von BK-Bob | 16.11.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Durgin Paint Forge: Dwarf Lord

Diesen Monat gibt es bei Durgin Paint Forge einen Zwergenanführer.

DPF Dwarf Lord 1

November preview: the Dwarf Lord!

Good morning mighty Patrons!!

The most ambitious kit I’ve designed for this project (‚till now!!) is almost ready: the Dwarf Lord will soon join the ranks of the High Peaks!!

This kit has been a pure joy for me, and I confess that I struggled to hold myself from adding even more options (don’t worry, I plan to make an upgrade kit in the next months!)!

DPF Dwarf Lord 2

 As I mentioned in the previous post, this kit allows you a lot of different combinations, including any option available for this character in-game. Great weapons, hand weapons and shields, fireweapons, crossbow, army standard icon, oathstone and, of course…Shieldbearers!

DPF Dwarf Lord 3 DPF Dwarf Lord 4

This kit is also highly compatible with the other kits of this range, you will be able (for example) to easily use arms and shields (and even heads) from Iron Brethren, Clan Elder and Warriors, or you can use the Lord heads and arms on the Iron Brethren/Warrior bodies: no waste!!

DPF Dwarf Lord 5 DPF Dwarf Lord 6 DPF Dwarf Lord 7 DPF Dwarf Lord 8 DPF Dwarf Lord 9

these are just a few combinations, I’m eager to see what you will achieve with this kit!!

At the moment I have to make a few adjustments to make this kit perfect and, of course, waiting for the presupported files, but you will be soon able to print it!

Thanks for your support 🙂


Quelle: Durgin Paint Forge bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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