von BK-Jonah | 17.12.2024 | eingestellt unter: Conquest

Conquest: Neue Preorders

Para Bellum schicken die Neuheiten der Hundred Kingdoms in die Vorbestellung.

Archangel – $129.99

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Kindled by the faith of the Theist devout, the Archangels of the Theos have descended upon Ea to cleanse the land of the enemies of the Theist Church. Boundless faith given form and definition by the shattered places of worship that their followers have sacrificed, these beings are relentless foes of any who would oppose the church. Their mere presence on the battlefield elevates the faith of the devout to terrifying heights, enabling them to perform feats of faith and valour no foe has recourse against. This monster model includes an alternate head and weaponry.

How They Play:

Faith taken form from the rubbles of consecrated grounds – the Archangels will make your opponents think twice before setting foot on places of worship. Guided by religious zeal they act as powerful beacons of a Theist’s Priests miraculous powers. With a choice of Greatsword and Shield and Spear you have a chance to customize your Archangels to fit a host of different roles from Objective Zone holder to a versatile combat monster!

Hundred Kingdoms – Supercharged One Player Starter Set – $159.99

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Box Contents

● 1 Crusader Noble Lord
● 1 Female Noble Lord
● 12 Sicarri
● 12 Men-At-Arms REMIX|
● 12 Crusaders
● 3 Mounted Squires
● 3 Plastic Cavalry Bases and Stands
● 34 Plastic Infantry Bases
● 11 Plastic Infantry Stands
● 8 Command Cards
● Quick Start Guide
● Welcome Guide
● 2D Terrain
● Assembly Instructions
● Measuring Tool
● Foldable paper Map of EA
● 12 16mm Dice

A supercharged 1 player starter ready to play a game of First Blood or The Last Argument of Kings. This new Hundred Kingdom set is loaded with a beautiful infantry set of the new Sicarii, the first look at the Remixed,rescultpt of the Men at Arms, a set of the new Crusaders, a set of Cavalry with the Mounted Squires, the new Crusading Noble Lord and the current Female Noble Lord so you can command your army using the Dynastic Alliances rules.

You can use both leaders out of the box. A complementary set to the 5th Anniversary Starter Set also available now. This set is a well built First Blood army as well as a great beginning set to play a game of Last Argument of Kings.

How do the Hundred Kingdoms play?

The Hundred Kingdoms cannot claim to have the best troops, but they have damn good troops and they tend to have more of them. Their cavalry is second to none and the intrinsic flexibility of the human mindset means your opponent cannot be certain what he will face: A veteran force of hard bitten infantry supported by powerful casters? A thundering charge led by an impetuous lord that bets everything on the speed of horse and strength of arms? OR The canny and disciplined combined arms approach of a shrewd imperial officer who leverages each of these pieces into a sum greater than the whole?

Sicarii – $39.99

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Barred by law from employing men at arms, the Theist Church has turned to the Sicarii to become their main bodyguards and enforcers. The archaic form and wording of this ancient ban was circumvented by the Church arguing that as the Sicarii go into battle unarmored and even more ancient laws allow all peasants to carry ‚blades‘ for hunting or self defense.

Their political clout has allowed them to exploit these technicalities to deploy the Sicarii in numbers, but still deprives them of the ability to employ more conventional forces. Raised since orphans on the Church’s creed, the Sicarii are fearsome and devoted warriors, unflinching in the face of death in battle against the enemies of their faith.

How They Play:

Originally the bodyguards of Theists Priest, the Sicarii are a truly menacing force on the Battlefield! Armed with armor cleaving falchions and supported by the powerful spells of the faithful – the Sicarii combine a powerful punch with a zealous determination to hold their ground!

Crusading Noble Lord – $24.99

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The reasons a Noble Lord might take up the mantle of a crusade are many and varied, ranging from the practical to the spiritual, but the end results are often the same: a loyal noble in charge of an armed host at the disposal of the church to wield against its sanctioned enemies without infringing upon the ancient laws that still bind the church. These warriors take up the mantle of the devout and strike fear into the hearts of their foe who know no action is forbidden to them in pursuit of the Churches enemies.

