von BK-Bob | 15.09.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Forest Dragon: September Patreon

Es gibt weitere Grünhäute bei Forest Dragon diesen Monat.

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September 2024 Releases

September marks the final month of releases for the orc and goblin army (for now), as glade denizens ($5 tier) will get access to chariots, a stone thrower and a mighty giant, plus all 4 chariot characters on foot.

The giant stands 33 mm to the eye, and nicely fills out a 40 x 20 mm base. Armed with a tree trunk, he has also salvaged various bits and bobs to serve as armor. A version with blank shields will be included in case you wish to taunt a regular opponent by adding their heraldry!

The goblin wolf chariots will be provided as single pieces, and also with the crew and wolves separated to enable easier painting and more customization of your units. 40 x 20 mm bases with recesses suitable for both the separated chariots and the single pieces are also provided.

There are also hero versions of the wolf chariot pulled by 3 wolves. 1 version of the chariot has a standard bearer and goblin champion as crew, and the banner can be printed with sculpted detail or blank for your own designs. The other version has a shaman and goblin with whip.

Not to be left out, the orc heroes have their own chariot pulled by boars. One version has an orc champion armed with a whip, and the other has a shaman.

As with the goblin wolf chariots, all the hero chariots are provided as single pieces, and also with the crew and beasts separated to enable easier painting and more customization of your units. 40 x 20 mm bases with recesses suitable for both the separated chariots and the single pieces are also provided. Foot versions of the chariot riders will also be available.

The shield on the front of the stone thrower can be printed with sculpted detail or left blank for your own designs. A mirrored version of the stone thrower and troll is provided without the goblin spotter to add a little variety in case you wish to include multiples in your army. Also included is a pair of 40 x 20 mm bases with suitable cut outs.

Arriving a little early for Halloween, the vampire general will be the glade noble ($10 tier) release for September.

The general is accompanied by a chalice bearer and sword bearer on a 25 mm diameter base.

The diorama will be provided as a single piece, but the chalice and sword bearers will also be provided individually and can then be plugged into the base for easier painting. The bats are quite fragile and benefit from flexible resin, so there is an option to leave them off.

The vampire general will also be provided as an individual on a smaller base and an alternate version of the general holding the sword will also be available on the smaller base to be more useful as an individual gaming piece.

All versions will have the choice of sculpted detail on the shield or blank for your own designs.

Quelle: Forest Dragon bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Mittlerweile ist man schon dran gewöhnt, aber das ist ja so eine coole Sache heutzutage, dass man Old World / Warmaster oder was auch immer in 10mm mit hochwertigen Designs (FD ist scheinbar der Platzhirsch) zocken kann. Ich selber tue es nicht, finde die Modelle aber einfach toll und würde ein Armeespiel in 28mm+ auch nie anfangen, in 10mm aber schon.

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