von BK-Christian | 07.06.2024 | eingestellt unter: Conquest

Conquest: Hashashin und Kultisten

Para Bellum haben einen neuen Dual-Kit vorgestellt.

PB Para Bellum Conquest Hashashin (Dual Kit) Old Dominion 1 PB Para Bellum Conquest Hashashin (Dual Kit) Old Dominion 2 PB Para Bellum Conquest Hashashin (Dual Kit) Old Dominion 3 PB Para Bellum Conquest Hashashin (Dual Kit) Old Dominion 4 PB Para Bellum Conquest Hashashin (Dual Kit) Old Dominion 5 PB Para Bellum Conquest Hashashin (Dual Kit) Old Dominion 6

Hashashin (Dual Kit) – Old Dominion – € 39.99

Much like the God himself, worship of Hazlia did not quite die in the aftermath of the Fall. Small isolated monasteries that worshiped their god and his apocalyptic vision survived by raiding, cannibalism and other methods too foul to describe. Once discovered, the fanatics among their number were selected and inducted into the mysteries of Hazlia’s deathly cult, promised ascension into his deathless ranks should they succeed in killing their target through whatever means they can muster. Today the Cultists and Hashashin operate independently of the undead Legions, sowing chaos and death ahead of their relentless advance. 

How they play:

Elite and light troops, the Hashashin operate from the flanks of Legionnaire Regiments, patiently waiting for the opportunity to attack the enemy’s vulnerable flanks. The Hashashin are the premier Old Dominion tool for dealing with early-game aggression!

Box Contents

●    Dual Kit. Contains 12 Plastic Miniatures (Hashashin/Cultists, with the option of making their respective command models)
●    3 Infantry Plastic Stands
●    12 Bases
●    2 Command Cards

Product Information

●    Assembly: Required.
●    Box size: 30x15x6cm; 300gr
●    Material: Plastic
●    Scale: 38mm

PB Para Bellum Conquest Cultists (Dual Kit) Old Dominion 1 PB Para Bellum Conquest Cultists (Dual Kit) Old Dominion 2 PB Para Bellum Conquest Cultists (Dual Kit) Old Dominion 3 PB Para Bellum Conquest Cultists (Dual Kit) Old Dominion 4 PB Para Bellum Conquest Cultists (Dual Kit) Old Dominion 5 PB Para Bellum Conquest Cultists (Dual Kit) Old Dominion 6

Cultists (Dual Kit) – Old Dominion – € 39.99

Much like the God himself, worship of Hazlia did not quite die in the aftermath of the Fall. Small isolated monasteries that worshiped their god and his apocalyptic vision survived by raiding, cannibalism and other methods too foul to describe. Once discovered, the fanatics among their number were selected and inducted into the mysteries of Hazlia’s deathly cult, promised ascension into his deathless ranks should they succeed in killing their target through whatever means they can muster. Today the Cultists and Hashashin operate independently of the undead Legions, sowing chaos and death ahead of their relentless advance. 

How they play:

Fanatical zealots, the Cultists roam the battlefield permeated by an unholy aura. They excel when supporting Regiments like Bone Golems, Kheres, or any other Regiment with the Aura of Death Special Rule, as their ranged attacks cause enemies to suffer additional damage from these effects.

Box Contents

●    Dual Kit. Contains 12 Plastic Miniatures (Hashashin/Cultists, with the option of making their respective command models)
●    3 Infantry Plastic Stands
●    12 Bases
●    2 Command Cards

Product Information

●    Assembly: Required.
●    Box size: 30x15x6cm; 300gr
●    Material: Plastic
●    Scale: 38mm

Conquest ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Quelle: Para Bellum


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Als KUltistendesigns ziemlich gut. Ich hätte mir bei den Fernkampf-Kultisten aber irgendwie was anderes vorgestellt als Fanatiker, die Giftgefüllte Fläschchen auf den Feind werfen.

    • Das ist kein Gift. Wenn man als Lebende unter lauter Untoten unterwegs ist, gibt es halt keine Pinkelpausen… 😉

  • Die Minis sagen mir nicht soooo zu. Kp warum, vielleicht wirken sie als R&F einfach nicht.

    Bei Taschengelddieb gibt es auch Bilder von weiteren Neuerscheinungen, die gefallen mir alle deutlich besser.

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