von BK-Christian | 29.01.2024 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Darklands

Darklands: Brutal Beasts II Kickstarter

Mierce Miniatures finanzieren auf Kickstarter neue Modelle ihrer 3D-Druck Reihe.

Welcome to this, Mierce Miniatures‚ first combined physical / digital kickstarter project which brings you an amazing selection of already sculpted 80mm based monstrous beast units! These guys are being fleshed out properly in this project and you should expect lots of them in both physical and digital form as well as lots of other things. This one’s going to be a literal big one!

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Backing Darklands: Brutal Beasts II is a great opportunity to get into the dark fantasy world of Darklands for the first time, to expand your existing Darklands collection for the new edition or maybe just to treat yourself to an enormous monster or three to paint!

You can of course use the I JUST WANT SOME COOL MINIATURES reward to purchase our brutal beasts individually at the 40% off RRP prices indicated in red (where it says ‘£120 singly’ for Fornjötr on the graphic below, for example), but the BRUTAL BEAST reward will enable you to purchase a monster at full RRP (indicated in green) and get another monster TOTALLY FREE, which could save you up to 50%!


Our main reward is the BRUTAL BEAST BINGE which gives you five units of 80mm based monstrous beasts at a great discount!

The initial few monstrous beast units are shown below with their alternate weapon options, and you can choose any of those five for this reward – but there’ll be plenty more to unlock over the course of this project with stretch goals, so keep watching!

The alternate weapon options are separate purchases; to get both Vul XI Muqqud and Vul VII Iqqud, for example, you’d have to pledge £70 in grey wulf or £20 digitally.

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Production of the above initial units of 80mm based monstrous beasts should begin in April 2024, both physically and digitally. As always, we’ll update everyone on how things are going throughout!

You can purchase these units in physical form (produced in our amazing Grey Wulf resin – see below for details!) or in digital form (as supported and unsupported STLs) or maybe even both, if you’re that way inclined!

We’ll be adding more new monstrous beast units as the project progresses alongside the existing stretch goals, so watch out for those. They’ll be alternates, monsters plus riders, resculpts and so forth.

Stretch Goals

As well as the Brutal Beast Binge reward, you can purchase any of the following stretch goals individually. Just increase your pledge by the amount indicated!

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As well as rewards and stretch goals, you can simply increase your pledge for these add-ons. Add-ons are usually already produced miniatures, or extras that don’t really fit in to the rewards scheme or don’t need to be stretch goals. We hope to bring you more add-ons as the project progresses!

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Bronn’s Brood been around for a long while, of course, as evidenced by the painted examples above – but no 80mm monstrous beast project should be without them!

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They’re on 80mm bases, so they fit here for sure. Say hello to some old friends, the bog beasts of the Érainn! Only available in cast resin, mind (and no, we have no plans to resculpt digitally – these are just too perfect).

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Aaräg and Aalräg are the alternate warrior versions of the banner bearer found in the Booming Mammax and Blaring Mammax units. If you would prefer these two over the banner bearers in either unit, just let us know and we’ll swap them! Or, of course, you can just add them to your pledge!

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The Shard Beasts have been around for a little while, but not in digital – and not in grey wulf…

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The frankly ginormous Crabspears are an old favourite for Conand fans and are presented here for the first time in glorious grey wulf resin!

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The amazing mound beetles, not yet in grey wulf resin, demand to be a part of this project.

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Gunnlök is a felljötunn jarl, a mighty warchief that can lead your felljötnar into battle in a game of Darklands!

We’re Passing on the Lower Costs!

Perhaps the best quality of Grey Wulf resin is that the man-hour savings of producing miniatures lowers the cost of pretty much everything, and quite substantially too. Infantry, for example, will retail at well over half the price it would be in cast resin – a unit of twenty human-sized miniatures will cost £49.99 in Grey Wulf rather than £139.99 in cast resin, and will be far tougher and last longer! This makes our miniatures far more accessible to a lot more people and hopefully ensures Darklands will grow very quickly.

Quelle: Darklands: Brutal Beasts II


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ein mierce Kickstarter. Früher war das hier ja fast ein wöchentliches Phänomen.
    Hat jemand das neue Material schon einmal in der Hand gehabt? Mich würde die Qualität bei dem neuen Preis ja sehr interessieren.

  • Ich habe vor kurzem einen Skelettreiter von Mierce bei einem Freund gesehen. Der Detailgrad (Kettenhemd) und die Haptik des Materials gefielen mir ausgesprochen gut, besser als das alles was ich an Gedrucktem bisher gesehen habe.
    Für mich ein Superzeugs!

  • Mit den meisten Mierce Miniatures Sachen kann ich wenig anfangen, aber die Bog Beasts finde ich ganz schnieke.
    Aber Geld im Voraus zu geben, ohne Sicherheiten, werde ich DENEN sicherlich nie wieder (wobei das bei digital content natürlich weniger risikobehaftet ist).

  • Was mich nicht so überzeugt, sind die teilweise allzu menschlichen Hände. Sicher müssen die die Waffen irgendwie festhalten und mit normalen Hufen geht das schlecht. Aber da hätte man dennoch eine bessere Lösung entwerfen können. Bei den Kameldingern beispielsweise keine fünffingerigen Hände, sondern irgendwas anderes, das immer noch an Hufe erinnert. Bei den Bogbeasts und diesen Käfern ist das auch ganz anders.

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