Comet Lord Miniatures: Neue Previews
Es gibt neue Previews von Comet Lord Miniatures.
Oathbound beyond death – The Knight of The Golden Will of Saint Maximilliano.Available on Patreon/Tribe throughout December.
Melchor, The Silent Death. One of Ssint Maximilliano’s chosen death knights that help lead The Perpetual Order.Available on my Patreon/Tribe now until the end of December.
Alvaro, The Father of Thorns. In the end, all must suffer.Available now through the December release.
The Perpetual Order has returned.Malpacifica, The Peacemaker and more are available on my Patreon/Tribe throughout December.
Gefühlt für mich so eine Mischung aus Kingdom Death und Sigmarines – aber so viel Ahnung habe ich von beiden nicht…
Lieben Gruß