von BK-Pascal | 13.08.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Cobramode: August Patreon

Im August haben Cobramode wieder ein STL-Paket für Patreons zusammengestellt.

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Here’s this month’s Lore:

Iron Heart – Guanghan Wrestler

The tough older sister of Iron Wall, Iron Heart is a bare-handed fighter who specializes in wrestling and ground fighting. Her bulk and strength gives her an incredible advantage in overpowering opponents, while her thick fur and dewlap offer significant protection against weapons. Trained in the tradition of unarmed and unarmored martial arts, she is primarily a show and competition fighter with a dedicated following of fans. She does, however, take on mercenary work when the cause (and the pay) suits her, mostly working with her little brother, Iron Wall.

Iron Wall – Guanghan Wrestler

Wrestling tends to be a mostly female sport due to the larger upper limit of size for female Guanghan, but some of the lighter weight classes feature male Guanghan like Iron Wall. Inspired by his older sister, Iron Wall entered the wrestling realm to pursue strength and glory in the ring. Outside of competitions, the two siblings make a formidable and intimidating tag team as mercenaries and bodyguards. Iron Wall looks up to his sister above all other wrestlers and hopes to be as powerful as she is someday.

Fierce Flame – Guanghan Warrior

Fierce Flame is a veteran caravan guard who uses a sword and heavy shield. Her moniker comes from her Flickering Blade technique, which uses light and agile attacks from behind the stolid defense of her shield. A patient and unglamorous style, Fierce Flame is known as a no-nonsense fighter who doesn’t like to take unnecessary risks, a much appreciated trait in her profession. A warm-hearted warrior, she is also known for her boisterous, hearty laugh and for taking new guards under her wing.

Elegant Sword – Guanghan Swordmaster

Though Elegant Sword is in his twilight years, he has retained his martial prowess due to the Qi techniques he learned from the Xueren in his wandering youth. Having now settled back down in the Guanghan territories, he is seeking worthy students to pass on the Drifting Cloud sword style, a deceptively slow-seeming and careful style that emphasizes hidden attacks from unexpected angles. He often spars with his students while holding a full teacup, and has told them that their training will be complete when they can do the same without spilling a drop. The students are often rewarded with a finely brewed cup of their own, which they enjoy together on the school’s veranda after training. He is a patient and well-loved teacher, and has several promising students in his school.


Plantform Nature Spirits

The Qiang Shen Shang is known for being the home of many mysterious beasts and creatures. Many of them are Nature Spirits taking various forms; in this case, plant forms. The Guanghan Rabbitfolk have a fraught history with the Nature Spirits of their homeland, and although the Elemental Dragons ultimately punished the Guanghan for their arrogance and disregard, not all the Nature Spirits have forgiven the Rabbitfolk. Occasionally disputes will still arise, especially when the lands of the Nature Spirits are disturbed. At these times, the Spirits will manifest and attack the offending Guanghan and their villages. During peaceful times, the Spirits can be observed wandering the Thousand Sacred Mountains and caring for the land and its creatures.

Quelle: Cobramode auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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