von BK-Bob | 11.06.2024 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Cohors Cthulhu: Tactics Adventure Wargame Kickstarter

Modiphius Entertainment neuester Kickstarter mergt Antike und Cthulhu Mythos.

Cohors Cthulhu: Tactics Adventure Wargame

Fight the Cults of Cthulhu across the Roman Empire with a complete wargame and range of 28mm scale Heroes and Mythos monster miniatures

Cohors Cthulhu Tactics Adventure Wargame 1

Where once mighty legions marched, and valiant tribes fought. Where legends walked the lands and terrors prowled the vast forests. Where ancient secrets unlocked immense power and inhuman gods threatened chaos and destruction…

Follow your hero’s journey across tabletop battlefields in a fantastical Roman Empire. Play a solo/co-op adventure wargame that battles you as intuitively and tactically as any human opponent.

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Summon heroes from across the Roman Empire to fight alone or with allies against the eldritch forces of the outer gods. Carve your way through the mist-shrouded Germanic forests, encountering strange ruins, and monstrous enemies at every turn. Can your heroes keep your soldiers together against the unfathomable hordes or will their sanity shatter as quickly as their ranks? Your enemy, the malevolent Outer God Mendaxius will match the wits of your mightiest heroes and the size of your legions, ensuring you always face a vile, and relentless foe. 

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Are you motivated by love, glory, honor or power? Will you stay and face insurmountable odds or retreat to fight another day? Every decision is in your hands, and each one will have repercussions… for good or ill. Follow a branching story of your heroes, from a ragtag band of desperate survivors to the charismatic leaders of a powerful Roman legion and its allies!

Cohors Cthulhu: Tactics is a brand new horror-themed miniatures game set in the Cohors Cthulhu universe during the height of Imperial Rome. You begin your heroic journey as one of a handful of survivors of an ambush, desperately trying to escape the Mythos-ridden mists of a Germanic forest.

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Over the course of the Prologue and three procedurally generating narrative Acts, you will tell the branching story of your heroes, from a ragtag band of desperate survivors to the charismatic leaders of a powerful legion and its allies! Unlock side quests to discover new storylines, allies, creatures, character options, Atlantean Armories and Hyperborean powers!

The three-act structure breaks up the rules and the size of the game so you don’t have to buy or learn everything at once, and lets you build your miniatures collection and scenics bit by bit based on your preferences and choices.

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Do you want to focus on a few heroes with a skirmish-scale game? Stick with Act 1. Ready to lead some small units and watch them grow? Dive into Act 2 and try the Warband scale. When you’re ready for the ultimate challenge, prepare yourself for the Rank & Flank tactics of Act 3 as you’ll face eldritch horrors and the full power of the Outer Gods. Only the might of the Roman legion and your Germanic allies, powerful heroes, clever tactics, and the will of the gods will seize the day!

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Our miniatures are 28mm scale, multi-part, unpainted, high-quality resin production from our very own award-winning factory, Modiphius Manufacturing, in Cornwall, UK. They come from the same team that produces the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare and The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms.

We’re planning a wide range of 28mm scale multi-part resin heroes, Mythos creatures, and factions, scaled to match popular historical ranges making it easy to expand your forces. You’ll find heroes from across the Roman Empirecenturions, scoundrels, nobles, hunters, priests, druids, assassins, soldiers, and warriorsmore than enough for you to choose the right characters for your heroic journey and lead your forces to victory over your eldritch enemies.

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Facing them will be the full might of the Outer Gods: The Cult of Mormo with their Priests, Servitors, Ghouls, Overlords of Mormo, and Teufelshunde. We want to unlock plenty of monstrosities to fuel your nightmares, amazing thematic terrain and finally, the Outer Gods may turn their vast intellects to defeat you, sending devastating Avatars to the battlefields.

Cohors Cthulhu: Tactics was designed by Modiphius CCO Chris Birch, with development by James Hewitt and Sophie Williams and the Modiphius development team, based on the original concepts in Clash of Spears by Alvaro Erize and Francisco Erize.

