von BK-Rafael | 26.08.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

FabricatorsLair: Karak Azgara Zwergengelände

FabricatorsLair präsentieren ihren Terrain Kickstarter im Zwergenstil.

Karakazgara 19

Karak Azgara

A 3D printable terrain for 28mm Fantasy wargames in the Dwarf style.

Hello everybody !

Welcome to my first Fantasy Battle Terrain : Karak Azgara ! It’s a 3D printable terrain of Dwarf structures for 28mm wargames. It includes everything you need to build a battlefield that takes place into a Dwarf fortress deep into the mountain, or Remains of Dwarf clans in the ground surface, with height for distance unit and artillery.

Every parts are compatible with FDM printer and Resin printer.
The parts doesn’t need support for FDM printer (support are included in the design if needed) and are supplied pre-supported for Resin printer.

Karakazgara 01 Karakazgara 07 Karakazgara 06 Karakazgara 05 Karakazgara 04 Karakazgara 03 Karakazgara 02

Complete STL pack – 25 €

Core Content

The project is composed of the following parts :
-5 Giant Pillars (2 full, 2 destroyed, 1 collapsed)
-4 Dwarf Statues (2 full, 2 destroyed)
-A Dwarf Door set in the mountain
-A modular height system with height block, stairs, bridge and fences
-A modular place
-Accessories and scatter terrain : small walls, pillars, throne, altar, fire cupola.
-Square/Rectangle Bases

Karakazgara 10 Karakazgara 18 Karakazgara 17 Karakazgara 16 Karakazgara 15 Karakazgara 14 Karakazgara 13 Karakazgara 12 Karakazgara 11

Physical Rewards

For those who don’t have a 3D printer, 2 resin kits are available (European Union/UK/Swiss only):

Karakazgara 08 Karakazgara 09

Printed Kit 1 – 85 €
Printed Kit 2 – 170 €



Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 26 Tage.

Quelle: FabricatorsLair Kickstarter


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: SW Shatterpoint, SW Legion, SW Imperial Assault, Warhammer Underworlds, Aristeia, OPR und Bloodfields.

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