How They Play:

Dedicated to the Theist Church these Noble Lords have renounced the privileges of nobility to wage war against the enemies of the Hundred Kingdoms. Combining troops usually associated with the Feudal part of the 100K roster you are able to create a force entirely of Crusaders, zealous Sicarii, mighty Archangels and waves of faithful Militia!

Errant of the Order of the Shield (Character) – $24.99

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During the early reign of the Hundred Kingdoms, the Order of the Shield took it upon itself to protect man from its most dangerous predators. Eschewing the combat formations of their predecessors, the Order of the Shield traveled the lands alone and sought to alleviate suffering where they could. The Emperor elevated their Order to the rank of Imperial Magistrates, allowing the Errant Knights of the Shield to work as judge, jury and executioner against all but the most powerful of noble houses.

This did not endear them to the nobility, and when the last Emperor died one of their first moves was to seek out and destroy any members of this ancient order. Today they are few and far in between but continue their thankless task of protecting the citizens and peasants of the 100 Kingdoms against all those who would prey upon them, especially the nobility itself.

How They Play:

Protecting the citizens and peasants of the 100 Kingdoms, the Errant gathers the forces of the Militia launching a crusade of law and righteousness against those who seek to oppress them. Where light troops seem to struggle at first glance, the Errant may call the Orders directly to help – allowing you to build a truly unique Warband mixed with Militia and powerful Order Regiments!

Quelle: Para Bellum Wargames

Conquest ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Taschengelddieb erhältlich.


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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    • Das ist nicht nur ein Gefühl.
      Beim Design kann man natürlich noch streiten, aber die Produktion wurde verlagert (nach Polen iirc) und der Guss ist nun einfach besser, womit die Minis schicker sind.

  • Die Men-at-arms und die Kreuzritter sehen qualitativ schon viel besser aus als der Conquest-Kram, den es bisher so gab (mit Abstrichen, einige wenige Figuren davon sahen/sehen ganz gut aus), allerdings sind sie auch sehr generisch.

    Diese Kampfmönche dagegen haben was und erinnern mich ein bisschen an Menoth von Warmachine. Eine Sub-Fraktion nur in dem Style hätte was.

    Mal sehen, wenn die anderen Fraktionen überarbeitet sind, gebe ich Conquest vielleicht mal eine Chance.

    • Und wie! Das war auch meine sofortige Assoziation.
      Und noch Chronopia / Warzone.

      Witzig auch, dass Sie hier die alte Idee des „Waffenverbots“ aufgegriffen haben, dies aber bei Conquest zu den größten Klingenwaffen führt (jedoch keine Rüstung).

  • Schöne Minis! Und wie auch schon bei den Nords neulich geschrieben, würde ich mich gerne freuen, falls jemand mal Bilder teilen könnte, wo die Minis mal etwas dreckiger angemalt wurden…. im… eher…grimdark style.

  • Sehr schönes Update und neue Modelle. Mir sind die Hundred Kingdoms etwas zu generisch, aber die Sicarii und den Engel find ich sehr cool, habe aber genug mit meinen beiden Fraktionen zu tun.

  • Schade, dass Para Bellum am Ende doch von den eigenen guten Vorsätzen abgerückt ist, den 100 Kingdoms niemals Fantasy Einheiten geben zu wollen. Und dann ist der Erzengel nicht mal was besonderes – da haben die anderen Fraktionen deutlich epischere „Big Base Einheiten“.

    Dafür war das Redesign der Men-At-Arms dringend notwendig. Die neuen Minis sind weitaus schicker als die alten, aber auch nicht perfekt – zu viele gleiche Posen für meinen Geschmack.

    Die neuen Kreuzfahrer zu Fuß als alternative Bauotion sind dafür richtig klasse, genauso wie die Kirchenfanatiker im Stil der „Spanish Inquisition“.

  • Alter Finne, sehen die großartig aus. Ich schleiche seit Jahren drumherum, Dino-Orks, Untote Römer da war dann immer das Spielgefühl ein Nein Argument, das einzige was mich bei den 100K abgehalten hat, waren viele Designs.

    Count me In, Weihnachtsgeschenk an mich selber, ich will diesen Engel bemalen!

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