von BK-Jonah | 10.08.2024 | eingestellt unter: Conquest

Conquest: Neuheiten für die City States und Fischgnome

Para Bellum zeigen die lang ersehnten Clockwork Hoplites, das Sacred Band und einen Offizier für die City States – und ein neues Founder’s Exclusive.

Conquest: Neuheiten in der Vorbestellung

Founder’s Exclusive: Testing the Waters

Para Bellum Founder's Exclusive Testing The Waters 1 Para Bellum Founder's Exclusive Testing The Waters 3 Para Bellum Founder's Exclusive Testing The Waters 2

While chthonic terrors of the deep and the regal cohorts of the reefs all bow before the pinnacle of engineered evolution… the MKV Lazer Gnome Fish (Shark) Slayer 5000!

Who is out for a quick swim you know… just testing the waters. Don’t miss the 5th Anniversary numbered edition Founder’s (or is it Flounder’s?) Exclusive model, it is going to be made one time, sequentially numbered to 1555 pieces, each with a certificate of authenticity. And yes, it plays! You are welcome to use this in the place of your Warlord for any faction in the game!

City States: Clockwork Hoplites

City States Clockwork Hoplites 4 City States Clockwork Hoplites 3 City States Clockwork Hoplites 2 City States Clockwork Hoplites 1


These automata represent the current pinnacle of the Tekne developed within the City States. While the creation of the bodies and their power source had long ago been theorized and even tested, the method of control on a battlefield is what eluded even the brightest minds of the Scholae. The current advances within the field of Phlogiston engineering have allowed the Scholae practicals to synthesise crystals that somehow retain communication even when separated.

Ensconced deep within the body of these mechanical warriors, they allow a skilled Mechanist to convey orders to his regiment through the careful modulation of the energies he applies to his own master crystal. The result is a formidable, if inflexible, formation of fearless warriors who deliver death without fear, conscience or fatigue. In many ways, the perfect soldiers.

How they play:

Powerful automata, the Clockwork Hoplites are the premium City States regiment for capturing and defending positions. High quality attacks paired with incredible resilience and lack of Resolve Tests makes this Heavy Infantry Regiment an important piece of any City States commander’s arsenal.

City States: Sacred Band

City States Sacred Band 4 City States Sacred Band 3 City States Sacred Band 2 City States Sacred Band 1


Hearkening to an ancient time of divine warrior brotherhoods long disbanded by the Dominion, the Sacred Band are devoted champions of their city states‘ Divinity. By longstanding tradition these brotherhoods are composed only of men who must compete in the Pan Kratian Games, honing their body and skills to the utmost edge for the glory of their City.

Clad in hand crafted suits of armor that eschew the modern comforts and simplicity of the hoplites gear, these Champions are invariably found in the heart of the fighting, singing paeans to their God even as they deliver his judgement upon His foes.

How they play:

Highly defensive and capable of spellcasting, the Sacred Band excels at Objective Play with it’s ability to project Objective Seizing power as if the regiment had more stands and Heal themselves to ensure that none but the most committed offensive can dislodge them!

City States: Andromachos

City States Andromachos 1 City States Andromachos 2 City States Andromachos 3 City States Andromachos 4

How they play:

As an Officer to the Thorakites and Agema, the Andromachos builds on the inherent aggression of these two regiments allowing them to Re Roll failed Hit Rolls when Activating out of the Army’s strategic Stack!

Murderous Fish Gnome – Fishidious, a Halloween Exclusive

Para Bellum Murderous Fish Gnome Fishidious, A Halloween Exclusive 1 Para Bellum Murderous Fish Gnome Fishidious, A Halloween Exclusive 2 Para Bellum Murderous Fish Gnome Fishidious, A Halloween Exclusive 3 Para Bellum Murderous Fish Gnome Fishidious, A Halloween Exclusive 4

A great Halloween-themed Old Dominion Fish Gnome with which to play the exclusive scenario.

Step 1: Figure out humans hand out candy to their spawn for free on one glorious night of the year.

Step 2: Disguise self as aforementioned spawn. (Particular care is required for mucus glands… humans are strange)

Step 3: Profit! (in the form of Candy! so double profit because one does not have to exchange for it later!)

Available this one time, this very detailed resin character has 10 variant orange editions, „Pumpkin Spice.“ If you find a Pumpkin Spice Fishidious, turn the photo of it in with the serial number in the box and contact Para Bellum, and you will get one of the out-of-print, numbered Old Dominion Heavy Metal Founder’s Exclusive models.


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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  • Für die Preise, die sie normalerweise verlangen ist die Qualität echt lächerlich.
    Aber vielleicht werde ich positiv überrascht.
    Das System ist okay, aber diese Sculpts holen mich zu dem Preis nicht hinter dem Ofen hervor. Da bleibe ich lieber bei altbekannten Maßstab und guten Sculpts.

    • Am Anfang, als das System kam habe ich genau dasselbe gedacht.
      Aber hast du jemals eine Mini von den Jungs in der Hand gehabt?
      Die Sculpts sind größtenteils sehr gut, mit dem branchenüblichen faulen Ei oder zwei, dass man bei jedem findet.
      Wo ich aber immer wieder Recht geben muss, die Bemalung tut den meisten Minis keinen Gefallen, daher kann ich den Eindruck gut nachvollziehen.

      Ist natürlich bei jedem anders, aber ich finde den ungewöhnlichen Maßstab echt sehr erfrischend, da ich nicht so gerne bemale. Zum Vergleich bei GW, fällt mir das bei Conquest hier schon einfacher.

  • Die Clockwork Hopliten sind schon sehr nice, während die Champion-Einheit unter einer suboptimalen Bemalung leidet. Insgesamt aber schon gute Releases, wenn auch nicht für meine beiden Conquest Fraktionen (100 Kingdoms und Old Dominion).

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