spectrum Dominance läuft.

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The Reclaimed and the Corsairs are joining the Figth on the FSD battlefields, bringing impressive firepower and new unique mechanics to the game.

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Following the Tech and Enlisted in 2022 and the Union and Conglomerate in 2023, these new factions are the first to be centered around Mechs, and shift the gameplay to a different dimension – literally and figuratively!

And everything is ready to download from day one: you can start printing right away!

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Full Spectrum Dominance (or FSD in short) is a print-and-play miniature wargame for epic combined-arms small-scale (6-8mm to 15mm and up) sci-fi miniatures. Vehicles and mechs are handled individually, and infantry troops move in small teams, either as grouped figures or multi-based stands.

FSD won the 2022 OnTabletop Industry Awards, and its living rulebook is constantly updated digitally – both manual and cards – just like the armies with new stretchgoals and new models.

If you want to learn more about the gameplay, we have a brand-new let’s play video, filmed this September at the OnTabletop headquarters in Northern Ireland:

You can find more about FSD on our website, or by joining our Discord our Facebook Group. The community is super-welcoming and eager to meet new players!

The manual (which is included in all the pledges of this campaign for free!) is a living rulebook, which gets updated regularly when new issues or simple typos are spotted. As long as the game lives, the manual will receive some love!

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The hulking constructs known as the Reclaimed are quasi-sentient robots, built inside some of the factory-cities left behind when the Tech attacked humanity. After the war that ensued, some of the abandoned cities started scavenging for Tech AI cores from the scrap of destroyed robots, and reprogramming them.

Some turned out to be still partially functioning, and were used in the heart of the Reclaimed robots, surrounded by layers of concrete and tempered steel.

The resulting giants have little agility and control, but are extremely sturdy and relatively cheap to make and repair. Rarely accompaigned by their human creators, the Reclaimed warbands roam in predefined paths protecting the factory-cities and wiping out any potential threat.

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This seemingly endless list of troops represent all of the current models sculpted for the Reclaimed. We wanted to include enough poses for each model so that you won’t be needing to use the same exact model twice. Needless to say, all that battle damage took some serious time out of us.

The forces are mainly divided between Centaurs, the heavy robots, Cyclops, the main battle robots, and Trolls, supports robots that are cheaper and more disposable.

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To sustain this force there are two types of Wardens, lightly armored (or unarmored!) figures that follow the Units in battle without behaving like Units themselves. Many of the strongest abilities of the Reclaimed require the presence of such wardens, which need to be moved around the table carefully!

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And this is all that is ready at launch – quite a few more pieces will follow as milestone rewards!

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Living on their Whaleships moving between planets of the scattered Systems where humanity still survives, the Corsairs are highly trained pilots with state-of-the-art Rigs ready to wage war to the enemy of their patron.

Often confused with Mercenaries, the Corsairs follow a strict code of conduct while receiving the Letter of Marque by a nation or a corporation, and are then left to run their own military campaigns and looting spoils.

They are powerful, but also very few: each Rig is a costly and high-maintenance piece of equipment, and only few are usually deployed for war. Surrounded by recon drones known as Albatross or Seagulls, each is capable of incredible firepower and can take a hit, or two.

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Here’s the full list of Corsair Rigs and weapons that will come with the bundle.

Note that all the medium and large Rigs have magnetized options for weapons – this means that your list building and strategy can vary wildly depending on what you attach to your Rigs!

To go with the heavier mechs there are lighter Rigs to provide support and intel, and the flying Albatross Drones, which coordinates with the pilots with faction-specific rules!

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The combinations for this faction are many, but the strenghts and limits of it are also evident: the amount of firepower is unparalleled, but in order to be able to use it all at the right time the player must coordinate its forces and save its Activation Dice, with planned moves.

The Ruined City:

All our previous ranges had plenty of details and stories in them, but lacked one critical aspect – verticality. With this fully modular range you can build extremely tall buildings, where the sky (or your resin stockpile) is the limit!

In addition to that, there is an integrated railway system that can connect together the buildings or work as a standalone terrain piece, with various parts (all magnetized) to join together.

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Here is the full breakdown of the modular parts for the city. There are several others in the works as stretchgoals, but this is what we have so far:

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…and the parts of the elevated railway/metro!

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One more shot of the range, because why not!

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Lastly, as a bonus gift, free for everyone who joins the campaign with any pledge level, a rolling pin with a broken concrete texture.

I made the bases for my own collection (the one shown in the photos) with the pin and some baking clay, with a resulting base thickness of 2mm. First pass the flat roll until the clay is even, then a single pass of the texture roll should do the trick.


In the ever-expanding list below we’ll put all the milestones reached by the campaign. Rather than using the funds raised as a goal, we’d rather use the number of supporters! I think that shows more what Full Spectrum Dominance is becoming, and what to expect from the future!

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Quelle: Full Spectrum Dominance The Third Wave


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Eine Frage, die Minis gibt es ja bei myminifactory.

    Kann man da eigentlich problemlos von DE aus bestellen? Oder gibt es da Probleme mit dem Zoll?

    Geht mir tatsächlich weniger um die Einfuhr-USt, aber ich hätte jetzt keine Zeit / Lust zum Zollamt zu fahren um das Päckchen abzuholen.

    • Bei MMF dürfte es aber nur die STL Dateien zum Selberdruckengeben. Auf dem Preis wird die MwSt im Warenkorb aufgeschlagen, abhängig für welches Land man registriert ist.

      • Ah, ich verstehe. Also kann man praktisch keine Minis bestellen sondern braucht einen 3D-Drucker.

        Danke für die Info. Dann ist das System für mich gestorben.

  • Soweit ich weiß, geht es bei MMF und der Kampagne ausschließlich um STLs. Zoll entfällt also. Aber du findest sicherlich auch Druckservices in DE, die FSD im Angebot haben 🙂

  • Und was spricht dagegen die gedruckten Minis von anderen Anbietern zu kaufen?
    TheLazyForger verkauft in seinem MMF Shop neben den STL für den privaten gebrauch, auch Lizenzen für Händler.

    Es gibt eine ganze Reihe Anbieter für die gedruckten Minis, auch innerhalb der EU, wodurch Zölle aus GB, die sonst bei gedruckten Minis von MMF dazu kommen, keine Rolle mehr spielen.
    Such doch einfach bei etsy nach The Lazy Forger, du wirst viele Anbieter finden, teilweise auch aus Deutschland, was zusätzliche Absprachen oder Fragen nach Mengenrabatt, noch einmal vereinfacht.

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