von BK-Rafael | 16.04.2024 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Dark Fantastic Mills: Harbour Master’s House Jagerholm

Dark Fantastic Mills veröffentlichen das Harbour Master’s House Jagerholm Geländestück.

Jagerholm01 Jagerholm02 Jagerholm03 Jagerholm04

Harbour Master’s House Jagerholm – 20% off for Launch Week! – £27.50 (≈ 32.20€)
(£34.50 (≈ 40.40€) Save 20%)

The Harbour Master’s House features a cupola on the roof for looking out for storms, returning boats and of course rampaging monsters. It also has a stone basement for storing barrels and the occasional bit of contraband. Like the other Jagerholm buildings it’s designed to be modular, and this model can share it’s parts with any of the Medium House sets.

Launch weeks ends 19th of April. Orders should ship week beginning 29th (earlier if we can manage).

Please note: the buildings do not have interiors, and are designed to be stacked so they can be taken apart and stored between games. Similar sized buidlings are modular, and can share parts.

Figures shown not included – only shown for scale purposes.

This is not a toy.

3D printed in high quality PLA.

Please allow up to 15 days for printing, plus time to post from the UK. We will aim to fulfill orders as quickly as possible.


Quelle: Dark Fantastic Mills


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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  • Das ist schon ziemlich seltsam. Nie, aber auch nie darf ein senkrechter Balken einfach auf dem Boden enden. Der zieht doch sofort Wasser. Das kannst du in 5 bis 10 Jahren schon wieder neu machen. Schneller wenn’s wirklich am Hafen steht. Jungejunge, das würde die Gilde *nie* zulassen.

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