von BK-Rafael | 15.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

Forged Path Miniatures: Tokugawa Bushido Kickstarter

Forged Path Miniatures präsentieren ihren Kickstarter für 3D-druckbare Samurai, Tokugawa Bushido.

Tokugawabushido 18

Tokugawa Bushido – 3D Printable STL Samurai Miniatures

Welcome to the Tokugawa Bushido, a Kickstarter Campaign created by Forged Path Miniatures. This is a set of 3D printable miniatures designed to be made on Resin 3D printers.

In addition to to the release of our newest set the Tokugawa Bushido, we have also included add-ons that include our original campaigns in the series, the Tokugawa Guardians and Tokugawa Ronin this gives an additional 112 extra models to the campaign.

We are excited to be sharing our newest models with the Kickstarter community and always aim to provide highly detailed, easy to print, pre-supported Miniatures that will fit into your miniature worlds.

Our models are designed for 30mm scale, they are also easily scaled up or down to use with many gaming systems.

And for those interested in retail opportunities, we’re also offering lifetime merchant tiers to sell these models.

Core Units

Tokugawabushido 02 Tokugawabushido 09 Tokugawabushido 08 Tokugawabushido 07 Tokugawabushido 06 Tokugawabushido 05 Tokugawabushido 04 Tokugawabushido 03 Tokugawabushido 10 Tokugawabushido 13 Tokugawabushido 12 Tokugawabushido 11

The Tokugawa Bushido core set is made up of 59 models split into 8 infantry units and 4 mounted cavalry units. The Mounted calvary models use the same 5 horses with interchangeable rider models.

Unit Examples

Tokugawabushido 14 Tokugawabushido 15 Tokugawabushido 16 Tokugawabushido 17


Bushido Personal STLs – 54€
Bushido Merchant – 180-204€


Der Kickstarter ist bereits erfolgreich finanziert und läuft noch 24 Tage.

Quelle: Tokugawa Bushido Kickstarter


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: SW Shatterpoint, SW Legion, SW Imperial Assault, Warhammer Underworlds, Aristeia, OPR und Bloodfields.

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