von BK-Rafael | 03.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Creature Caster: World of Reclamation

Creature Caster bieten ein STL und RPG Paket für ihr D&D 5e Setting „The World of Reclamation“ an.

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World of Reclamation – The Strange Wastes is a remastering of the monthly subscription based World of Reclamation Tribe on MyMiniFactory. 12x Adventures, 1x Campaign Guide, 1x Creature Caster Compendium, and 120 STLs brings this grim world to life.

World of Reclamation: Strange Wastes is a deep dark 5E world, it is a place where one can find great riches, but sometimes at the expense of their own sanity, a place where eldritch horrors call their home…

Join now and get 120+ Miniatures, 12x Complete Adventures (Level 3 – Level 12), a 100 pages Campaign Guide to be used when making your characters, and the Creature Caster Compendium – a separate book filled with brand new artwork and to be used with your own D&D 5e games! Get all material in just 4 weeks!

The campaign arc finished in January of 2024, and a new one began, but it would seem that people were not finished with the Strange Wastes. With this in mind, Creature Caster wrote a 100 pages Campaign Guide, and decided it would also be a great time to go back and rewrite the previous adventures. As a result, many of the adventures have been remastered to include new side quests, tidbits, maps, and enemies that did not appear in the original publication of these adventures.

The campaign also includes a Creature Caster Compendium – a book full of original artwork and lore, along with stats for any 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons setting.

All the above are already 100% completed and will be delivered 2 weeks after the campaign is completed through MyMiniFactory!

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Die Kampagne läuft bis zum 01. November 2024.

Quelle: Creature Caster, Creature Caster auf Backerkit


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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