von BK-Pascal | 05.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Cobramode: Oktober Patreon

Im Oktober haben Cobramode wieder ein STL-Paket für Patreons zusammengestellt.

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Here’s the Lore for this month:

Oni (Demons of Despair)

The Oni are the creations of the god of Despair, Yami no Zetsubou-nushi. His chosen people, the demon ogres are his worshippers and servants, doing his bidding or carrying out his will as they see fit. They are a strictly hierarchical religious order despite their inherently chaotic natures, with more powerful Oni ruling over others with terror and strength, and their god acting as the ultimate authority. Generally, the goal of the Oni is to break open the Sealed Gate so that their god may enter the mundane realm and remake it in his image.

Hoju – Oni Vassal

Hoju is an Oni representing bestial values of savagery and self preservation. Though being greedy and self-centered is not exactly rare amongst the Demons of Despair, Hoju has taken it to an elevated art.

Shukai – Oni Vassal

Shukai is a drunk, espousing overindulgence, though his peers think he should have been the Oni of laziness due to his lack of motivation. Despite this, he is one of the chiefs of magical engineering who are assigned to work on weakening the Gate’s seal. When he actually shows up to work, he can have some rare and innovative insights; but neither happen very often.

Kyokotsu – Oni Behemoth

As a Behemoth, Kyokotsu often gets pigeonholed into various muscle-bound roles like bruiser, and intimidator. His massive size and lumpy appearance has also invited unfavorable assessments on his intelligence, regardless of his eloquence. Truthfully, Kyokotsu is fairly erudite and well-read, but resigns himself to the role of a silent enforcer for the sake of simplicity. This doesn’t stop him from using his physique to its full advantage, though.

Inmetsu – Oni Abbot

Known for his devoutness, Inmetsu is a dedicated follower of the god of Despair and high in the demon hierarchy. Inward-looking and deeply monastic, he is extremely intelligent and strategic, which the other Oni rightfully find frightening. Inmetsu’s closeness to Yami no Zetsubou-nushi has granted him access to magic power on a scale not usually seen in followers of living gods. He channels his spells through ominous chanting and ritualistic movements, and it is said that just hearing his chants can lock one into a state of frozen terror.

Futaba & Kozue – Oni Children

Young Oni recently created by the god of Despair, Futaba and Kozue are still figuring things out. Being at the bottom of the hierarchy, they aren’t trusted with a whole lot. The pair have been charged with evening patrol, with Futaba carrying a lantern to light the way and Kozue with a stick to defend them. Kozue brags that he’ll fight off intruders with his stick, but their main role is to raise the alarm if they see anything out of the ordinary.

Quelle: Cobramode auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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