von BK-Rafael | 14.07.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Postapokalypse, Terrain / Gelände

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: Cult of the Mothman – Commercial Vehicles

Modiphius zeigen Neuheiten zu Fallout Wasteland Warfare.

Fallout Moth01


Accept our humble invitation and divert us from disaster!

Red eyes, glowing deep in the forests. I can see them watching me, always watching me. But when I try to find them, all I find is emptiness, and a distant noise – a buzzing that burrows into my mind…

This month we venture into the deep woods, skirt the edges of dilapidated churches, gaze out at grand lighthouses, and at all times we find ourselves watched by the mysterious Mothman! And of course, where one finds the strange gaze of the Mothman, its followers are ever nearby – the eponymous Cult of the Mothman!

This month’s trio of terrifying Fallout: Miniatures sets include the Mothman Eclipse, featuring the Mothman itself and a pair of hatchlings. The Mothman is not a singular creature, but there are many of its kind – varied and unique – across the wilds. What they want is a mystery to most, each Mothman is an unknown, a creature that persists through all things.

Fallout Moth02

Gathering in places of prayer, arrayed about totems of red-eyed moths, the Cult of the Mothman can be found across Appalachia. Fanatical in their belief, they bear arms against those they deem apostates and heretics against the Winged Ones. With Priests and Prophets making up the Cult of the Mothman Clergy, the Cult’s numbers are almost as indefatigable as their zeal.

The Cult’s fervent Followers hold nothing but animosity towards those outside of their order – seeing outsiders as invaders of their sacred lands, vermin to be exterminated.

Fallout Moth03

The Dawn of the Mothman Rules Packet PDF is included with purchase of any of these sets, and is also available FREE from our webstores and the downloads page. This packet contains new rules, cards, and a scenario for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare plus rules for playing the Cult of the Mothman crew in Fallout: Factions.

Fallout Miniatures Cult Of The Mothman Mothman Eclipse Fallout Miniatures Modiphius Entertainment 898997 1000x.jpg

Fallout: Miniatures – Cult of the Mothman – Mothman Eclipse – €42,52

This miniatures set is part of THE WILDS OF APPALACHIA wave for Fallout: Miniatures.

“Red eyes, glowing deep in the forests. I can see them watching me, always watching me. But when I try to find them all I find is emptiness, and a distant noise – a buzzing that burrows into my mind.”

The Mothman has seemingly endured since long before the great war, a creature that moves through the wilds of Appalachia upon buzzing wings. Whereas cults have followed in its wake, the Mothman is not a singular creature, instead there are many of its kind across the wilds – each varied and unique in its own actions and personalities. What they want is a mystery to most – though Priests and Cultists gather in ritual to try and divine deific action from their passing. Each Mothman is an unknown, a creature that persists through all things.


1x Mothman
2x Hatchlings
3x Plastic Bases
This Fallout: Miniatures set contains three 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniatures with plastic bases.

Fallout Miniatures Cult Of The Mothman Followers Fallout Miniatures Modiphius Entertainment 673085 1000x.jpg

Fallout: Miniatures – Cult of the Mothman – Followers – €48,60

This miniatures set is part of THE WILDS OF APPALACHIA wave for Fallout: Miniatures.

“See, as best as I can tell there’s two flavours of those crazy Moth cultists, Red and Purple. Purple keep to themselves, nice and simple. Red though, well, keep your distance, that’s the best advice I can give.”

Despite the name, the Cult of the Mothman is actually broken into two sects – the Enlightened, and the Followers of the Winged One. Whilst the Enlightened are generally peaceful, the Followers hold nothing but animosity towards those outside of their order – seeing outsiders as invaders of their sacred lands, as vermin. And what does one do when vermin have infested their home? You exterminate them.


3x Female Cultists
3x Male Cultists
6x Plastic Bases

Fallout Miniatures Cult Of The Mothman Clergy Fallout Miniatures Modiphius Entertainment 775709 1000x.jpg

Fallout: Miniatures – Cult of the Mothman – Clergy – €48,60

This miniatures set is part of THE WILDS OF APPALACHIA wave for Fallout: Miniatures.

“I’ve seen them out there, bedecked in wooden totems, flailing in maddened worship around effigies and fire. There’s so many of them these days, we can only pray they ain’t setting up for another crusade….”

Gathering in places of prayer, arrayed about totems of red-eyed moths, the Cult of the Mothman can be found across Appalachia, dedicating their beings to the deific namesakes of their worship. Fanatical in their belief, the Cult bears arms against those they deem as apostates, unworthy of their lives due to their heresy against the Winged Ones. With Priests and Prophets at their head, the Cult’s numbers are almost as indefatigable as their zeal.


1x High Priest
1x Wrathwing
2x Disciples
2x Seekers
6x Plastic Bases

Fallout Terrain Print At Home Commercial Vehicles Fallout Wasteland Warfare Modiphius Entertainment 203914 1000x.jpg

Fallout: Terrain – Print at Home – Commercial Vehicles – STLs €42,52

At Atomic Motors, we understand that in these challenging times, your vehicle is more than just a means of transportation – it’s a lifeline. That’s why we offer only the best in automotive technology. Come down to Atomic Motors today and find the perfect vehicle to conquer your transit troubles. Your journey to a brighter tomorrow starts with Atomic Motors!

Travel in style with single-seater powerhouses like this fabulous minicar – built for efficiency and endurance on our busy suburban roads. Or turn your attention to the Fusion Flea – the perfect blend of compact size and nuclear-powered performance! With their lightweight frames and agile handling, you’ll be darting through downtown Boston or navigating the winding roads of Appalachia and be home in time for dinner! More adventurous customers might like to feel the wind in their hair by choosing the aptly named Lone Wanderer motorcycle as their atomic steed – its powerful engine and reinforced tyres ensure that no journey is too daunting.

If you’re looking for something roomier without sacrificing style, look no further than the classic station wagon – the perfect blend of nostalgia and modern necessity! Featuring genuine leather seats and a built-in holotape player, the station wagon ensures that you will travel together in luxury, enjoying panoramic views of the beautiful all-American countryside thanks to the elegant transparent domed roof.

Finally, for business customers who need to transport precious cargo of all kinds, you can’t go wrong with this spacious and versatile Vault-Tec Van. Combining safety, space, and durability, it’s more than just a vehicle – it’s a moving bastion of security and peace-of-mind in today’s busy modern world.

Thank you for considering Atomic Motors, we’ll ensure that you can ride in style, even when it feels like the world is on fire!

This 3D print product lets you print five different pre-war commercial vehicles, to use as scatter terrain on your tabletop.

Files have been pre-hollowed where possible, and all files include supported versions for easier printing.


Fusion Flea
Station Wagon
Vault-Tec Van

Please note: this is an STL ONLY for 3D printing and not the physical product. Requires a 3D printer and knowledge of 3D printing to use.


Quelle: Modiphius


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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  • Der Mottenmann ist schon irgendwie cool. Den kann man in vielen Systemen einsetzen, vielleicht wenn es mal ein Angebot gibt.
    Die STL finde ich sehr teuer.

    • die gibt es irgendwann günstig bei Humble Bundle,
      habe schon 2 bundles mit fast dem gleichen zeug gekauft,
      das was neu war ist dann immer noch günstiger,
      wenn man es nicht eilig hat lohnt sich das warten.

  • Ich liebe die Minis, Der Mottenmannkult ist so richtig typisch Falloutdurchgeknallt. Ich mag auch Fallout 76 sehr gerne

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