von BK-Jonah | 01.12.2024 | eingestellt unter: Conquest

Conquest: Neues Campaign Pack

Im dritten Lore Campaign Pack für Conquest kämpfen die Nords gegen die Mächte des Old Dominion.

Lore Campaign Pack – Crucible of Wills: Ashes and Faith – $59.99

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Stoking the memories of past tragedies and reigniting an eons-long rivalry, this storied lore campaign pack includes exciting battles and a saga worthy of remembrance! This set will come with a uniquely designed campaign book to encourage new and interesting narrative play for these armies. The boxed set will include the Command Cards for these miniatures, bases and stands, and the Campaign book with folded maps.

Also included will be two $5 off coupons, allowing fans to purchase STLs of the all new, exceptionally designed Conquest terrain for the Nords and the Old Dominion. The terrain sets will be available as STLs through the Para Bellum Games online shop directly, and we will have select partners to provide physically produced versions of these on their third-party websites. These STLs will be available on an ongoing basis.

Lore Campaign Pack – Crucible of Wills: Ashes and Faith is available for pre-order.
Release date: Friday, December 27, 2024


  • 1 Campaign Book for the Nords vs Old Dominion battle
  • 1 Special Sculpted Miniature of Faithbearer Reginleif (Volva)
  • 1 Special Sculpted Miniature of Andronicus the Firebringer (Archimandrite)
  • 2 Command Cards
  • 2 Infantry Bases and Stand
  • 1 Folded Map
  • Assembly Instructions
  • 2 5$ Discount Coupons for STL Terrain!


Ashes and Faith is the newest entry to Conquest’s lore campaign series, featuring an ancient conflict between the Nords and the Old Dominion, harkening back to the legendary events of Ragnarök. Faithbearer Reginleif, a Volva devoted to the god-like Einherjar, travels to the lifeless lands of the Old Dominion, seeking a relic tied to the shrouded history of her people and their slain gods. In her way stands Andronicus the Firebringer, an Archimandrite that once crusaded against the Nords of old and played an instrumental role in their demise – now in the possession of one of their most treasured artifacts.

Quelle: Para Bellum

Conquest ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Taschengelddieb erhältlich.


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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  • Moin

    Ich weiss nicht. Die Minis holen mich beide nicht ab.
    Während er total überladen und steif ist, ist die slavische Dame eine nette Idee. Mal abgesehen von dieser bogenartige Haltung geht das Geweih gar nicht. Mag vielleicht Fluffmässig passen, zerstört für mich aber den Gesamteindruck.



  • Die Miniaturen sind ganz schick. Para Bellum hat sich echt verbessert. Fürs Bemalen wären beide ganz schick. Bin mal gespannt wann mal die Wadrhun dran sind mit einem Missionenpaket.

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