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Cohors Cthulhu is a setting for Lovecraftian horror placed against a backdrop of epic heroism, intrigue, and strife during the height of the early Roman Empire to fight otherworldly monsters. Mormo—an outer god—has unleashed a myriad of schemes to corrupt once-sacred cults across Rome, Germania, and beyond. In the shadows lurk powerful, corrupted survivors of Atlantis, their minds twisted by Sarthothus, the Shattered God, whose alien intellect has infected the Atlantean relics upon which their power relies.

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Ancient, godlike beings slumber beneath the oceans and in lost ruins, sending dreams to their cults; Deep Ones raid along the rivers for malevolent purposes. Mi-Go, dangerous visitors from other stars, have sent expeditions to plunder resources, and perform horrific experiments. Nightmarish creatures and ancient beings of incalculable power stalk the periphery of civilization, seeking living things upon which to feast… or worse.

Centurion Marius‘ Appeal to the Heroes kann Hier gehört werden.

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It falls to the heroes to plunder forgotten ruins, seek out strange allies, enter into dubious pacts, and explore untamed forests where malign cultists prowl—all to empower themselves against the Mythos. They may find Atlantean relics, become transformed by Hyperborean armouries, or earn the blessings of more benevolent gods. Ordinary mortals can aspire to rise as demigods and make a stand against the impending cataclysm. It remains to be seen if they can surmount these heights, or if they will instead fall to the malevolent forces seeking to corrupt their aspirations.

High Priestess Maeren’s Warning kann Hier gehört werden.

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Der Prolog kann Hier gefunden werden.

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Der Tabletop Simulator Mod kann Hier gefunden werden.


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Stretch Goals:

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Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 18 Tage.

Quelle: Cohors Cthulhu: Tactics Adventure Wargame


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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      • Ich hab damals beim „Siege of the Citadel“ Kickstarter von Modiphius mitgemacht. War eine ziemliche Katastrophe, was Kommunikation und Durchführung anging, kam dann halt nur 5Jahre zu spät und wirkte letztlich ziemlich hingerotzt … Mal abgesehen davon finde ich die Preispolitik der Firma auch nicht so berauschend.

        An und für sich ein interessantes Thema mit Chtuhullu, aber ich glaube mit „Broken Legion“ von Osprey kommt man da auch gut hin.

      • Beim Infinity-RPG fand ich sie auch unterirdisch.
        Das Korrekturlesen an die zahlende Community der Backer auszulagern, statt jemanden dafür zu bezahlen, der das auch gut macht, hat natürlich zu allerlei Fehlern im Endprodukt geführt.
        Und vor allem wurde das mit einer dreisten Erwartungshaltung kommuniziert: Hört mal, wir wollen das drucken, wir haben noch nicht genug Feedback, denkt an die Deadline!

  • Vorschaubilder auf denen man was erkennen könnte wären toll gewesen.

    Da kann das BK Team aber nix für die sind auch auf der KS seite so selstam wenig Vertrauen erwerkend klein oder wimmelig.

    • Ja, find es auch befremdlich ein Miniaturenspiel finanziert bekommen zu wollen und dann gibt es keine vernünftigen Bilder der Minis. Insgesamt sind die von dem was man erkennen kann recht simpel gehalten und die beiden Inhaltsübersichten sind schon in Ordnung. Nur im Video kann man sie halbwegs gut erkennen, aber es wirkt nicht so überzeugend von der Gesamtdarstellung.

      Die Idee scheint ja recht frisch und somit vllt interessant.

    • Ok, muss den Kommentar zum Teil etwas revidieren. Unterhalb von „Why back this?“ Gibt es viele Links zu vorherigen Blogeinträgen in denen man sehr viele gute Bilder sehen kann.

      Bleibt dabei, dass man das erstmal wahrnehmen muss und somit nicht optimal.

  • Setting wäre auf alle Fälle interessant. Allerdings hab ich schon so viel das nie das Licht der Welt erblicken wird, das ich nicht mehr jede Stl brauche.

  • Genau mein Ding und dank der SG hat man in dem 130 ja bald 51 sehr brauchbare Minis samt Regeln und Zubehör

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